
unlink() - 删除文件 - php 文件目录函数

梵高1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 13#技术干货


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

unlink() - 删除文件 - php 文件目录函数



unlink(string $filename[,resource $context]): bool

删除$filename。和 Unix C 的 unlink()函数相似。发生错误时会产生一个E_WARNING级别的错误。





Note:在 PHP 5.0.0中增加了对上下文(Context)的支持。有关上下文(Context)的说明参见Streams。




5.0.0自 PHP 5.0.0 起unlink()也可以用于某些URL 封装协议。参考支持的协议和封装协议中的列表看哪些封装协议支持unlink()




  • rmdir() 删除目录
This will delete all files in a directory matching a pattern in one line of code. 
Deleted a large file but seeing no increase in free space or decrease of disk usage? Using UNIX or other POSIX OS?
The unlink() is not about removing file, it's about removing a file name. The manpage says: ``unlink - delete a name and possibly the file it refers to''.
Most of the time a file has just one name -- removing it will also remove (free, deallocate) the `body' of file (with one caveat, see below). That's the simple, usual case.
However, it's perfectly fine for a file to have several names (see the link() function), in the same or different directories. All the names will refer to the file body and `keep it alive', so to say. Only when all the names are removed, the body of file actually is freed.
The caveat:
A file's body may *also* be `kept alive' (still using diskspace) by a process holding the file open. The body will not be deallocated (will not free disk space) as long as the process holds it open. In fact, there's a fancy way of resurrecting a file removed by a mistake but still held open by a process...
unlink($fileName); failed for me .
Then i tried using the realpath($fileName) function as 
unlink(realpath($fileName)); it worked 
just posting it , in case if any one finds it useful .
I have been working on some little tryout where a backup file was created before modifying the main textfile. Then when an error is thrown, the main file will be deleted (unlinked) and the backup file is returned instead.
Though, I have been breaking my head for about an hour on why I couldn't get my persmissions right to unlink the main file.
Finally I knew what was wrong: because I was working on the file and hadn't yet closed the file, it was still in use and ofcourse couldn't be deleted :)
So I thought of mentoining this here, to avoid others of making the same mistake:

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