
ob_end_flush() - php 输出缓冲函数

百变鹏仔1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 18#技术干货


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)



ob_end_flush(void): bool


ob_end_flush() - php 输出缓冲函数









Example #1ob_end_flush()example



  • ob_start() 打开输出控制缓冲
  • ob_get_contents() 返回输出缓冲区的内容
  • ob_get_flush() 刷出(送出)缓冲区内容,以字符串形式返回内容,并关闭输出缓冲区。
  • ob_flush() 冲刷出(送出)输出缓冲区中的内容
  • ob_end_clean() 清空(擦除)缓冲区并关闭输出缓冲
A note on the above example...
with PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5 you can use a combination of ob_get_level() and ob_end_flush() to avoid using the @ (error suppresion) which should probably be a little faaster. 
best way to compress a css code:

Include in :
Wanted to speed things up and put some processing after the page has been delivered to the client. That drove me almost insane, but finally, I found a solution (php 5.2.5): 
Apart from being mostly redundant, ob_end_flush() can be downright damaging in some weird cases.
Actual example: a particular page on an Intranet website which would appear blank on Internet Explorer 6 when ob_start('ob_gzhandler') was called in the beginning and ob_end_flush() at the end.
We couldn't figure out what made that page special no matter what we tried. The ob_ functions were placed in scripts which were include()'d by all pages just the same, but only that page did this.
Even stranger, the problem only appeared on direct browser/server connections. Whenever the connection passed through a proxy the problem dissapeared. I'm guessing some kind of HTTP encoding headers mumbo-jumbo.
Solution: unless you really need it in particular cases, remove the ob_end_flush() call and rely on the builtin, automatic buffer flush.
If you enable zlib.output_compression then level count will be increased by 1 and then this code:

will just freeze your script.
It appears that you can call ob_end_flush() regardless of whether or not output buffering was ever started using ob_start(). This can prove useful because it saves you from having to create conditional statements based on whether a particular function or include file has started output buffering. You can simply call the ob_end_flush() anyway and if there's output in the buffer, it will be sent, otherwise your script will just keep on keepin' on.
It appears that ob_end_flush() is very important if you are looping. For instance if you are using a mass mailer that uses the output buffer for creating HTML content. Use ob_end_flush() to avoid server errors.
ob_end_flush() isn't needed in MOST cases because it is called automatically at the end of script execution by PHP itself when output buffering is turned on either in the php.ini or by calling ob_start().
Remember that chromium browser (and maybe other webkit-based browsers) have some issues with ob_end_flush.
You may use
header("Content-Type: text/plain");
to solve those issues if you do not need html.

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