xmlrpc_server_register_method() - xml-rpc函数
(PHP 4 >= 4.1.0, PHP 5, PHP 7)
注册一个 PHP 函数用于匹配 xmlrpc 方法名
xmlrpc_server_register_method(resource $server,string $method_name,string $function): boolWarning此函数是实验性的。此函数的表象,包括名称及其相关文档都可能在未来的PHP 发布版本中未通知就被修改。使用本函数风险自担。
prototype of registered function: function method_impl(string $method_name, array $params, array $user_data); $method_name the public method name, known by calling client $params parameters specified by calling client $user_data any local data, passed by `xmlrpc_server_call_method'
Here is an example how to register a class methode: xml_rpc_server_register_methode($xmlrpc_server, "foo", array(&$bar, "foo_func")); where $bar is the instance of your class and foo_func a methode of this class. Don't forget the '&'! hope this may be useful... Chrigu
Remember that you can't do like Chrigu and Nate said if you want to add methods from a static class (Hence you can't create any instances of it). A workaround is to create lambda functions calling the methods: // Our static handler class static class MyHandler { public function getPrice($item) { $prices = array("apple" => 4, "orange" => 5); return $prices[$item]; } public function buy($item, $number) { $price = self::getPrice($item) * $number; do_thing_to_sell_the_item(); return $price; } } // Use reflection to get method names and parameters $mirror = new ReflectionClass("MyHandler"); foreach ($mirror->getMethods() as $method) { // Create new "lambda" function for each method // Generate argument list $args = array(); foreach ($method->getParameters() as $param) { $args[] = '$'.$param->getName(); } $args = implode(',', $args); // Generate code $methodname = $method->getName(); $code = "return {$real_class}::{$methodname}({$args});"; // Create function, retrieve function name $function_name = create_function($args, $code); // Register the function xmlrpc_server_register_method($myserver, $methodname, $function_name); }
To have an xmlrpc fault response programatically generated by the server, the php function registered as method handler must return an array containing a FaultCode and a FaultString members. function $myfunc($methodname, $vals, $extra_data) { ... return array('faultCode' => 666, 'faultString' => 'DOH!'); }
To register a callback to a 'static' function within the same class, consider a syntax like the following:
$callback = array (__CLASS__, "my_function_name");
xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_server, "my_function", $callback);
Doing it this way makes it easier to rename your class later.
In case its not completely obvious what Chrigu meant, You can register a method inside your class by doing the following: xml_rpc_server_register_methode($xmlrpc_server, "myClientCall", array(&$this, "handleClientCallFunc")); where $this == the magic class $this. =)
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