
mkdir() - 新建目录 - php 文件目录函数

是丫丫呀1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 18#技术干货


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)



mkdir(string $pathname[,int $mode= 0777[,bool $recursive= false[,resource $context]]]): bool

尝试新建一个由 pathname 指定的目录。





默认的 mode 是 0777,意味着最大可能的访问权。有关 mode 的更多信息请阅读chmod()页面。


$mode在 Windows 下被忽略。

注意也许想用八进制数指定模式,也就是说该数应以零打头。模式也会被当前的 umask 修改,可以用umask()来改变。




Note:在 PHP 5.0.0中增加了对上下文(Context)的支持。有关上下文(Context)的说明参见Streams。


mkdir() - 新建目录 - php 文件目录函数



5.0.0mkdir()也可用于某些URL 封装协议。参见支持的协议和封装协议的列表看看mkdir()支持哪些 URL 封装协议。


Example #1mkdir()例子



Note:当启用安全模式时,PHP 会在执行脚本时检查被脚本操作的目录是否与被执行的脚本有相同的 UID(所有者)。


  • is_dir() 判断给定文件名是否是一个目录
  • rmdir() 删除目录
When using the recursive parameter bear in mind that if you're using chmod() after mkdir() to set the mode without it being modified by the value of uchar() you need to call chmod() on all created directories. ie:
May result in "/test1/test2" having a mode of 0777 but "/test1" still having a mode of 0755 from the mkdir() call. You'd need to do: 
This is an annotation from Stig Bakken:
The mode on your directory is affected by your current umask. It will end
up having ( and (not )). If you want to create one
that is publicly readable, do something like this: 
Don't forget to use the recursive option on Windows if creating a folder below a folder that already exists. Otherwise you may get a very confusing error message, "Warning: mkdir(): No such file or directory in d:\path\to\file" where you think the folder should exist but you forgot to create the parent(s).
For example, if d:\path exists but there is nothing in it: 
Somehow the recursive version of mkdir didn't work for me on Mac and the workaraounds listed below alsow didn't work for me, so heres my solution:

Tested and works ;)
Please note that in a shared environment I failed to take into account an existing umask when I did a mkdir(dirname, 0755). This ended up creating the directory (function returned true), but I didn't have rights to do anything inside the folder, nor could I even view that it existed via ftp.
However, file_exists(dirname) returned true. Eventually I figured out what happened and was able to rmdir(dirname), then created the directory correctly.
So, when writing scripts you expect to be portable, either use umask to set your umask accordingly, or do a straight mkdir(dirname) followed by chmod(dirname, 0755) (or whatever it is you're looking for). If you make the same mistake I did, you should be able to rmdir() or chmod() the folder so it's accessible.
mkdir, file rw, permission related notes for Fedora 3////
If you are using Fedora 3 and are facing permission problems, better check if SElinux is enabled on ur system. It add an additional layer of security and as a result PHP cant write to the folder eventhough it has 777 permissions. It took me almost a week to deal with this!
If you are not sure google for SElinux or 'disabling SELinux' and it may be the cure! Best of luck!
If you have problems with the SAFE MODE Restriction in effect i.e. if you try to create and access to subdirectorys recursive you can use ftp-lib like this.

Maybe it helps.
One small correction on a note from Frank in June 2006 on recursive directories under Windows.
First - this should be in the documentation as its the only function that I know of that php does not fix the slashes automatically.
Franks note stated:

This doesn't work in windows:
This will work a bit better :) 
When I created folder on windows with mkdir, I found some problem from folder nam so I write this function.

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