
similar_text() - 计算两个字符串的相似度 - php 字符串函数

梵高1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 21#技术干货


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)



similar_text(string $first, string $second[,float &$percent] ): int

两个字符串的相似程度计算依据 Programming Classics: Implementing the World's Best Algorithms by Oliver (ISBN 0-131-00413-1)的描述进行。注意该实现没有使用 Oliver 虚拟码中的堆栈,但是却进行了递归调用,这个做法可能会导致整个过程变慢或变快。也请注意,该算法的复杂度是 O(N**3),N 是最长字符串的长度。





similar_text() - 计算两个字符串的相似度 - php 字符串函数







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Hey there,
Be aware when using this function, that the order of passing the strings is very important if you want to calculate the percentage of similarity, in fact, altering the variables will give a very different result, example :
Please note that this function calculates a similarity of 0 (zero) for two empty strings.
Recursive algorithm usually is very elegant one. I found a way to get better precision without the recursion. Imagine two different (or same) length ribbons with letters on each. You simply shifting one ribbon to left till it matches the letter the first.
Note that this function is case sensitive:
Well, as mentioned above the speed is O(N^3), i've done a longest common subsequence way that is O(m.n) where m and n are the length of str1 and str2, the result is a percentage and it seems to be exactly the same as similar_text percentage but with better performance... here's the 3 functions i'm using..

you can skip calling str_lcsfix if you don't worry about accentuated characters and things like that or you can add up to it or modify it for faster performance, i think ereg is not the fastest way?
hope this helps.
Like levenchtein(), You can do :
(strlen($string2) - similar_text($string,$string2))
to see how much characters have been changed.
@I_HATE_SPAMMER- PAZ! (http://php.net/similar_text#115994)
Not only will your code fail the "turkey test" (google it), and for a matter most comments here that use strtoupper()/strtolower(), it also depends very much on the use-case; maybe I wanted the 75% ? I don't see the value of such comments; this is something everybody could've come op with. It's basic programming and turning requirements into algorithms.

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