
PDO::query() - PDO类

百变鹏仔1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 15#技术干货


PDO::query() - PDO类

(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7, PECL pdo >= 0.2.0)

执行 SQL 语句,以 PDOStatement 对象形式返回结果集


publicPDO::query(string $statement): PDOStatementpublicPDO::query(string $statement,int$PDO::FETCH_COLUMN,int $colno): PDOStatementpublicPDO::query(string $statement,int$PDO::FETCH_CLASS,string $classname,array $ctorargs): PDOStatementpublicPDO::query(string $statement,int$PDO::FETCH_INTO,object $object): PDOStatement

PDO::query()在单次函数调用内执行 SQL 语句,以 PDOStatement 对象形式返回结果集(如果有数据的话)。

如果反复调用同一个查询,用PDO::prepare()准备 PDOStatement 对象,并用PDOStatement::execute()执行语句,将具有更好的性能。

如果没有完整获取结果集内的数据,就调用下一个PDO::query(),将可能调用失败。应当在执行下一个PDO::query()前,先用PDOStatement::closeCursor()释放数据库PDOStatement 关联的资源。





需要准备、执行的 SQL 语句。



PDO::query()返回 PDOStatement 对象,或在失败时返回FALSE


展示 PDO::query 的使用

PDO::query()一个不错的功能是:执行 SELECT 语句,并能够循环遍历结果集。


apple   red     150
banana  yellow  250
kiwi    brown   75
lemon   yellow  25
orange  orange  300
pear    green   150
watermelon      pink    90


  • PDO::exec() 执行一条 SQL 语句,并返回受影响的行数
  • PDO::prepare() 准备要执行的语句,并返回语句对象
  • PDOStatement::execute() 执行一条预处理语句
The handling of errors by this function is controlled by the attribute PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE.
Use the following to make it throw an exception: 
> When query() fails, the boolean false is returned. 
I think that is "Silent Mode".
If that set attribute ErrorMode "Exception Mode"
then that throw PDOException.
 $pdoObj = new PDO( $dsn, $user, $pass );
After a lot of hours working with DataLink on Oracle->MySQL and PDO we (me and Adriano Rodrigues, that solve it) discover that PDO (and oci too) need the attribute AUTOCOMMIT set to FALSE to work correctly with.
There's 3 ways to set autocommit to false: On constructor, setting the atribute after construct and before query data or initiating a Transaction (that turns off autocommit mode)
The examples:

To use DataLinks on oci just use OCI_DEFAULT on oci_execute() function;
Trying to pass like second argument PDO::FETCH_ASSOC it still work.
So passing FETCH TYPE like argument seems work.
This save you from something like:

If someone is suffering of the "MySQL server has gone away" problem after executing multiple queries, this is a solution that solved it for me. It's similar to the one needed for the exact same problem in mysqli.

I found this only works using prepare and execute this way, not if you 
directly execute the query with query().
The Documentation doesn’t mention this, but you can use a fetch style as a second parameter. For example: 

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