
imagefilter() - gd函数(图像处理)

梵高1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 23#技术干货


(PHP 5, PHP 7)



imagefilter(resource $src_im,int $filtertype[,int $arg1[,int $arg2[,int $arg3]]]): bool



  • $IMG_FILTER_NEGATE:将图像中所有颜色反转。
  • $IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE:将图像转换为灰度的。
  • $IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS:改变图像的亮度。用$arg1设定亮度级别。
  • $IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST:改变图像的对比度。用$arg1设定对比度级别。
  • $IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE:与$IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE类似,不过可以指定颜色。用$arg1,$arg2和$arg3分别指定$red,$blue和$green。每种颜色范围是 0 到 255。
  • $IMG_FILTER_EDGEDETECT:用边缘检测来突出图像的边缘。
  • $IMG_FILTER_EMBOSS:使图像浮雕化。
  • $IMG_FILTER_MEAN_REMOVAL:用平均移除法来达到轮廓效果。
  • $IMG_FILTER_SMOOTH:使图像更柔滑。用$arg1设定柔滑级别。

Note:此函数仅在与 GD 库捆绑编译的 PHP 版本中可用。









$filtertypecan be one of the following:

  • IMG_FILTER_NEGATE: Reverses all colors of the image.
  • IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE: Converts the image into grayscale.
  • IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS: Changes the brightness of the image. Use$arg1to set the level of brightness.
  • IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST: Changes the contrast of the image. Use$arg1to set the level of contrast.
  • IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE: Like IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE, except you can specify the color. Use$arg1,$arg2and$arg3in the form of$red,$blue,$greenand$arg4for the$alphachannel. The range for each color is 0 to 255.
  • IMG_FILTER_EDGEDETECT: Uses edge detection to highlight the edges in the image.
  • IMG_FILTER_EMBOSS: Embosses the image.
  • IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR: Blurs the image using the Gaussian method.
  • IMG_FILTER_SELECTIVE_BLUR: Blurs the image.
  • IMG_FILTER_MEAN_REMOVAL: Uses mean removal to achieve a "sketchy" effect.
  • IMG_FILTER_SMOOTH: Makes the image smoother. Use$arg1to set the level of smoothness.
  • IMG_FILTER_PIXELATE: Applies pixelation effect to the image, use$arg1to set the block size and$arg2to set the pixelation effect mode.
  • IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS: Brightness level.
  • IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST: Contrast level.
  • IMG_FILTER_SMOOTH: Smoothness level.
  • IMG_FILTER_PIXELATE: Block size in pixels.
  • IMG_FILTER_PIXELATE: Whether to use advanced pixelation effect or not(defaults to FALSE).
  • IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE: Alpha channel, A value between 0 and 127. 0 indicates completely opaque while 127 indicates completely transparent.




5.3.0 Pixelation support(IMG_FILTER_PIXELATE)was added.
5.2.5 Alpha support for IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE was added.


imagefilter() - gd函数(图像处理)

imagefilter() grayscale example

imagefilter() brightness example

imagefilter() colorize example

Example #7 imagefilter() negate example

Example #8 imagefilter() pixelate example



Note:此函数仅在与 GD 库捆绑编译的 PHP 版本中可用。


  • imageconvolution()用系数 div 和 offset 申请一个 3x3 的卷积矩阵
The documentation misses the exact meaning and valid ranges of the arguments for ImageFilter(). According to the 5.2.0 sources the arguments are:
-255 = min brightness, 0 = no change, +255 = max brightness
-100 = max contrast, 0 = no change, +100 = min contrast (note the direction!)
Adds (subtracts) specified RGB values to each pixel. The valid range for each color is -255...+255, not 0...255. The correct order is red, green, blue.
-255 = min, 0 = no change, +255 = max
This has not much to do with IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE.
Applies a 9-cell convolution matrix where center pixel has the weight arg1 and others weight of 1.0. The result is normalized by dividing the sum with arg1 + 8.0 (sum of the matrix).
any float is accepted, large value (in practice: 2048 or more) = no change
ImageFilter seem to return false if the argument(s) are out of range for the chosen filter.
I needed an especially strong blur effect today and had a hard time achieving adequate results with the built-in IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR filter. In order to achieve the strength of the blur I required I had to repeat the filter up to 100 times, which took way too long to be acceptable.
After a bit of searching, I found this answer to be quite a good solution to this problem: http://stackoverflow.com/a/20264482
Based on that technique, I wrote the following generic function to achieve a very strong blur in a reasonable amount of processing: 
From what i have been able to find from this function, it accepts the following arguments:
The following arguments need one or more arguments.
    IMG_FILTER_SMOOTH, -1924.124
    IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE, -127.12, -127.98, 127
I haven't tested them all, the names speak for themselves.
Here is an alternative to IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE filter, but taking the alpha parameter of each pixel in account. 
Function to change the transparency of a png image on the fly. Works only with PNG, and with a browser supporting alpha channel.
The function stretches the opacity-range of the image, so that the most opaque pixel(s) will be set to the given opacity. (Other opacity values in pixels are modified accordingly.)
Returns success or failure.

Example for use: 
For people looking to apply a 'multiply' effect on images like the one in Photoshop (generally b&w ones), you can achieve it with the IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE filter. 
a function to create nice vignette effect: 
a function to make all colors gray except the only one
i made it myself so the code is note so beautiful ) 
Note: applying IMG_FILTER_EMBOSS to text and using in a customization to the CAPTCHA image script in phpBB or a project of your own is a very good way to stop OCR-ing bots from getting through. Embossed serif fonts are fairly easy for the human eye to understand but to an OCR script it is extremely difficult because it seems to give it the illusion of 3D. 
If you only allocate 2 or 3 colours in the image, it uses the background colour alot in the embossed text, which greatly contributes to this.
I made my own custom CAPTCHA script to stop phpBB post spam for a client site I was developing and I have gone from getting 2-3 new spam users created every day to zero.
Anything with the source code freely available out there right now is possible to be defeated by spammers once one of them stars sharing code with the other spammers, but if you run something at least someone custom, their bots will pass you over.
Here's a page that shows the different filters in action
Also shows some quick ways to do sepia.
PHP Sepia Effect
 $myImage = imagecreatefromjpeg($f);
 imagefilter($myImage,IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE, 90, 55, 30); 
 header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
 imagejpeg($myImage );
 imagedestroy( $myImage );
filtertype is an integer. So if you want to use it as a variable and need to use, e.g. preg_match function you can do it in this way:

The order of the filtertypes in this manual determines the number of each filter, from 0 to 11. E.g. IMG_FILTER_NEGATE=0.
Simple pixelate function, just in case you are 
If you're looking for fast sepia effect that can be used for on-the-fly thumbnails generation you can't use sophisticated functions. The faster and much better way than described by webmaster at qudi dot de in the note from 31-Jan-2006 is applying colorize filter AFTER grayscale.

I used (90,60,40) for my sepia after couple of tests, however, if you need darker or lighter just check what suits you best.
IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE doesn't seem to work on palette image, here's a way to achieve same result with palette image:

Here's also a function that work on both truecolor and palette images that try to do something similar to greyscale with a given color

with hope that someone will find this useful
Searching for a way to easily change the color of the image, I tried IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE. I was unable to get the quality results I wanted. It turns out PHP's Colorize is the equivalent of Photoshop's "Linear Dodge" layer filter. 
Hue adjustments have always worked well for me, so I figured I could try with PHP.
This function is kind of slow on larger images, but on small images like what I'm using it for, the difference is trivial.
The script calculates the ratio or red, to green, to blue in the color provided, then scales the image appropriately... unfortunately, it does it pixel by pixel.
Here's a demo and comparison of this function, to photoshop's hue function, to PHP's colorize. http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/3167/imagefilterhuedemo.png 
Examples using imagefilter():


This will only work if you have php5. For php4, you'll have to use the sepia function set webmaster at qudi dot de suggested.
This routine was just what I was looking for, I wanted web admin users to be able to recolour their uploaded photos (to go with a news item) either a blue tint or sepia to match the appearance of other colours used on the website. 
Using a form with a select box containing the RGB values, I can give them the option of either of the two tints or no colourization at all, plus resize their images to the viewing size and a thumbnail image on the fly without having to use any other image editing software.
for a quick, ok-looking, sepia-effect (also in php4) I just use this little fellow, since a real implementation of sepia was just way too slow.
function pseudosepia(&$im,$percent){
for more detailed info, and some arg guidelines.
A colorize algorithm wich preserves color luminosity (i.e black 
will output black, and white will output white).
This works in PHP4 and is great for customizing interfaces 
I played with IMG_FILTER_SMOOTH and tried some negative
-1 to -7: looks like a mix of smoothness and edgedetect
-8: image seems to be completely broken
-9 and lower: kind of sharpening effect (-9 sharper than -10)
I think the sharpening effect in particular could be useful.
// With transparent PNG file you can colorize the "positive" items and stand the transparent has it is - Beta code 
It appears that imagefilter doesn't play nice with apha. If you run an imagefilter on a transparent image it'll return a black image...similar to a lot of Photoshop plugins do.

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