
session_start() - php 会话函数session

乐乐1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 15#技术干货


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)



session_start([array $options= array()]): bool

session_start()会创建新会话或者重用现有会话。如果通过 GET 或者 POST 方式,或者使用 cookie 提交了会话 ID,则会重用现有会话。

当会话自动开始或者通过session_start()手动开始的时候, PHP 内部会调用会话管理器的 open 和 read 回调函数。会话管理器可能是 PHP 默认的,也可能是扩展提供的(SQLite 或者 Memcached 扩展),也可能是通过session_set_save_handler()设定的用户自定义会话管理器。通过 read 回调函数返回的现有会话数据(使用特殊的序列化格式存储), PHP 会自动反序列化数据并且填充$_SESSION 超级全局变量。

session_start() - php 会话函数session


如果启用了session.use_trans_sid选项,session_start()函数会注册一个内部输出管理器,该输出管理器完成 URL 重写的工作。












Example #1page1.php

The constant SID would always be '' (an empty string) if directive session.use_trans_sid in php ini file is set to 0. 
So remember to set session.use_trans_sid to 1 and restart your server before you use SID in your php script.
If you open a popup window (please no commercial ones!) with javascript window.open it might happen IE blocks the session cookie.
A simple fix for that is opening the new window with the session ID in a GET value. Note I don't use SID for this, because it will not allways be available.
//you must have a session active here
window.open('popup.php?sid=', '700x500', 'toolbar=no, status=no, scrollbars=yes, location=no, menubar=no, directories=no, width=700, height=500');
Unfortunately, after pulling my hair out trying to figure out why my application was working fine in every browser other than IE ( Internet Explorer) (Opera, Chrome, Firefox, Safari are what I've tested this in) - when using a DNS CNAME record (like a vanity name that is different from the DNS A record, which is the hostname of the server) sessions do not work correctly.
If you store a session var while on the CNAME:
vanity.example.com and the hostname of the server is hosname.example.com
Then try to call the variable from a different page, it will not find it because of the CNAME (I guess it store the variable under the hostname, then when trying to read it it's still looking under the CNAME) the same application works fine when accessing it under the hostname directly. Keep in mind that I was testing this on an internal network.
I recently made an interesting observation:
It seems that `session_start()` can return `true` even if the session was not properly created. In my case, the disk storage was full and so the session data could not be written to disk. I had some logic that resulted in an infinite loop when the session was not written to disk.
To check if the session really was saved to disk I used:

Took me quite a while to figure this out. 
Maybe it helps someone!
PHP locks the session file until it is closed. If you have 2 scripts using the same session (i.e. from the same user) then the 2nd script will not finish its call to session_start() until the first script finishes execution.
If you have scripts that run for more than a second and users may be making more than 1 request at a time then it is worth calling session_write_close() as soon as you've finished writing session data.

Found this out from http://konrness.com/php5/how-to-prevent-blocking-php-requests/
A session created with session_start will only be available to pages within the directory tree of the page that first created it.
i.e. If the page that first creates the session is /dir1/dir2/index.php and the user then goes to any page above dir2 (e.g. /dir1/index.php), session_start will create a new session rather than use the existing one.
X Maintainers ... Sorry to be such pain the ass, please delete this duplicate, because submitted in a crazy 'session' where i've mess things between browser tabs ... sorry again, alessio
If you are using a custom session handler via session_set_save_handler() then calling session_start() in PHP 7.1 you might see an error like this:
session_start(): Failed to read session data: user (path: /var/lib/php/session) in ...
As of this writing, it seems to be happening in PHP 7.1, and things look OK in PHP7.0. 
It is also hard to track down because if a session already exists for this id (maybe created by an earlier version of PHP), it will not trigger this issue because the $session_data will not be null.
The fix is simple... you just need to check for 'null' during your read function: 
PHP Manual specifically denotes this common mistake:
Depending on the session handler, not all characters are allowed within the session id. For example, the file session handler only allows characters in the range a-z A-Z 0-9 , (comma) and - (minus)!
See session_id() manual page for more details.
3 easy but vital things about Sessions in AJAX Apps.

Hope this helps someone with their sessions...
When you have an import script that takes long to execute, the browser seem to lock up and you cannot access the website anymore. this is because a request is reading and locking the session file to prevent corruption.
you can either 
- use a different session handler with session_set_save_handler()
- use session_write_close() in the import script as soon you don't need session anymore (best moment is just before the long during part takes place), you can session_start when ever you want and as many times you like if your import script requires session variables changed. 
If you ever need to open multiple distinct sessions in the same script and still let PHP generate session ids for you, here is a simple function I came up with (PHP default session handler is assumed):

When using this function, session_start() should not be called on its own anymore (can be replaced with a call to session_switch() without argument).
Also remember that session_start() sets a Set-Cookie HTTP header on each call, so if you echo in-between sessions, wrap with ouput buffering.
Note: it's probably rarely a good idea to handle multiple sessions so think again if you think you have a good use for it.
Personally it played its role for some quick patching of legacy code I had to maintain.
I just need with easy, count how many times the page reload over the site, may to add a warning popup, while the counter is 0:
$count = $_SESSION['count'];
$count = $_SESSION['count'] = $count;
} else {
  $count = $_SESSION['count'] = 0;
echo $count;
Be warned that depending on end of script to close the session will effectively serialize concurrent session requests.  Concurrent background "data retrieval" (e.g. applications such as AJAX or amfphp/Flex) expecting to retrieve data in parallel can fall into this trap easily.
Holding the session_write_close until after an expensive operation is likewise problematic.
To minimize effects, call session_write_close (aka session_commit) as early as practical (e.g. without introducing race conditions) or otherwise avoid the serialization bottleneck.
A simple session_start() will not be sufficiant to kepp you Session alive. 
Due to the filesystems mounting parameters, atime will normally not be updated. Instead of atime, mtime will be delivered.
This behavior may cause an early session death and your users my be kicked of your login system. 
To keep the session alive it will be necessary to write something into the sessionfile at each request, e. g. a simple 
 "$_SESSION['time'] = time();"
That would keep your session alive, even if the client in reality is only clicking around the site.
To avoid the notice commited by PHP since 4.3.3 when you start a session twice, check session_id() first:
if (session_id() == "")
The problem with SID is that if on occasions you don't start a session, instead of outputting an empty string for transparent integration it will return the regular undefined constant notice. So you might want to test the constant with defined() beforehand.
A note about session_start(), custom handlers and database foreign key constraints, which I think may be of some use...
We know that if we want our sessions into a database table (rather than the default storage), we can refer to session_set_save_handler(...) to get them there. Note that session_set_save_handler must (obviously) be called before session_start(), but let me get to the point...
Upon calling session_start() the "first time", when the session does not already exist, php will spawn a new session but will not call the write handler until script execution finishes.
Thus, the session at this point exists in the server process memory, but won't be visible as a row in the DB before the script ends.
This seems reasonable, because this avoids some unnecessary database access and resource usage before we even populate our session with meaningfull and definitive data, but this also has side-effects.
In my case, the script called session_start() to make sure a session was initiated, then used session_id() to populate another table in the DB, which had foreign_key constraint to the "sessions" table. This failed because no session was in the db at that point, yet!
I know I could simply force the creation of the row in the DB by manually calling the write handler after session_start(), when necessary, but I am not sure if this is the best possible approach.
As soon as I find an "elegant" solution, or a completely different approach, I will post some working sample code.
In the meanwhile... have fun!
The following code shows how the PHP session works. The function my_session_start() does almost the same thing as session_start().

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