parse_ini_file() - 解析一个配置文件 - php 文件目录函数
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
parse_ini_file(string $filename[,bool $process_sections= false[,int $scanner_mode= INI_SCANNER_NORMAL]]): arrayparse_ini_file()载入一个由$filename指定的 ini 文件,并将其中的设置作为一个联合数组返回。
ini 文件的结构和php.ini的相似。
$filename要解析的 ini 文件的文件名。
is supplied, then option values will not be parsed.
版本 | 说明 |
5.3.0 | Added optional$scanner_modeparameter. Single quotes may now be used around variable assignments. Hash marks (#) may no longer be used as comments and will throw a deprecation warning if used. |
5.2.7 | On syntax error this function will returnFALSE rather than an empty array. |
5.2.4 | 由数字组成的键名和小节名会被 PHP 当作整数来处理,因此以 0 开头的数字会被当作八进制而以 0x 开头的会被当作十六进制。 |
5.0.0 | 该函数也开始处理选项值内的新行。 |
4.2.1 | 本函数也开始受到安全模式和open_basedir的影响。 |
Example #1sample.ini的内容
; This is a sample configuration file ; Comments start with ';', as in php.ini [first_section] one = 1 five = 5 animal = BIRD [second_section] path = "/usr/local/bin" URL = "" [third_section] phpversion[] = "5.0" phpversion[] = "5.1" phpversion[] = "5.2" phpversion[] = "5.3"
Example #2parse_ini_file()例子
常量也可以在 ini 文件中被解析,因此如果在运行parse_ini_file()之前定义了常量作为 ini 的值,将会被集成到结果中去。只有 ini 的值会被求值。例如:
Array ( [one] => 1 [five] => 5 [animal] => Dodo bird [path] => /usr/local/bin [URL] => [phpversion] => Array ( [0] => 5.0 [1] => 5.1 [2] => 5.2 [3] => 5.3 ) ) Array ( [first_section] => Array ( [one] => 1 [five] => 5 [animal] => Dodo bird ) [second_section] => Array ( [path] => /usr/local/bin [URL] => ) [third_section] => Array ( [phpversion] => Array ( [0] => 5.0 [1] => 5.1 [2] => 5.2 [3] => 5.3 ) ) )
Example #3parse_ini_file()parsing a php.ini file
(parsed) magic_quotes_gpc = Yes (loaded) magic_quotes_gpc = Yes
如果 ini 文件中的值包含任何非字母数字的字符,需要将其括在双引号中(")。
Note:有些保留字不能作为 ini 文件中的键名,包括:null,yes,no,true 和 false。值为 null,no 和 false 等效于"",值为 yes 和 true 等效于"1"。字符{}|&~![()"也不能用在键名的任何地方,而且这些字符在选项值中有着特殊的意义。
I use the following syntax to secure my config.ini.php file: ; Works like a charm and is both: A valid PHP File and a valid ini-File ;)
Undocumented feature! Using ${...} as a value will look to 1) an INI setting, or 2) an environment variable For example, Array ( [php_ext_dir] => ./ext/ [operating_system] => Windows_NT ) Present in PHP 5.3.2, likely in 5.x, maybe even earlier too.
note configuration files should be stored outside you www-root/htdocs folder
If your configuration file holds any sensitive information (such as database login details), remember NOT to place it within your document root folder! A common mistake is to replace files, which are formatted in PHP: With config.ini files which are written in plain text: [database] host = localhost The file config.ini can be read by anyone who knows where it's located, if it's under your document root folder. Remember to place it above!
Here is a quick parse_ini_file wrapper to add extend support to save typing and redundancy. Treats this ini: As if it were like this:
Besides the features mentioned above (eg. core constants, booleans), you can also access user-defined constants in ini files! This is handy if you want to create a bit-field, for example: [pizzas] ; Define pizzas hawaii = PIZZA_HAM | PIZZA_PINEAPPLE stinky = PIZZA_ONION | PIZZA_GARLIC
Somewhere between versions 5.2.5 and 5.3.24, the parsing of unquoted multiword values (e.g. values with embedded spaces) changed. In 5.3.24, a multiword value where one of the words is a reserved word (null, yes, no, true, false, on, off, none) will cause the function to return an error. Adding double quotation marks around the value string will solve the problem.
And for the extra-paranoid like myself, add a rule into your httpd.conf file so that *.ini (or *.inc) in my case can't be sent to a browser: Order deny,allow Deny from all
To those who were like me looking if this could be used to create an array out of commandline output I offer you the function below (I used it to parse mplayer output). If you want it behave exactly the same as parse_ini_file you'll obviously have to add some code to feed the different sections to this one. Hope it's of help to someone!
a ini lexer with regexp:
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