stream_wrapper_register() - php 流数据函数stream
(PHP 4 >= 4.3.2, PHP 5, PHP 7)
注册一个用 PHP 类实现的 URL 封装协议
stream_wrapper_register(string $protocol,string $classname[,int $flags= 0]): bool允许用户实现自定义的协议处理器和流,用于所有其它的文件系统函数中(例如fopen(),fread()等)。
$flagsShould be set toSTREAM_IS_URL
if$protocolis a URL protocol. Default is 0, local stream.
版本 | 说明 |
5.2.4 | 添加$flags参数. |
如何注册一个 stream wrapper
line1 line2 line3 string(18) "line1 line2 line3 "
- ThestreamWrapperprototype class
- Example class registered as stream wrapper
Unregister a URL wrapperstream_wrapper_restore()
Restores a previously unregistered built-in wrapperstream_get_wrappers()
If you plan to use your wrapper in a require_once you need to define stream_stat(). If you plan to allow any other tests like is_file()/is_dir(), you have to define url_stat(). stream_stat() must define the size of the file, or it will never be included. url_stat() must define mode, or is_file()/is_dir()/is_executable(), and any of those functions affected by clearstatcache() simply won't work. It's not documented, but directories must be a mode like 040777 (octal), and files a mode like 0100666. If you wish the file to be executable, use 7s instead of 6s. The last 3 digits are exactly the same thing as what you pass to chmod. 040000 defines a directory, and 0100000 defines a file. It would be really helpful to add this to the official manual!
Updated for PHP 5, and optimized for readability, low line count, and minimum memory use:
In response to Anonymouse at Coward dot com: The manual says "Reading stops when up to length bytes have been read, [...] or (after opening userspace stream) when 8192 bytes have been read whichever comes first." I tested it and fread($filehandle, 4096) returns 4096 bytes, so it's working as the manual says it should. You're right when you say "8192 bytes is always passed to stream_read as count", but that doesn't mean fread will return 8192 bytes. If you call fread twice with length 4096, PHP calls stream_read passing 8192 as count on the first fread, and doesn't call it on second fread. On both cases, fread returns the correct amount of bytes.
Actually, I don't know if there's a better way to figure out if stream_read() was called by fgets() or e.g. fread() than this one: public function stream_read($count) { $bt = debug_backtrace(); if(($bt[0]['function'] == 'stream_read') && ($bt[1]['function'] == 'fgets')) { $pos = strpos($GLOBALS[$this->varname], "\n", $this->position); $retval = substr($GLOBALS[$this->varname], $this->position, ($pos > $count) ? $count : $pos+1); } else { $retval = substr($GLOBALS[$this->varname], $this->position, $count); } $this->position += strlen($retval); return (string)$retval; }
on using dir_opendir on PHP5 make sure you not return a resource object on success. A resource object is diferent from false but php make a cast to bool to dir_opendir return value and modify the value of your resource to 1. example: class myclass{ private $mysqlHandler; public function dir_opendir(....) { $this->mysqlHandler = mysql_connect(....); return $this->mysqlHandler; //this is wrong, next //time you use //$this->mysqlHandler // the value is 1 } }
Updated. I figured there's no need to store the variable name if we're dereferenceing; we can just store the pointer and not have to dereference in each function for brevity. Also, I added the assertion that the stream is a string, since we're behaving basically like it has to be, and I changed the name to GlobalStream and global://, as that's a more descriptive moniker than VariableName/var://.
Be aware that even when stream_wrapper_register won't fail, open_basedir will affect functionality of the class.
"for use with all the other filesystem functions" "all" is not accurate. Unfortunately, zip_open(), and presumably others, will ignore your custom stream wrapper.
In case someone else starts scratching their head like I was, you should change the VariableStream::stream_eof() function to something like this: function stream_eof() { $eof = ($this->position >= strlen($GLOBALS[$this->varname])); if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5.0','>=') && version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5.1','
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