
array_replace() - 使用传递的数组替换第一个数组的元素 - php 数组函数

梵高1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 23#技术干货


(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7)



array_replace(array $array1[,array $...]): array

array_replace()函数使用后面数组元素相同 key 的值替换$array1数组的值。如果一个键存在于第一个数组同时也存在于第二个数组,它的值将被第二个数组中的值替换。如果一个键存在于第二个数组,但是不存在于第一个数组,则会在第一个数组中创建这个元素。如果一个键仅存在于第一个数组,它将保持不变。如果传递了多个替换数组,它们将被按顺序依次处理,后面的数组将覆盖之前的值。





array_replace() - 使用传递的数组替换第一个数组的元素 - php 数组函数





Example #1array_replace()范例


    [0] => grape
    [1] => banana
    [2] => apple
    [3] => raspberry
    [4] => cherry


  • array_replace_recursive() 使用传递的数组递归替换第一个数组的元素
  • array_merge() 合并一个或多个数组
If the arrays are associative (that is, their keys are strings), then I believe this function is identical to (the older) array_merge.
Simple function to replace array keys. Note you have to manually select wether existing keys will be overrided.
 * @param array $array
 * @param array $replacements
 * @param boolean $override
 * @return array
function array_replace_keys(array $array, array $replacements, $override = false) {
  foreach ($replacements as $old => $new) {
    if(is_int($new) || is_string($new)){
      if(array_key_exists($old, $array)){
        if(array_key_exists($new, $array) && $override === false){
        $array[$new] = $array[$old];
  return $array;
In some cases you might have a structured array from the database and one
of its nodes goes like this;

Now consider that you want to capture $arr values from $keys.
Assuming that you have a limitation to display the content into given keys
order, i.e. use it with a vsprintf, you could use the following

I hope that this will save someone's time.
You can also use:

  [0] => NO-Orange
  [572] => BANANAPHONE!!!
  [omg] => NO-Chili
  [nevermind] => mango
with regards
I would like to add to my previous note about my polecat_array_replace function that if you want to add a single dimensional array to a multi, all you must do is pass the matching internal array key from the multi as the initial argument as such:
$array1 = array( "berries" => array( "strawberry" => array( "color" => "red", "food" => "desserts"), "dewberry" = array( "color" => "dark violet", "food" => "pies"), );
$array2 = array( "food" => "wine");
$array1["berries"]["dewberry"] = polecat_array_replace($array1["berries"]["dewberry"], $array2);
This is will replace the value for "food" for "dewberry" with "wine".
The function will also do the reverse and add a multi to a single dimensional array or even a 2 tier array to a 5 tier as long as the heirarchy tree is identical.
I hope this helps atleast one person for all that I've gained from this site.
To get exactly same result like in PHP 5.3, the foreach loop in your code should look like:

Check on this code:

Function array_replace "replaces elements from passed arrays into the first array" -- this means replace from top-right to first, then from top-right - 1 to first, etc, etc...
Here is a simple array_replace_keys function:
   * This function replaces the keys of an associate array by those supplied in the keys array
   * @param $array target associative array in which the keys are intended to be replaced
   * @param $keys associate array where search key => replace by key, for replacing respective keys
   * @return array with replaced keys
  private function array_replace_keys($array, $keys)
    foreach ($keys as $search => $replace) {
      if ( isset($array[$search])) {
        $array[$replace] = $array[$search];
    return $array;
// Test Drive
print_r(array_replace_keys(['one'=>'apple', 'two'=>'orange'], ['one'=>'ett', 'two'=>'tvo']);
// Output
The documentation is wrongly phrased: "array_replace() replaces the values of array1" No replacing is done. A new array is created which looks like the one that would have resulted from the described replacement. 
If you want to augment the set of indices in an array, use 
    array_to_be_modified += array_with_indices_to_add;
Instead of calling this function, it's often faster and simpler to do this instead:

If you need references to stay intact: 
I got hit with a noob mistake. :)
When the function was called more than once, it threw a function redeclare error of course. The enviroment I was coding in never called it more than once but I caught it in testing and here is the fully working revision. A simple logical step was all that was needed.
With PHP 5.3 still unstable for Debian Lenny at this time and not knowing if array_replace would work with multi-dimensional arrays, I wrote my own. Since this site has helped me so much, I felt the need to return the favor. :) 

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