

小肉包1年前 (2023-12-03)阅读数 10#综合百科

1. Symbian 收费证书签名。 即用 Symbian(塞班)手机操作系统官方颁发的收费证书签名。通过了 Symbian 安全认证的软件才会获得 Symbian 的证书,这个认证是需要收费的,且每更新一次版本可能还得重新认证。该类软件有较高的安全级别。在手机上能正常安装/运行/且能实现软件提供的所有功能。 2. 作者使用公共免费证书签名。 软件作者在发布软件的时候就使用公共免费证书对软件进行了签名。这类软件可以在手机上安装运行(可能会遇到安全性警告,可跳过)。但因为公共免费证书权限较低,故不能实现那些“被特别限制”了的功能。如果某软件根本不涉及这类功能,那么软件作者也完全可能自己签名就行了。还有一种可能就是软件虽然有某部分功能属于“被特别限制”的范围,但并不是主要功能。软件作者也可能发布一个“作者签名版”,这样的版本可以正常使用大部分功能,但会丧失一些特定功能。如“来电通”软件就有这样的版,几乎全部功能都可以使用,只是不能开机自启动。 3. 用户签名(使用开发证书)。 严格来说这个应该是属于“开发者签名”。因为 Symbian 为软件开发者提供一种“开发证书”,原意本来 是让软件开发者作软件测试用的。这个“开发证书”是与作为测试用的机器的 IMEI 码挂钩的。使用这种证书签名的软件只能在该 IMEI 码对应的机器上使用,不能用于别的机器。 我们所谓的“自签名”其实就是利用了这个方式,说白了就是你说你是开发软件的,你提供你测试机器的 IMEI 码,Symbian 颁发给你一个“开发证书”,你用这个证书签名你的“测试软件”。你自己对你自己的“开发行为”负责!如此而已。另外,开发证书自颁发日起有效期为三年.但签署好了的程序的使用时限是没有限制的(证书过期以后可通过修改手机系统日期的方式安装,装完后修改回来即可)。




When you're building an ecommerce site one of the first things you'll need to set up is a security certificate so that your server data will be secure. When you set this up, you have the option of creating a self-signed cerficate or creating a certificate approved by a certificate authority.

Similarities Between Signed and Self-Signed Certificates

Whether you get your certificate signed by a certificate authority or sign it yourself, there is one thing that is exactly the same on both:

Both certificates will generate a site that cannot be read by third-parties. The data sent over an https connection or SSL, will be encrypted regardless of whether the certificate is signed or self-signed.

In other words, both types of certificates will encrypt the data to create a secure website.

Then Why Pay a Certificate Authority?

A certificate authority tells your customers that this server information has been verified by a trusted source. The most commonly used Certificate Authority is Verisign. Depending upon which CA is used, the domain is verified and a certificate is issued. Verisign and other more trusted CAs will verify the existence of the business in question and the ownership of the domain to provide a bit more security that the site in question is legitimate.

The problem with using a self-signed certificate is that nearly every Web browser checks that an https connection is signed by a recognized CA. If the connection is self-signed, this will be flagged as potentially risky and error messages will pop up encouraging your customers to not trust the site.

When Can You Use a Self-Signed Certificate?

Since they provide the same protection, you can use a self-signed cerificate anywhere you would use a signed certificate. But some places work better than others.

Self-signed certificates are great for testing servers. If you're creating a website that you need to test over an https connection, you don't have to pay for a signed certificate for that testing site. You just need to tell your testers that their browser may pop warning messages.


You can also use self-signed certificates for situations that require privacy, but people might not be as concerned about. For example:

Username and password forms

Collecting personal (non-financial) information

On forms where the only users are people who know and trust you

What it comes down to is trust. When you use a self-signed certificate, you are saying to your customers "trust me - I am who I say I am." When you use a certificate signed by a CA, you are saying, "Trust me - Verisign agrees I am who I say I am."

If You're Doing Ecommerce You Need a Signed Certificate

While it is possible your customers will forgive you a self-signed certificate if all they use it for is to login to your website. But if you're asking them to input their credit card or Paypal information, then you really need a signed certificate. Most people trust the signed certificates and won't do business over an HTTPS server without one. So if you're trying to sell something on your website, invest in that certificate. It's just a cost of doing business.

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