iptcparse() - gd函数(图像处理)
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
将二进制 IPTC 块解析为单个标记
iptcparse(string $iptcblock): array本函数将一个二进制的» IPTC块解析为单个的标记。
$iptcblock二进制的 IPTC 块。
返回一个数组,用 tagmarker 作为索引,以其值为值。如果出错或未发现 IPTC 数据则返回FALSE
iptcparse()used together with getimagesize()
Note:此函数不需要 GD 图象库。
Just to add to the above response, he missed a couple of IPTC tags: Keywords: $iptc["2#025"][n]; (there is a list of keywords) Caption Writer: $iptc["2#122"][0]; Just figured I'd note it, as the keywords can be quite important for database applications. I got these by extracting IPTC tags from a Photoshop 6.0 file, so hopefully they are standardized ;)
To import IPTC keywords (which are stored in an array) into a scalar, try this sort of approach: $keywordcount = count($iptc["2#025"]); for ($i=0; $i Of course, this will only preserve ISO-8859-1 characters. For proper Unicode support, you should convert UTF-8 byte sequences into HTML character entities, or encode the whole web page in UTF-8.
I've managed to update "pkrohn at daemonize dot com" array, after 12 years since initial publication. If you want to change some of IPCT header-strings into something more human-readable, try to use array similar to this: $iptcHeaderArray = array ( '2#005'=>'DocumentTitle', '2#010'=>'Urgency', '2#015'=>'Category', '2#020'=>'Subcategories', '2#040'=>'SpecialInstructions', '2#055'=>'CreationDate', '2#080'=>'AuthorByline', '2#085'=>'AuthorTitle', '2#090'=>'City', '2#095'=>'State', '2#101'=>'Country', '2#103'=>'OTR', '2#105'=>'Headline', '2#110'=>'Source', '2#115'=>'PhotoSource', '2#116'=>'Copyright', '2#120'=>'Caption', '2#122'=>'CaptionWriter' );
View all availiable IPCT Data function output_iptc_data( $image_path ) { $size = getimagesize ( $image_path, $info); if(is_array($info)) { $iptc = iptcparse($info["APP13"]); foreach (array_keys($iptc) as $s) { $c = count ($iptc[$s]); for ($i=0; $i
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