
error_get_last() - php 错误处理日志函数

是丫丫呀1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 45#技术干货


(PHP 5 >= 5.2.0, PHP 7)



error_get_last(void): array



error_get_last() - php 错误处理日志函数

返回了一个关联数组,描述了最后错误的信息,以该错误的"type"、"message"、"file"和"line"为数组的键。如果该错误由 PHP 内置函数导致的,"message"会以该函数名开头。如果还没有错误则返回NULL




    [type] => 8
    [message] => Undefined variable: a
    [file] => C:\WWW\index.php
    [line] => 2


  • Error 常量
  • $php_errormsg变量
  • error_clear_last() 清除最近一次错误
  • $display_errors指令
  • $html_errors指令
  • $xmlrpc_errors指令
The error_get_last() function will give you the most recent error even when that error is a Fatal error.
Example Usage: 
[Editor's note: as of PHP 7.0.0 there is error_clear_last() to clear the most recent error.]
To clear error_get_last(), or put it in a well defined state, you should use the code below. It works even when a custom error handler has been set. 
If an error handler (see set_error_handler ) successfully handles an error then that error will not be reported by this function.
Function error_get_last() will return an error information even if the error is hidden because you've used character @, because of the "error_reporting" directive in the php.ini file, or because you've used function error_reporting().

Will display: array ( 'type' => 8, 'message' => 'Undefined variable: x', 'file' => 'test.php', 'line' => 4, )

Will display: array ( 'type' => 8, 'message' => 'Undefined variable: x', 'file' => 'test.php', 'line' => 4, )
Here is an easy way to add the human readable constant name for an error type:
$e = error_get_last();
$e['type_name'] = array_search($e['type'], get_defined_constants());
// Example result for error type 15: E_COMPILE_ERROR
Beware that registing a shutdown function to catch errors won't work if other shutdown functions throw errors.

In the above code, $last_error will contain the warning, becuase cleanupObjects() is called first.
It can't be completely reset, but you can "clear" it well enough for all practical purposes: 
To simulate this function in a horrid way for php 
To know if something happened between two statements one can of course use a special string with user_error() (in lieu of a built-in special reset mentioned by mail at mbaierl dot com): 
If your  function returns true then you'll have to roll you own error_get_last functionality. (Shortly mentioned by dmgx dot michael at gmail dot com).
To manual moderators: Re php.net/manual/add-note.php: Since i guess the above technically sorts under "References to other notes" i feel the need to defend myself with that i'm thinking it might show for usability where other's say it fails and no, i haven't got any other medium to reach the readers of the php manual notes.
Also, you could have some examples of what notes you think is okay. Thanks for your moderation.
Like $php_errormsg, the return value of this function may not be updated if a user-defined error handler returns non-FALSE. Tested on PHP 5.2.6. 
This is a simple debugging script for mail functions... 
While mail at mbaierl dot com makes the point that this function isn't best for reporting the possible error condition of the most recently executed step, there are situations in which it is especially helpful to know the last error—regardless of when it occurred.
As an example, imagine if you had some code that captured the output from dynamic pages, and cached it for faster delivery to subsequent visitors. A final sanity check would be to see if an error has occurred anywhere during the execution of the script. If there has been an error, we probably don't want to cache that page.
This function is pretty useless, as it can not be reset, so there is no way to know if the error really happened on the line before this function call.
If you have the need to check whether an error was a fatal error before PHP 5.2 (in my case, within an output buffer handler), you can use the following hack:

This is, of course, language-dependent, so it wouldn't be good in widely-distributed code, but it may help in certain cases (or at least be the base of something that would work).

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