
str_getcsv() - 解析 CSV 字符串为一个数组 - php 字符串函数

百变鹏仔1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 22#技术干货


(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7)

解析 CSV 字符串为一个数组


str_getcsv(string $input[,string $delimiter= ","[,string $enclosure= '"'[,string $escape= ""]]]) : array




str_getcsv() - 解析 CSV 字符串为一个数组 - php 字符串函数











  • fgetcsv()从文件指针中读入一行并解析 CSV 字段
[Editor's Note (cmb): that does not produce the desired results, if fields contain linebreaks.]
Handy one liner to parse a CSV file into an array
Based on James' line, this will create an array of associative arrays with the first row column headers as the keys.
This will yield something like
  [2] => Array
      [Campaign ID] => 295095038
      [Ad group ID] => 22460178158
      [Keyword ID] => 3993587178
As the str_getcsv(), unlike to fgetcsv(), does not parse the rows in CSV string, I have found following easy workaround:

Why not use explode() instead of str_getcsv() to parse rows? Because explode() would not treat possible enclosured parts of string or escaped characters correctly.
Here is a quick and easy way to convert a CSV file to an associated array:
Like some other users here noted, str_getcsv() cannot be used if you want to comply with either the RFC or with most spreadsheet tools like Excel or Google Docs.
These tools do not escape commas or new lines, but instead place double-quotes (") around the field. If there are any double-quotes in the field, these are escaped with another double-quote (" becomes ""). All this may look odd, but it is what the RFC and most tools do ... 
For instance, try exporting as .csv a Google Docs spreadsheet (File > Download as > .csv) which has new lines and commas as part of the field values and see how the .csv content looks, then try to parse it using str_getcsv() ... it will spectacularly regardless of the arguments you pass to it.
Here is a function that can handle everything correctly, and more:
- doesn't use any for or while loops,
- it allows for any separator (any string of any length),
- option to skip empty lines,
- option to trim fields,
- can handle UTF8 data too (although .csv files are likely non-unicode).
Here is the more human readable version of the function:

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