
opendir() - 打开目录句柄 - php 文件目录函数

乐乐1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 14#技术干货


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)



opendir(string $path[,resource $context]): resource

opendir() - 打开目录句柄 - php 文件目录函数






$context参数的说明见手册中的Streams API一章。



如果$path不是一个合法的目录或者因为权限限制或文件系统错误而不能打开目录,opendir()返回FALSE并产生一个E_WARNING级别的 PHP 错误信息。可以在opendir()前面加上“@”符号来抑制错误信息的输出。


5.0.0$path支持ftp://URL wrapper
4.3.0$path可以是任何支持目录列表的 URL,不过在 PHP 4 中只有file://URL wrapper 支持此功能


Example #1opendir()例子


filename: . : filetype: dir
filename: .. : filetype: dir
filename: apache : filetype: dir
filename: cgi : filetype: dir
filename: cli : filetype: dir


  • is_dir() 判断给定文件名是否是一个目录
  • readdir() 从目录句柄中读取条目
  • dir() 返回一个 Directory 类实例
Sometimes the programmer needs to access folder content which has arabic name but the opendir function will return null resources id
for that we must convert the dirname charset from utf-8 to windows-1256 by the iconv function just if the preg_match function detect arabic characters and use " U " additionality to enable multibyte matching 
iterated function that searches a folder or file in a directory. 
Here is a snippet to create a site map of all html files in a folder: 
Here are two versions of the same function to list all files in a directory tree.
The first one is recursive (calls itself while going through subdirectories) :

The second one is iterative (uses less memory) :

The iterative version should be a little faster most of the time, but the big difference is in the memory usage.
Here is also a profiling function (works in php5 only) : 
A couple of notes on Matt's posts on Windows Network Drives:
Since the system() command writes the output of the executed shell command straight to the output buffer, if you wish to hide the return of the mapping command (i.e. "The command completed succesfully" or an error message) from a web browser, you need to alter the command that is sent to the shell so that the output of that command is hidden.
You probably thinking "why not just use exec()?", and it's a reasonable question, but for some reason it doesn't always work - I guess it's another NT user permissions issue. If you want to guarantee you app will work with no messing around on the host system, use the system() command.
In the Windows command shell, you can hide the output of a command by sending both the output (1) and error (2) messages to "nul" using pipes, in other words ">nul 2>&1" on the end of the command. The username and password order in the "net use..." command needs switching in Matt's post.
Here (http://networkm.co.uk/static/drive.html) is a function I wrote to dynamically choose which drive letter to use, based on what is currently mapped and accessible to PHP. 
I sometimes find this useful. Hope you will too. 
This function sorts files by name as strings, but without regard to case. It also does some handy string formatting of the file size information. 
A simple piece to open a directory and display any files with a given extension. Great for things like newsletters, score sheets or the like where you just want to make it easy on the user - they just dump in the file with the correct extension and it's done. A link is given to the file which opens up in a new window. 
An other way to recursively walk a directory and it's content, applying a callback to each file.
Exemple: Update the last modification time of each file in a folder

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