
shm_attach() - semaphore函数

百变鹏仔1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 12#技术干货


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

Creates or open a shared memory segment


shm_attach(int $key[,int $memsize[,int $perm= 0666]]): resource

shm_attach() returns an id that can be used to access the System V shared memory with the given$key, the first call creates the shared memory segment with$memsizeand the optional perm-bits$perm.

A second call to shm_attach() for the same$keywill return a different shared memory identifier, but both identifiers access the same underlying shared memory.$memsizeand$permwill be ignored.



shm_attach() - semaphore函数

A numeric shared memory segment ID


The memory size. If not provided, default to thesysvshm.init_memin thephp.ini, otherwise 10000 bytes.


The optional permission bits. Default to 0666.


Returns a shared memory segment identifier.


5.3.0 This function now returns a 资源(resource) instead of an integer.



This function used to return an integer value prior to PHP 5.3.0. To achieve the same value in a portable manner, the return value can be cast to an integer like:


  • shm_detach()Disconnects from shared memory segment
  • ftok()Convert a pathname and a project identifier to a System V IPC key
small shm class..
example usage:
$shx= new shmSmart;
$shx->put("key_name_apple","key_val_peach"); //set example..
$shx->put("key name alternative array",array(1=>"banana","apricot","blablabla"=>array("new-blaala"))); //set array example..
echo $shx->get("key_name_apple"); // get example key value.
$shx->del("key_name_apple"); // delete key
unset($shx); // free memory in php..
class shmSmart{
 public $shm;      //holds shared memory resource
 public function __construct(){
   die("\nYour PHP configuration needs adjustment. See: http://us2.php.net/manual/en/shmop.setup.php. To enable the System V shared memory support compile PHP with the option --enable-sysvshm.");
  $this->attach();  //create resources (shared memory)
 public function attach(){
  $this->shm=shm_attach(0x701da13b,33554432);  //allocate shared memory
 public function dettach(){
  return shm_detach($this->shm);  //allocate shared memory
 public function remove(){
  return shm_remove($this->shm);  //dallocate shared memory
 public function put($key,$var) {
  return shm_put_var($this->shm,$this->shm_key($key),$var);  //store var 
 public function get($key){
   return shm_get_var($this->shm,$this->shm_key($key)); //get var
   return false;  
 public function del($key){
   return shm_remove_var($this->shm,$this->shm_key($key)); // delete var
   return false;  
 public function has($key){
  if(shm_has_var($this->shm,$this->shm_key($key))){ // check is isset
   return true;    
   return false;    
 public function shm_key($val){ // enable all world langs and chars !
  return preg_replace("/[^0-9]/","",(preg_replace("/[^0-9]/","",md5($val))/35676248)/619876); // text to number system.
 public function __wakeup() {
 public function __destruct() {
I was playing around with these functions and made a class in the process. This will of course be slower than accessing a variable locally, but gives the ability to store variables in a shared environment and gives many running scripts the understanding that it should access them from the shared area. This should also auto destroy the shared memory area once no more scripts have a link to the data (when all scripts use this class). 
Since there aren't seperate functions for CREATING and ATTACHING shared memory (a mistake in my opinion), you might want to do some testing to check whether you've created it or not, as you may not want the slave of a master/slave pair to ever create the shared memory.
One way you can test this is by having your slave set the size to something small, then testing the size by putting a variable too large to fit, e.g.:
function get_shmem() {
   return shm_attach(ftok('somefile.txt', 'T'), 100, 0644);
$shm = get_shmem();
while (!@shm_put_var($shm, 1, str_repeat('.....', 20))) {
   //we created it, so we'll remove it and sleep to wait for the master to create it, then try again.
   $shm = get_shmem();
shm_remove_var($shm, 1);
//here we know the shared memory was already created, because we could put a variable in bigger than the size requested.
Another way you can handle it is to have all programs initialize the shared memory with the same parameters... I had a problem with this when my clients starting too fast and created the shmem without passing a memsize value, so it was defaulting to 10k which was too small.
With Sun Solaris 2.x, the MAXIMUM shared memory value allowed is 1,048,576. The maximum allowed value can be determined using the command /usr/sbin/sysdef. On Linux, there does not seem to be any system enforced maximum size. To change the maximum allowed size on Solaris 2.x, use set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=[new value].
If you get an error like "PHP Warning: shm_attach(): failed for key 0x61040bb5: Cannot allocate memory" then you might need to tweak your shared memory configuration.
To see your system values, enter "sysctl kern.sysv."
Important values are kern.sysv.shmmax and kern.sysv.shmall:
* kern.sysv.shmmax is the max number of bytes one shared memory segment may have
* kern.sysv.shmall is the max number of memory pages all shared memory segments together can consume
One memory page is 4096 bytes, meaning that if you set kern.sysv.shmmax to 1073741824 (1GB) then kern.sysv.shmall must be at least 262144 to be able to allocate a one GB memory segment (since 262144 * 4096 = 1073741824).
tl;dr The default values on some systems are very low and then it is not enough to only increase kern.sysv.shmmax - also kern.sysv.shmall needs to be increased accordingly!
Hi :)
I write small class for build bright message between my application.


I tried all the suggestions above for getting the object size (in bytes) for $memsize, but they didn't work universally for the two types of objects I tried (string and array of strings).
After doing some googling and experimenting, I've found the following magic formula:
$memsize = ( strlen( serialize( $object ) ) + 44 ) * 2;
I found this in someone else's code, so I can't explain it.
As a follow-up to my last post regarding shm_attach and its limit capability for knowing how it was created....
for more control, use the shmop_* series of functions, as they have finer grained control than these.
and by the way: the SHMOP functions SHOULD BE listed under "see also" for all the SHM* wrapper functions (I assume they are wrappers to the SHMOP* functions).
The limit for one SHM block seems to be 32 MB, but you can split your data in several SHM blocks if you need to. The total SHM limit seems to be about 8 GB.
I'm not sure whether this is true for all configurations.
If one process make a shm_attach to one inexistent memory area, this area will be created under the same priviliegies of the script running user. If another process will try to create or acces the same area, runnig by other user with different privileges of the first user, an error will occur.
Cecil, the key of a var is an integer (not the name ). You can put multiples vars in the same share.
#!/usr/local/bin/php -q 
As far as I see from the sources of ext/sysvshm, it's not needed to do arithmetic (bit) OR (|) of "perm" with IPC_CREAT (and IPC_EXCL). The extension will do it for you. It tries to attach to the memory segment and if the try did not succeed it tries to attach but with flags set to user_flag | IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL.
The exact code (shm_flag is the third param to the function) :
if ((shm_id = shmget(shm_key, 0, 0)) 
Here is an example of how to use one shared memory block to store multiple variables or arrays.. unfortunetly in order to store more than ONE variable, you have to use sem_get() multiple times.. same goes for shm_attach(), shm_put_var() and shm_get_var()
#!/usr/local/bin/php -q

to REALLY test it.. create a second script like so and run it..
#!/usr/local/bin/php -q

As you can see, test2.php doesn't insert anything into shared memory.. yet it pulls out 3 totally different arrays already stored..
Hope that helps.. took me a bit to get it right.. everyone seems to have their own idea of how shm should be used. lol.
BTW, not sure how the ftok works to be honest, cause I didn't change the __FILE__ to match the file path of test.php or anything.. I would think that the file path out have to be the exact same to work correctly.. oh well, it worked as-is! haha..
- Cecil
Notice that 'int key' for shared-memory is shared with the keys used for semaphores. So you get in trouble when you use the same key value for semaphores and shared memory!
Objects are stored serialized in shm_put_var, so to find a value for memsize, you can use strlen(serialize($object_to_store_in_shm)).
Under the "Notes" section, it is stated that one can cast the resource ID returned by shm_attach() to an integer as of PHP 5.3.0; however, this will NOT be the same integer as the shmid value which is returned from the native SysV function shmget() on Linux (as I was hoping it might be). The integer returned by casting is merely the ID number of the resource, which is totally useless outside of the context of these functions, AFAICT.
To verify this, one can allocate a memory block with shm_attach() (or shmop_open()), print out the resource returned and compare it to the value in the "shmid" column when running "ipcs" in a terminal on Linux (or some other *nix OS).
In my log I have found string
"shm_attach(): failed for key 0x366f: No space left on device" 
But have not found any suggestion for this at php.net and at google.
So question was how to make free memory used by shm_attach .
At first to view (Linux) how many segments allocated, use 
:~# ipcs -mu
:~# ipcs -ml
to remove segment use:
:~# ipcrm -m [shmid]
otherwise you can reboot server, or launch sh script based on commands above.
To avoid troubles with "No space left on device" ALWAYS use 
shm_remove() & shm_detach() after call shm_attach().
4194304 means 4 MB and NOT 4 GB for shared memory on FreeBSD. You can increase the shared memory at runtime if you like.
You might expect the SHM functions to be significantly faster than building variables from MySQL operations. Unfortunately this is not the case regarding large multidimensional arrays. I've tested write, read, update and delete operations with with a two dimensional associative array directly with SHM and in comparison with a class using MySQL and a class using SHMOP functions (with mostly offset-accurate serialization). Both classes generated the same array as stored with SHM. Unlike SHMOP the performance of SHM decreases considerably with larger arrays. At 2000 instructions with an $array[$row][$key] of 200 rows and 5 keys even MySql is faster than SHM.This might be due to the fact, that SHM deals with any kind of arrays and makes internal use the PHPs powerful serialize() function.
A simple Sample to introduce SHM. 
Responding to jpeter1978 at yahoo dot com ... Assuming a character is typically two bytes, the size of a serialized variable (incl array or obj) is 2 * its strlen(). The 44 is 4 more than the 24 + 16 = 40 suggested by php at cytrax dot de plus 4 bytes for worst case 4-byte alignment. So this is probably a reliable formula if you are too lazy to align it using something similar to zeppelinux at comcast dot net as in:
($strlen($serialized_array_or_obj) /4 ) * 4 ) + 40;
The zeppelinux formula would use 20 (for 4-byte integer cpu) or 36 (for 64-bit or 8-byte cpu) for the ending constant so 40 or 44 is probably just achieving header padding but it certainly can't hurt.
The memsize needed for shared memory (tested on linux system) can be calculated with:
For each varialbe you want to store: 24 Bytes
+ serialized var-size (see below) alligned by 4 Bytes
+ 16 Bytes
For a update of a var with the same key, the memory for the old var will be needed extra.
Finding out shared memory kernel settings in FreeBSD:
sys1# sysctl -a | grep -i SHM
kern.ipc.shmmax: 4194304
kern.ipc.shmmin: 1
kern.ipc.shmmni: 96
kern.ipc.shmseg: 64
kern.ipc.shmall: 1024
kern.ipc.shm_use_phys: 0
Shows us that we can allocate a total of 4GB (wow) of shared memory, etc...

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