imagecolorset() - gd函数(图像处理)
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
imagecolorset(resource $image,int $index,int $red,int $green,int $blue): void本函数将调色板中指定的索引设定为指定的颜色。对于在调色板图像中创建类似区域填充(flood-fill)的效果很有用,免去了真的去填充的开销。
here's a function to greyscale an image even from a truecolor source (jpeg or png). slightly poor quality, but very fast... function imagegreyscale(&$img, $dither=1) { if (!($t = imagecolorstotal($img))) { $t = 256; imagetruecolortopalette($img, $dither, $t); } for ($c = 0; $cIf you want to convert a Color image to Grayscale without creating a blotchy image, use this color calculation:If you are creating a palette image from scratch you have to use imagecolorallocate() for each index before you can use imagecolorset() on it.Here is a function to colorize a picture gradient style. All you have to do is to pass an img-object and an array of colors. e.g. $arr = array('#000000', '#990000', '#00FFFF', '#FFFFDD'); colorize ($img, $arr);I've been looking for a simple function which "colorizes" an image, without any success ... it looks like a lot of people mean something different with "colorizing" an image, because actually colorzing means multiplying the old color's grayscale with the new color. So a white pixel would become 100% of the colorize-to-color and a black pixel would stay black (I know I can't explain well ... I hope you understood, otherwise take a look at the example below the functions' code). Example of usage: Enjoythis is helpful if you would like to implement a color theme system in your website... try it out Davide Candiloro Italy function colorize ($pngpath, $r, $g, $b) /* REQUIRES: $pngpath to be a valid path of a greyscale PNG-8 image with 64 colors palette $r, $g, $b to be integers in the range 0..255 EFFECTS: returns the png image colorized with the color represented by $r, $g, $b. */ { header("Content-type: image/png"); $im = imagecreatefrompng("images/table.png"); imagetruecolortopalette($im, FALSE, 256); for ($c = 0; $cThis function change colors of an image with ranges 0>100 for each primary color: int ImageSelectiveColor (int im, int red, int green, int blue) im is image pointer red, green and blue are ranges 0->100 function ImageSelectiveColor($im,$red,$green,$blue) { for($i=0;$i255)$red_set=255; if($green_set>255)$green_set=255; if($blue_set>255)$blue_set=255; imagecolorset($im,$i,$red_set,$green_set,$blue_set); } return $im; }I had the same problem as heavyraptor2 so i made this function...
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