gmdate() - php 日期时间函数
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
格式化一个 GMT/UTC 日期/时间
gmdate(string $format[,int $timestamp]): string同date()函数完全一样,只除了返回的时间是格林威治标准时(GMT)。例如当在中国(GMT +0800)运行以下程序时,第一行显示“Jan 01 2000 00:00:00”而第二行显示“Dec 31 1999 16:00:00”。
Example #1gmdate()例子
Note:在 PHP 5.1.0 之前,负的时间戳(1970 年之前的日期)在某些系统下(例如 Windows)不能工作。
Wath out for summer time and winter time... If you want to get the current date and time based on GMT you could use this : this would gives: 2004/07/8 14:35:19 in summer time and 2004/07/8 13:35:19 in winter time. Note that date("I") returns 1 in summer and 0 in winter.
If you have the same application running in different countries, you may have some troubles getting the local time.. In my case, I was having troubles with a clock created with Macromedia Flash... the time shown by the clock was supposed to be set up by the server, passing the timestamp. When I moved the file to another country, I got a wrong time... You can use the timezone offset ( date("Z") ) to handle this kind of thing...
For me most of the examples here needed the + or - seconds to set the time zone. I wanted a faster way to get the time zone in seconds. So I created this :
Want to put different International Times in your web? First create a database including the GMT and the DST (find it f.i. at Be careful, because there are several different DST dates and options. Once you have your function which calculates the GMT hour difference (it can be a decimal!!), sum it to the Unix Time (remember that unix time is GMT, not local: f.i. gmdate("U")===date("U)). Don't forget to recalculate the GMT difference to seconds before it. Then format your date using gmdate() (not date()!) and... you've got your International Time!
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