
strtok() - 标记分割字符串 - php 字符串函数

梵高1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 15#技术干货


strtok() - 标记分割字符串 - php 字符串函数

(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)



strtok(string $str, string $token) : stringstrtok(string $token) : string

strtok()将字符串$str分割为若干子字符串,每个子字符串以$token中的字符分割。这也就意味着,如果有个字符串是"This is an example string",你可以使用空格字符将这句话分割成独立的单词。

注意仅第一次调用 strtok 函数时使用 string 参数。后来每次调用 strtok,都将只使用 token 参数,因为它会记住它在字符串 string 中的位置。如果要重新开始分割一个新的字符串,你需要再次使用 string 来调用 strtok 函数,以便完成初始化工作。注意可以在 token 参数中使用多个字符。字符串将被该参数中任何一个字符分割。









Example #1strtok()范例



 string(9) "something"





  • split() 用正则表达式将字符串分割到数组中
  • explode()使用一个字符串分割另一个字符串
Hello to all
explode breaks the tokens up into an array, array slice alows you to pick then tokens you want, and then implode converts it back to a string
although its far from a clone, this was inspired by mIRC's gettok() function
@maisuma you invert paramaters of explode() and strtok() functions, your code does not do what you expect.
You expect to read the input string token after token so equivalent code for strtok() is arra_filter(explode()) because explode() return lines of empty string when several delimiters are contiguous in the read string, for example 2 whitespaces between.
In fact strtok() is much faster (x2 at least) than arra_filter(explode()) if the read string contains several contiguous delimiters , 
 it is slower if the read string contains one and only one delimiter between tokens.
Note that strtok may receive different tokens each time. Therefore, if, for example, you wish to extract several words and then the rest of the sentence:
Might be pointing out the obvious but if you'd rather use a for loop rather than a while (to keep the token strings on the same line for readability for example), it can be done. Added bonus, it doesn't put a $tok variable outside the loop itself either.
Downside however is that you're not able to manually free up the memory used using the technique mentioned by elarlang.
As of the change in strtok()'s handling of empty strings, it is now useless for scripts that rely on empty data to function.
Take for instance, a standard header. (with UNIX newlines)
http/1.0 200 OK\n
Content-Type: text/html\n
When parsing this with strtok, one would wait until it found an empty string to signal the end of the header. However, because strtok now skips empty segments, it is impossible to know when the header has ended.
This should not be called `correct' behavior, it certainly is not. It has rendered strtok incapable of (properly) processing a very simple standard.
This new functionality, however, does not affect Windows style headers. You would search for a line that only contains "\r"
This, however, is not a justification for the change.
Here is a java like StringTokenizer class using strtok function:

class StringTokenizer {
   * @var string
  private $token;
   * @var string
  private $delim;
   * Constructs a string tokenizer for the specified string
   * @param string $str String to tokenize
   * @param string $delim The set of delimiters (the characters that separate tokens)
   * specified at creation time, default to ' '
  public function __construct(/*string*/ $str, /*string*/ $delim = ' ') {
    $this->token = strtok($str, $delim);
    $this->delim = $delim;
  public function __destruct() {
   * Tests if there are more tokens available from this tokenizer's string. It
   * does not move the internal pointer in any way. To move the internal pointer
   * to the next element call nextToken()
   * @return boolean - true if has more tokens, false otherwise
  public function hasMoreTokens() {
    return ($this->token !== false);
   * Returns the next token from this string tokenizer and advances the internal
   * pointer by one.
   * @return string - next element in the tokenized string
  public function nextToken() {
    $current = $this->token;
    $this->token = strtok($this->delim);
    return $current;
Here's a simple class that allows you to iterate through string tokens using a foreach loop.
I found this useful for parsing user entered links in text fields.
e.g. This is a link 
  function parselink($link) {
    $bit1 = trim(strtok($link, '')); 
    $html = ''.$bit1.'';
    return $html; // This is a link
Remove GET variables from the URL

This function takes a string and returns an array with words (delimited by spaces), also taking into account quotes, doublequotes, backticks and backslashes (for escaping stuff).
$string = "cp  'my file' to `Judy's file`";
would yield:
array(4) {
 string(2) "cp"
 string(7) "my file"
 string(5) "to"
 string(11) "Judy's file"
Way it works, runs through the string character by character, for each character looking up the action to take, based on that character and its current $state.
Actions can be (one or more of) adding the character/string to the current word, adding the word to the output array, and changing or (re)storing the state.
For example a space will become part of the current 'word' (or 'token') if $state is 'doublequoted', but it will start a new token if $state was 'unquoted'.
I was later told it's a "tokeniser using a finite state automaton". Who knew :-)

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