
posix_getgrgid() - posix函数(可移植操作系统接口)

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posix_getgrgid() - posix函数(可移植操作系统接口)

(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

Return info about a group by group id


posix_getgrgid(int $gid): array

Gets information about a group provided its id.



The group id.


The array elements returned are:

The group information array
name The name element contains the name of the group. This is a short, usually less than 16 character "handle" of the group, not the real, full name.
passwd The passwd element contains the group's password in an encrypted format. Often, for example on a system employing "shadow" passwords, an asterisk is returned instead.
gid Group ID, should be the same as the$gidparameter used when calling the function, and hence redundant.
members This consists of an array of string's for all the members in the group.


Example use of posix_getgrgid()


    [name]    => toons
    [passwd]  => x
    [members] => Array
            [0] => tom
            [1] => jerry
    [gid]     => 42


  • posix_getegid()Return the effective group ID of the current process
  • posix_getgrnam()Return info about a group by name
  • filegroup()取得文件的组
  • stat()给出文件的信息
  • safe_mode_gid
  • POSIX man page GETGRNAM(3)
This code should be considered as an OPTION only, it works under MY set of circumstances, and that is all I intended. The below funtion will return the NAME of the GROUP if provided with the Group ID#
 function RC_posix_getgrgid($gid) 
  $LocationGroup = "/etc/group"; //EDIT THIS IF YOU HAVE A DIFFERENT OS. mine = debian
  $fp = fopen ("/etc/group","r");
  while ($groupinfo = fscanf ($fp, "%[a-zA-Z0-9]:x:%[0-9]:%[a-zA-Z0-9]\n")) 
    list ($name, $groupID, $nfi) = $groupinfo;
    if ($groupID == $gid)
      $returnval = $name;
  if($returnval) { return $returnval; } else { return 0; }
When posix_getgrgid() fails (e.g. an invalid/unknown group id), it returns false.
This is except for Mac OSX on which you get an array with name "nogroup" and gid of "-1".
in php-4.3 the array returned seems to have changed.
it now returns:
["name"] group name
["passwd"] group password
["members"] group members (array of usernames)
["gid"] numeric group id
Returns an array containing the elements of the group structure. The array has both numeric indices, each of which is a string naming one member of the group, and named string indices. The array elements are:
$_["name"] string groupname (users)
$_["gid"] integer gidnumber (e.g. 0 for wheel/root)
$_["members"] int number of users in group
$_[0]..$_[n] string usernames in the group