
IntlDateFormatter::create() - IntlDateFormatter类

是丫丫呀1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 16#技术干货




(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PECL intl >= 1.0.0)

IntlDateFormatter::create() - IntlDateFormatter类

Create a date formatter


publicstaticIntlDateFormatter::create(string $locale,int $datetype,int $timetype[,mixed $timezone= NULL[,mixed $calendar= NULL[,string $pattern= ""]]]): IntlDateFormatter


publicIntlDateFormatter::__construct(string $locale, int $datetype, int $timetype[,mixed $timezone= NULL[,mixed $calendar= NULL[,string $pattern= ""]]])过程化风格
datefmt_create(string $locale,int $datetype,int $timetype[,mixed $timezone= NULL[,mixed $calendar= NULL[,string $pattern= ""]]]): IntlDateFormatter

Create a date formatter.



Locale to use when formatting or parsing or NULL to use the value specified in the ini setting intl.default_locale.


Date type to use(none,short,medium,long,full). This is one of the IntlDateFormatter constants. It can also be NULL, in which case ICUʼs default date type will be used.


Time type to use(none,short,medium,long,full). This is one of the IntlDateFormatter constants. It can also be NULL, in which case ICUʼs default time type will be used.


Time zone ID. The default(and the one used if NULL is given)is the one returned by date_default_timezone_get() or, if applicable, that of the IntlCalendar object passed for the$calendarparameter. This ID must be a valid identifier on ICUʼs database or an ID representing an explicit offset, such asGMT-05:30.

This can also be an IntlTimeZone or a DateTimeZone object.


Calendar to use for formatting or parsing. The default value is NULL, which corresponds to IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN. This can either be one of the IntlDateFormatter calendar constants or an IntlCalendar. Any IntlCalendar object passed will be clone; it will not be changed by the IntlDateFormatter. This will determine the calendar type used(gregorian, islamic, persian, etc.)and, if NULL is given for the$timezoneparameter, also the timezone used.


Optional pattern to use when formatting or parsing. Possible patterns are documented at » http://userguide.icu-project.org/formatparse/datetime.


The created IntlDateFormatter or FALSE in case of failure.


5.5.0/PECL 3.0.0

An IntlCalendar object is allowed for$calendar.

Objects of type IntlTimeZone and DateTimeZone are allowed for$timezone.

Invalid timezone identifiers(including empty strings)are no longer allowed for$timezone.

If NULL is given for$timezone, the timezone identifier given by date_default_timezone_get() will be used instead of ICUʼs default.


datefmt_create() example

OO example


First Formatted output is Wednesday, December 31, 1969 4:00:00 PM PT
Second Formatted output is Mittwoch, 31. Dezember 1969 16:00 Uhr GMT-08:00
First Formatted output with pattern is 12/31/1969
Second Formatted output with pattern is 12/31/1969 


  • datefmt_format() Format the date/time value as a string
  • datefmt_parse() Parse string to a timestamp value
  • datefmt_get_error_code() Get the error code from last operation
  • datefmt_get_error_message() Get the error text from the last operation
It should be noted that the locale string passed into IntlDateFormatter's constructor supports UCA keywords. So you can, for example, do things like this to output the year as a Japanese era year: 
The documentation says that $datetype and $timetype can also be NULL, in which case ICUʼs default date type or time type will be used.
But when declare (strict_types=1); is also set, Intl fails to create the IntlDateFormatter class, and it returns an error "datefmt_create: unable to parse input parameters".
Documentation says "timezone: Time zone ID, default is system default."
The "system default" really means only the "TZ" environment variable on Unix/Linux systems. It does not mean PHP ini setting or value set via date_default_timezone_set() or the OS default time zone in file "/etc/timezone".

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