
fgetcsv() - 从文件指针中读入一行并解析 CSV 字段 - php 文件目录函数

乐乐1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 20#技术干货


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

从文件指针中读入一行并解析 CSV 字段


fgetcsv(resource $handle[,int $length= 0[,string $delimiter=','[,string $enclosure='"'[,string $escape='']]]]): array




fgetcsv() - 从文件指针中读入一行并解析 CSV 字段 - php 文件目录函数



必须大于 CVS 文件内最长的一行。在 PHP 5 中该参数是可选的。如果忽略(在 PHP 5.0.4 以后的版本中设为 0)该参数的话,那么长度就没有限制,不过可能会影响执行效率。










CSV 文件中的空行将被返回为一个包含有单个null字段的数组,不会被当成错误。Note:在读取在 Macintosh 电脑中或由其创建的文件时,如果 PHP不能正确的识别行结束符,启用运行时配置可选项auto_detect_line_endings也许可以解决此问题。





读取并显示 CSV 文件的整个内容





  • str_getcsv() 解析 CSV 字符串为一个数组
  • explode() 使用一个字符串分割另一个字符串
  • file() 把整个文件读入一个数组中
  • pack() 将数据打包成二进制字符串
  • fputcsv() 将行格式化为 CSV 并写入文件指针
If you need to set auto_detect_line_endings to deal with Mac line endings, it may seem obvious but remember it should be set before fopen, not after:
This will work:

This won't, you will still get concatenated fields at the new line position: 
This function has no special BOM handling. The first cell of the first row will inherit the BOM bytes, i.e. will be 3 bytes longer than expected. As the BOM is invisible you may not notice.
Excel on Windows, or text editors like Notepad, may add the BOM.
fgetcsv seems to handle newlines within fields fine. So in fact it is not reading a line, but keeps reading untill it finds a \n-character that's not quoted as a field.

array(3) {
 string(5) "col 1"
 string(4) "col2"
 string(4) "col3"
array(3) {
 string(29) "this
 string(8) "this not"
 string(13) "this also not"
array(3) {
 string(13) "normal record"
 string(19) "nothing to see here"
 string(7) "no data"
This means that you can expect fgetcsv to handle newlines within fields fine. This was not clear from the documentation.
When a BOM character is suppled, `fgetscsv` may appear to wrap the first element in "double quotation marks". The simplest way to ignore it is to progress the file pointer to the 4th byte before using `fgetcsv`. 
Here is a OOP based importer similar to the one posted earlier. However, this is slightly more flexible in that you can import huge files without running out of memory, you just have to use a limit on the get() method
Sample usage for small files:-

Sample usage for large files:-

And heres the class:-
I needed a function to analyse a file for delimiters and line endings prior to importing the file into MySQL using LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE
I wrote this function to do the job, the results are (mostly) very accurate and it works nicely with large files too.

Example Usage:

Full function output:
  [peak_mem] => Array
      [start] => 786432
      [end] => 786432
  [line_ending] => Array
      [results] => Array
          [nr] => 0
          [r] => 4
          [n] => 4
          [rn] => 4
      [count] => 4
      [key] => rn
      [value] => 
  [lines] => Array
      [count] => 4
      [length] => 94
  [delimiter] => Array
      [results] => Array
          [colon] => 0
          [semicolon] => 0
          [pipe] => 0
          [tab] => 1
          [comma] => 17
      [count] => 17
      [key] => comma
      [value] => ,
  [read_kb] => 10
This style is shown as an example on this page and in a number of examples on the Internet:

Note, this won't handle new lines within csv fields and thus should probably be avoided.
Note that fgetcsv, at least in PHP 5.3 or previous, will NOT work with UTF-16 encoded files. Your options are to convert the entire file to ISO-8859-1 (or latin1), or convert line by line and convert each line into ISO-8859-1 encoding, then use str_getcsv (or compatible backwards-compatible implementation). If you need to read non-latin alphabets, probably best to convert to UTF-8.
See str_getcsv for a backwards-compatible version of it with PHP 
Another version [modified michael from mediaconcepts] 
For anyone else struggling with disappearing non-latin characters in one-byte encodings - setting LANG env var (as the manual states) does not help at all. Look at LC_ALL instead.
In my case it was set to "pl_PL.utf8" but since my input file was in CP1250 most of polish characters (but not all of them!) had gone missing and city of "Łódź" had become just "dź". I've "fixed" it with "pl_PL".
If you want to load some translations for your application, don't use csv files for that, even if it's easier to handle.
The following code snippet:

is about 400% slower than this code:

That's the reason why you should allways use .ini files for translations...
Only problem with fgetcsv(), at least in PHP 4.x -- any stray slash in the data that happens to come before a double-quote delimiter will break it -- ie, cause the field delimiter to be escaped. I can't find a direct way to deal with it, since fgetcsv() doesn't give you a chance to manipulate the line before it reads it and parses it...I've had to change all occurrences of '\"' to '" in the file first before feeding ot to fgetcsv(). Otherwise this is perfect for that Microsoft-CSV formula, deals gracefully with all the issues.
I used fgetcsv to read pipe-delimited data files, and ran into the following quirk.
The data file contained data similar to this:
1|hi!|some comment
2|"error!|another comment
3|where does this go?|yet another comment
4|the end!"|last comment
I read the file like this:

This causes a problem on record 2: the quote immediately after the pipe causes the file to be read up to the following quote --in this case, in record 4. Everything in between was stored in a single element of $row.
In this particular case it is easy to spot, but my script was processing thousands of records and it took me some time to figure out what went wrong.
The annoying thing is, that there doesn't seem to be an elegant fix. You can't tell PHP not to use an enclosure --for example, like this:

(Well, you can tell PHP that, but it doesn't work.)
So you'd have to resort to a solution where you use an extremely unlikely enclosure, but since the enclosure can only be one character long, it may be hard to find.
Alternatively (and IMNSHO: more elegantly), you can choose to read these files like this, instead:

As it's more intuitive and resilient, I've decided to favor this 'construct' over fgetcsv from now on.
Setting the $escape parameter dosn't return unescaped strings, but just avoid splitting on a $delimiter that have an escpae-char infront of it:

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