
php_strip_whitespace() - php 选项信息函数

是丫丫呀1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 25#技术干货


(PHP 5, PHP 7)



php_strip_whitespace(string $filename): string

返回删除注释和空格后$filename的PHP源码。这对实际代码数量和注释数量的对比很有用。此函数与命令行下执行php -w相似。







php_strip_whitespace() - php 选项信息函数

此函数在PHP 5.0.1后以所述方式工作。之前它仅会返回一个空字符串。关于更多此BUG的信息与其行为,详见BUG报告»#29606。


Example #1php_strip_whitespace()的例子



With this function You can compress Your PHP source code.

For example: 

EOT; var_dump(compress_php_src($src)); ?> And the result is: string(125) "

If you wish to just remove excess whitespace from a string, see the example "Strip whitespace" in the preg_replace documentation (http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.preg-replace.php).
i notice that on 45=75kb php file compressed using php_strip_whitespace i got slowest speed results in my apache benchmark .bat tests so doing on a normal php file 10 tests and another 10 tests on a compressed one ,calculating the math average value I got fastest results on normal php files.
well,seeing that results i think SO ,NICE,BUT IF WE COMBINE THESE "METHODS" : what if i use a partial minified method using this function ????
here is the code:
(if you run this in xampp and you are beginner you got a blank page in firefox ,but if you right click it then you click on the option "view source" you'll get the php partial stripped by comments and tabs) : 
Beware that this function uses the output buffering mechanism.
If you give a 'stream wrapped' path as argument, anything echoed by the stream wrapper during this call (e.g. trace messages) won't be displayed to the screen but will be inserted in php_strip_whitespace's result.
If you execute this stripped code later, it will display the messages which should have been output during php_strip_whitespace's execution !
I was looking earlier for a way to strip php comments from my source files but didn't come up with much. I wrote the following function to do the trick using the tokenizer. I've tested in on an entire phpMyAdmin install and it worked fine afterward... so it should be good to go. You may also specify any number of tokens to strip such as T_WHITESPACE rather the default of T_COMMENT and T_DOC_COMMENT.
Hopefully someone finds it useful.

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