
setrawcookie() - php 网络函数

百变鹏仔1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 23#技术干货


(PHP 5, PHP 7)

发送未经 URL 编码的 cookie


setrawcookie(string $name[,string $value[,int $expire= 0[,string $path[,string $domain[,bool $secure= false[,bool $httponly= false]]]]]]): bool

setrawcookie() - php 网络函数

setrawcookie()和setcookie()非常相似,唯一不同之处是发送到浏览器的 cookie 值没有自动经过 URL 编码(urlencode)。






5.5.0发送给客户端的 Set-Cookie 头现在会加上 Max-Age 属性。


  • setcookie() 发送 Cookie
Firefox is following the real spec and does not decode '+' to space...in fact it further encodes them to '%2B' to store the cookie. If you read a cookie using javascript and unescape it, all your spaces will be turned to '+'.
To fix this problem, use setrawcookie and rawurlencode:

The only change is that spaces will be encoded to '%20' instead of '+' and will now decode properly.
setrawcookie() isn't entirely 'raw'. It will check the value for invalid characters, and then disallow the cookie if there are any. These are the invalid characters to keep in mind: ',;\t\r\n\013\014'.
Note that comma, space and tab are three of the invalid characters. IE, Firefox and Opera work fine with these characters, and PHP reads cookies containing them fine as well. However, if you want to use these characters in cookies that you set from php, you need to use header().
If you want to pass something and unserialize later, you should somehow sign value to ensure evil user don't modify it.
For example, calculate hash sha1($value.$securekey) and place it to different cookie. If cookie value mismatch hash - simple discard both.
This technique you can use in any case if you want to protect cookie from modification, but it can't protect from deletion or from setting to other valid cookie (old or stolen from other user).
You really shouldn't use (un)serialize with cookies. An evil user could inject ANY code in your script.
After having several problems with this cookie thing, I'm using base64_encode on the data I put into a cookie, so I can avoid problems, I had before. I tried to set up cookie with data created by serialize() from a PHP array, but it did not work to be able to get it back, after I modified it to use value of base64_encode(serialize(...)) to set up the cookie, and unserialize(base64_decode(..)) to get back the value, everything started to work.
my php cookie value encode function:

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