

泡在奶味里1年前 (2023-12-03)阅读数 11#综合百科





而有的人则会主动行善积德,主动供养 主动学习 主动修行 主动持戒 主动尊师重道,这就是主动所带来的好处!它能让一个人快速提升自己,改变不良习气毛病!

被动也是一样,有的人平时从来不喜欢和别人打交道,尤其是一些杂七杂八的人,从来不去聚会 酒肉朋友一个都没有,也不走亲访友 ,舍弃小家容入世界大家庭!整天像闭关的的人一样,不随便开口讲话,话不投机半句多!整天只做主动修行有关的事,所以其余的一切都变成了被动,这种被动就是非常的好。如同佛菩萨一样,安住在自己的本位,让众生主动的来供养佛 来求佛 来求法!


Active and passive: Active means you discover others, and other masters find apprentices; passive means let others come to you, for example, you open a store and let others come to buy things! Or the apprentice came to see the master.

Active and passive are relative terms, and the two are interdependent! In life, if you do not speak, others take the initiative to speak, you are passive, and others are active.

There is no difference between active and passive, because good or bad depends on the specific situation!

Some people like to take the initiative to cause trouble, or some people will take the initiative to interfere with others, this is the harm that the initiative brings. People who smoke and drink are a typical example!

And some people will take the initiative to do good and accumulate virtue, take the initiative to provide for, take the initiative to learn, take the initiative to practice, take the initiative to hold the precepts, take the initiative to respect the teacher and respect the way. It allows a person to quickly improve themselves and change bad habits!

Passiveness is the same. Some people never like to deal with others, especially some miscellaneous people. They never go to parties. They don't have any friends or friends, and they don't visit relatives and friends. They abandon their small family and join the world family! Like a person in retreat all day, he doesn't talk casually, and he doesn't talk too much! I only do things related to active practice all day, so everything else becomes passive. This kind of passiveness is very good. Just like Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, live in your own position and let sentient beings take the initiative to provide for the Buddha, ask for the Buddha, and ask for the Dharma!

Therefore, the good and bad of active and passive are different from person to person! (Wuji Zen Master)

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