
curl_exec() - 执行 cURL 会话 - curl函数库

是丫丫呀1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 43#技术干货


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.2, PHP 5, PHP 7)

执行 cURL 会话


curl_exec(resource $ch): mixed

执行给定的 cURL 会话。

这个函数应该在初始化一个 cURL 会话并且全部的选项都被设置后被调用。



由curl_init()返回的 cURL 句柄。




curl_exec() - 执行 cURL 会话 - curl函数库





  • curl_multi_exec()运行当前 cURL 句柄的子连接
Just in case anyone is looking for a a couple of simple functions [to help automate cURL processes for POST and GET queries] I thought I'd post these. 
Don't disable SSL verification! You don't need to, and it's super easy to stay secure! If you found that turning off "CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST" and "CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER" solved your problem, odds are you're just on a Windows box. Takes 2 min to solve the problem. Walkthrough here:
Be careful when using curl_exec() and the CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER option. According to the manual and assorted documentation:
Set CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER to TRUE to return the transfer as a string of the return value of curl_exec() instead of outputting it out directly.
When retrieving a document with no content (ie. 0 byte file), curl_exec() will return bool(true), not an empty string. I've not seen any mention of this in the manual.
Example code to reproduce this: 
Thank you for sharing this. I was wondering why my result was 1.
To get around this in a safe way, this is how I check if the result is valid.
$ch = curl_init(); /// initialize a cURL session 
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$xmlResponse = curl_exec ($ch);
curl_close ($ch);
if (!is_string($xmlResponse) || !strlen($xmlResponse)) {
  return $this->_set_error( "Failure Contacting Server" );
} else {
  return $xmlResponse;
Example of use: 
Be always aware that CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER set to FALSE or 0 should never be used for production as it makes the link inmediately vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attack, still you can use it during development, but I would suggest that only if you KNOW what are you doing, otherwise spend some more time making requests to HTTPS sites work without resorting to set that option to FALSE or 0.
Great class Roman - just one fix:
Replace the following line:

with this:

CURL automatically creates the host parameter (since it is required for HTTP/1.1 requests), so you don't need to set it. But if you created a custom host parameter, the above bug would cause a '400 Bad Request' response due to invalid host specified.
Also when copying and pasting the class code, make sure that no line breaks occur (for example in the $header and $user_agent definitions etc.). It will still be valid PHP, but the HTTP request will not be valid, and you may get a '400 Bad Request' response from the server.
It took me a little playing around with an HTTP Sniffer before I finally got an HTTP POST request fully working!
fyi - if you are having problems getting a
webpage to display in your webpage with 
due to version bugginess perhaps, 
you may can use output control functions
like this to show a web page
inside your webpage:

$ch = curl_init("http://www.cocoavillage.com/");
// use output buffering instead of returntransfer -itmaybebuggy
$retrievedhtml = ob_get_contents();
// if you intend to print this page with meta tags, better clear out any expiration tag
//  $result = preg_replace('/(?s)]*>/i', '', $retrievedhtml);
// for now I just want what is between the body tags so need
// somehow cut the header footer   
$bodyandend = stristr($retrievedhtml,"") + 1;
// got to change all to lowercase temporarily 
// because end body may be upperlowercasemix
// to bad strirstr does not exist

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