
posix_getppid() - posix函数(可移植操作系统接口)

百变鹏仔1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 12#技术干货


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

Return the parent process identifier


posix_getppid(void): int

Return the process identifier of the parent process of the current process.


posix_getppid() - posix函数(可移植操作系统接口)

Returns the identifier, as an integer.


Example use of posix_getppid()

answering to http://php.net/manual/en/function.posix-getppid.php#120088
if you're using proc_open and you want to get the pid of the calling php-process, use proc open with usage "exec php $scriptname". In that case, you can get the real parent-id, because php doesn't start a new shell.
WARNING, when using proc_open, your child will NOT get the parent php process's PID by using posix_getppid() , it will actually get the pid of a shell ( /bin/sh ? ) started by php, which in turn starts the child. i don't currently have a good workaround for this, but i'm working around it by having the parent write it's pid to a file and having the chidren read the file
posix_getppid will not work on Windows.
Here's an alternative: 
when using proc_open, the child's ppid is NOT your php script, but rather a shell started by proc_open's pid. to get your pid, your proc_open child needs to get the parent's parent's (aka grandparent's) pid. here's a way to do that in PHP on linux: 
function posix_getpppid(): int {
  return ( int ) (explode ( " ", file_get_contents ( "/proc/" . posix_getppid () . "/stat" ) ) [3]);
(thanks to TML @ irc.freenode.net/##PHP for the technique)
(i said most of this in a previous comment, but i didn't have a good solution for it. now i have. if someone with the privileges read this, can you delete this notice and my previous comment please?)

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