
inet_ntop() - php 网络函数

乐乐1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 21#技术干货


inet_ntop() - php 网络函数

(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7)

Converts a packed internet address to a human readable representation


inet_ntop(string $in_addr): string

This function converts a 32bit IPv4, or 128bit IPv6 address (if PHP was built with IPv6 support enabled) into an address family appropriate string representation.



A 32bit IPv4, or 128bit IPv6 address.


Returns a string representation of the address 或者在失败时返回FALSE.


Example #1inet_ntop()Example


5.3.0This function is now available on Windows platforms.


  • long2ip() 将长整型转化为字符串形式带点的互联网标准格式地址(IPV4)
  • ip2long() 将 IPV4 的字符串互联网协议转换成长整型数字
  • inet_pton()Converts a human readable IP address to its packed in_addr representation
For people who wondering what the meaning of this function name:
pton: a presentation(printable) format address to network address
ntop: a network address to presentation(printable) format address
PHP's inet_ntop function is not compatible with the binary representation used by MySQL's INET6_ATON function, assuming you are using the recommended method of storing both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in a VARBINARY(16) field. You need to convert it like this:
 * Convert a MySQL binary v4 (4-byte) or v6 (16-byte) IP address to a printable string.
 * @param string $ip A binary string containing an IP address, as returned from MySQL's INET6_ATON function
 * @return string Empty if not valid.
function inet6_ntop($ip) {
  $l = strlen($ip);
  if ($l == 4 or $l == 16) {
    return inet_ntop(pack('A' . $l, $ip));
  return '';
You don't need a function going the other way because MySQL's INET6_NTOA is already compatible with PHP's inet_pton function.
For people who need this function but don't have it, I could write a function which should give almost the same result.

I followed IPv6 reprenstation rules :
- A series of "0"s in a 16bit block can by represented by "0".
- A series of blocks containing only "0"s can be suppressed and represented by "::" (this can be done only once)
(source : http://www.ipv6style.jp/en/faq/latest.shtml#2003022112 )

I checked in CVS (2005-04-25) and didn't find the inet_ntop function (I really needed to handle IPv6) so I implemented it myself !
Before inet_pton nice work
no need compare compress data
string inet_ntop ( string $in_addr [, bool $compress = false] )

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