get_declared_classes() - php 类对象函数
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
get_declared_classes(void): array返回由当前脚本中已定义类的名字组成的数组。
Note:需要注意的是额外类的出现依赖于你已编译到 PHP 中的库。这意味着你不能使用这些类名定义自己的类。在附录的预定义类部分有预定义类的列表。
Example #1get_declared_classes()例子
Array ( [0] => stdClass [1] => __PHP_Incomplete_Class [2] => Directory )
The array returned by this function will be in the order the classes were defined / included / required and this order does not appear to change. For example: Output: Array ( [0] => stdClass [1] .... other defined classes.... [10] => classone [11] => classtwo ) and... Array ( [0] => stdClass [1] .... other defined classes.... [10] => classone [11] => classtwo [12] => classthree [13] => classfour )
Regarding note of 3-21: This function could also be used to determine the names of classes defined in a particular file by calling it before and after include. It's hardly a pointless function.
get-declared-classes makes no sense at all, if u maybe, later for production, merge class files in one package file. lets say: package.php print_r(get_declared_classes()); class declaredHere { } print_r(get_declared_classes()); so in this case, the declaredHerr class is defined at the first call of print_r(); because PHP-complier runs a hole file and declare Stuff before running the code. But (Lovely PHP): print_r(get_declared_classes()); if(true){ class declaredHere { } } print_r(get_declared_classes()); Will print the declaredHere class only in the second print_r. Its not a Bug it a...
Summary: * in PHP 5.1 class names have case preserved * contrary, in PHP 4.4 class names are downcased, withe exception of a few build-in ones The get_declared_classes() funcition returns the list of names with case preserved, as of PHP 5.1 series (prolly 5.0 too, but i have no way to test it right now). Since PHP generally is caseless in regard to names of classes, this may come at a surprise. Also, this could potentially break older code asssuming downcased list. Take extra care when checking for existence of a class. Following example is, potentially, error prone: A sure-fire (while slower) way would be to iterate over the array and normalize case to, say, lower: Optimization of the above snippet is left as a simple excercise to the reader ;) -- dexen deVries
classes can't be unloaded. probably not very practical to implement that in a future version. I wouldn't go out of my way to do it if I were zend. you're better off finding a workaround. it's better programming technique to find a way around having to do that anyway.
you cannot remove them. they are "defined", which happens when the class is being loaded from the parser. you just deleted an instance of a class.
This function considers only classes and subclasses. Not subsubclasses. In fact I have code that provides an abstract class and then classes using this abstract class. Further I have subclasses to my concrete classes - which is why my subclasses are not listed within the returned array.
In PHP5, you don't get declared interfaces by calling this function!!! To get interfaces you should use get_declared_interfaces(). However, to check if an interface is already defined, you should use class_exists()! This is strange, but PHP team does not think so.
those above comments are too old. now, whatever the order is, the output will be the same: will output the same result.
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