setlocale() - 设置地区信息 - php 字符串函数
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
setlocale(int $category, string $locale[,string $...] ): stringsetlocale(int $category, array $locale) : string设置地区信息。
or the empty string"", the locale names will be set from the values of environment variables with the same names as the above categories, or from "LANG".
If$localeis"0", the locale setting is not affected, only the current setting is returned.
If$localeis an array or followed by additional parameters then each array element or parameter is tried to be set as new locale until success. This is useful if a locale is known under different names on different systems or for providing a fallback for a possibly not available locale.
Returns the new current locale,orFALSE
if the locale functionality is not implemented on your platform, the specified locale does not exist or the category name is invalid.
An invalid category name also causes a warning message. Category/locale names can be found in» RFC 1766and» ISO 639. Different systems have different naming schemes for locales.
Note:The return value ofsetlocale()depends on the system that PHP is running. It returns exactly what the systemsetlocalefunction returns.
版本 | 说明 |
5.3.0 | This function now throws anE_DEPRECATED notice if a string is passed to the$categoryparameter instead of one of theLC_*constants. |
Example #1setlocale()Examples
where directory structure of locale is (for example) : locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/ locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/ and ABSPATH is the absolute path to the locale dir further note, under linux systems, it seems to be necessary to create the locale at os level using 'locale-gen'.
Setting locale that is not supported by your system will result in some string operations returning a question mark "?" in your strings where it needs to perform transliteration. 1) Always check the return of setlocale() to ensure it has set to something supported 2) on Linux you can use the "locale -a" command to find a list of supported locales
In *some* Windows systems, setting LC_TIME only will not work, you must either set LC_ALL or both LC_CTYPE and LC_TIME. BUT if you have already set LC_TIME using setlocale earlier in the script, dates will not be affected! For example: will not work, while will do the job.
Instead, using php with IIS, I had to use this line for Italian language...
Posting this in the hope it might be useful to others, as I could find very little info anywhere. If you want to use a Welsh locale and have the suitable language support installed, you pass 'cym' (abbreviated form of Cymraeg) to setlocale: The above certainly applies to Windows systems, but should also apply to Unix if the required support is installed. Cheers, Bryn.
The example from bruno dot cenou at revues dot org below shows the possibility, but I want to spell it out: you can add charset info to setlocale. Example: Into my utf-8-encoded page I want to insert the name of the current month, which happens to be March, in German "März" - with umlaut. If you use setlocale(LC_TIME, 'de_DE'); echo strftime("%B"); this will return "März", but that html-entity will look like this on a utf-8 page: "M?rz". Not what I want. But if you use setlocale(LC_TIME, 'de_DE.UTF8'); // note the charset info ! echo strftime("%B"); this returns "M√§rz", which, on utf-8, looks like it should: "März".
In addition to russ, about getting / backing up the locale: I'm using this in unit-tests. I wanted to test something based on locale, and reset the locale after the tests were done. Yet there were some errors; * setlocale doesn't like strings anymore. You need to use constants. * Some contants don't exist anymore. Here's an updated piece of code:
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