register_shutdown_function() - php 选项信息函数
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
register_shutdown_function(callable $callback[,mixed $parameter[,mixed$...
]]): void注册一个$callback,它会在脚本执行完成或者exit()后被调用。
Example #1register_shutdown_function()例子
Note:在某些web server(如Apache)上,可以在中止函数内对脚本的工作目录进行修改。Note:
- auto_append_file
输出一个消息并且退出当前脚本- 连接处理章节
If your script exceeds the maximum execution time, and terminates thusly: Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 20 seconds exceeded in - on line 12 The registered shutdown functions will still be executed. I figured it was important that this be made clear!
If you want to do something with files in function, that registered in register_shutdown_function(), use ABSOLUTE paths to files instead of relative. Because when script processing is complete current working directory chages to ServerRoot (see httpd.conf)
In PHP 5.1.6 things don't work as described here. The truth is that connection_status() just always returns 0 whether or not the client has aborted (e.g. the user hit the stop button), and that (consistently with this) the registered shutdown function will only be called on exit, but NOT when the connection is aborted from the user. That is, PHP does NOT detect when the connection is aborted.
You may get the idea to call debug_backtrace or debug_print_backtrace from inside a shutdown function, to trace where a fatal error occurred. Unfortunately, these functions will not work inside a shutdown function.
A lot of useful services may be delegated to this useful trigger. It is very effective because it is executed at the end of the script but before any object destruction, so all instantiations are still alive. Here's a simple shutdown events manager class which allows to manage either functions or static/dynamic methods, with an indefinite number of arguments without using any reflection, availing on a internal handling through func_get_args() and call_user_func_array() specific functions: A simple application: It is easy to guess how to extend this example in a more complex context in which user defined functions and methods should be handled according to the priority depending on specific variables. Hope it may help somebody. Happy coding!
The following function register_close_function should reproduce the former php behavior of closing the connection before executing the shutdown handler, based on the code posted by sts at mail dot xubion dot hu. It does not work on any machine.
Given this code:
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