
class_exists() - php 类对象函数

梵高1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 13#技术干货


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

class_exists() - php 类对象函数



class_exists(string $class_name[,bool $autoload= true]): bool










5.0.2不再为已定义的 interface 返回TRUE。请使用interface_exists()。


Example #1class_exists()例子

Example #2$autoloadparameter 例子


  • function_exists() 如果给定的函数已经被定义就返回 TRUE
  • interface_exists() 检查接口是否已被定义
  • get_declared_classes() 返回由已定义类的名字所组成的数组
If you are using aliasing to import namespaced classes, take care that class_exists will not work using the short, aliased class name - apparently whenever a class name is used as string, only the full-namespace version can be used
use a\namespaced\classname as coolclass;
class_exists( 'coolclass' ) => false
If you recursively load several classes inside an autoload function (or mix manual loading and autoloading), be aware that class_exists() (as well as get_declared_classes()) does not know about classes previously loaded during the *current* autoload invocation.
Apparently, the internal list of declared classes is only updated after the autoload function is completed.
Beware: class_exists is case-INsensitive, as is class instantiation.
php > var_dump(class_exists("DomNode"));
php > var_dump(class_exists("DOMNode"));
php > var_dump(class_exists("DOMNodE"));
php > $x = new DOMNOdE();
php > var_dump(get_class($x));
string(7) "DOMNode"
(tested with PHP 5.5.10 on Linux)
This can cause some headaches in correlating class names to file names, especially on a case-sensitive file system.
Hi guys!
Be careful and don't forget about second boolean argument $autoload (TRUE by default) when check exists class after spl_autoload_register. Propose short example
file second.php

file index.php

Because __autoload executing much earlier than boolean returned, imho..
I'm running PHP 5.3.4 on Windows 7 and had some difficulty autoloading classes using class_exists(). In my case, when I checked for the class and it didn't exist, class_exists automatically threw a system Exception. I was also throwing my own exception resulting in an uncaught exception.

By registering an additional autoload handler function that did nothing, I was able to stop throwing the extra Exception and only throw my own.

Found this buried in some search results. I don't remember the page URL but if it would have been here it might have saved me some time!
[ >= PHP 5.3]
If you are checking if a class exists that is in a specific namespace then you have to pass in the full path to the class:
echo (class_exists("com::richardsumilang::common::MyClass")) ? "Yes" : "No";
If you have a directory of classes you want to create. (Modules in my instance)... you can do it like that

Here the rule is that all modules are on the form
ModModulename.php and that the class has the same name as the file.
The $modules array has all the classes initialized after this code
If spl_autoload_register() had been called, then function will try autoload class if it does not exists.
Use instead 

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