

桃子1年前 (2023-12-04)阅读数 12#综合百科



需要微拉美手?术同时口服配套营养acme—tea 细 胞激活能量蛋白,修 复损伤细 胞同时大量生成新的细 胞组织。促进纤维母细 胞、胶原及弹性蛋白的生成。新生紧 致效果可以提升2~3倍。

▲ ?▲ ● ?▲ ?▲微拉美是将可吸收的医用高分子胶原材料,准确植入皮肤的真皮层、肌肉层、筋膜层提拉固定,全方位收紧面部松弛组织,只需一次提拉回归年轻态,全方位全面部立体提拉延缓衰老。微拉美作用是通过埋到皮下的材料对皮肤进行提拉和紧致,这些胶原纤维的瘢痕对皮下起到一定的提拉作用,▲ ?▲ ● ?▲ ?▲微拉美后补充专用营养可以激?活全面部皮肤,提升提拉效果。微拉美是由聚(L-乳酸-乙醇酸)制备的一种生物材料——条状提拉带,Micro Latin America after supplementing special nutrition can activate the whole facial skin, improve the lift effect. MicroLatin is a biomaterial —— strip prepared from poly (L-lactate-glycolic acid),它突破了传统拉皮手?术的不足之处,主要在面部的软组织深层起到大范围的提拉作用。针对保持时间方面的话,一般是维持3-5年左右,不过选择正规的医美机构+专业的医师+微拉美专用营养acme—tea +术?后认真的护理可以规避术 后副作用的发生▲ ?▲ ● ?▲ ?▲。

■ ?■ ? ■微拉美安全吗?副作用和后遗症?■ ?■ ? ■

& ?& ?& ?微 拉美本身是有历史悠久,俄 罗 斯早在70年代面部年轻化就有微拉美技术。面部微拉美技术发展至今,技术已经趋于成熟,那为什么微?拉美后出现异常现象的还是很多呢,主要有以下几个原因, & ?& ?& ?面部微拉美年轻化项目的原理——是通过埋到面部的提拉带刺激周边更大范围产生新的细 胞来代替老化松弛的细 胞,为了达到再生细 胞范围更大、更加年轻和优质,需配合微拉美专 用营养acme-tea,来活化全脸细 胞整体更新,并为年轻细 胞提供充足的营养。

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& ?& ?& ?微?拉美后提拉带周边自然会形成瘢 痕组织,只在微 拉美的部位小面积生成皮下瘢痕组织聚集牵拉,而周仍然是老化松弛的细 胞,整个面部并没有整体更新的新细 胞来平衡微拉美部位的牵拉,这样会导致术?后面部皮肤凹凸不平,皮下有硬块结节,甚至表情僵硬。 & ?& ?& ?排除材料问题皮下的炎?症反应、肿痛、面部表情失调、神经损伤,这是因为医生微拉美时操作不当。Eliminate the material problems of the subcutaneous inflam?matory reaction, swell?ing and pain, facial expression disorders, nerve damage, this is because of the doctor when the micro Latin American improper operation.

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& ?& ?& ?身体能量不足,新细?胞生成失败,自身俢复能力跟不上会使微拉美术.后提拉带暴露,面部凹陷。有的会导致面部肌肉的挛缩和脂肪的萎缩。这也是很多人微?拉美后没有效果的主要原因。The body lacks energy, new cells fail to generate, and hacks keep up with art. The posterior tila band was exposed and facial depressed. Some can cause contractures of the facial muscles and atrophy of fat. This is also the main reason why many people do not work after the micro Latin America.。 & ?& ?& ?欧美-GUO家微拉美后,医生要求患者术.后口服acme—tea的主要目的,口服专 用营养有三大目的1、为全脸大面积均衡生成更年轻的新细 胞提供能能量,2、其含有密集俢复因子、紧急俢复因子,俢复微?拉美过程当中的细 胞损伤和神?经损伤,3、腹寒抗?炎因子,抗?炎、止痛、消肿。

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■ ?■ ? ■微拉美后护理?注意事项适?适合吃什么保养品?■ ?■ ? ■

& ?& ?& ?面部微拉美后一个月内尽量仰卧,不要侧睡,注意表情控制,不可以按摩。不吃过硬的难咀嚼的食物,小口吃饭,少吃发物。针眼没有结痂前不可以洗脸和化妆。以下情况需要配合口服acme-tea? 微 拉美术?后专用y营养Face micro Latin America after try to lie on his back within a month, do not sleep on the side, pay attention to expression control, can not massage. Don't eat good and hard to chew food, eat small food, eat less hair. Do not wash your face and makeup before the needle eye without scab. The following conditions require oral acme-tea。。

%%1、超过三天皮肤仍然红肿疼痛。若有面部神经损伤的情况,双倍口服紧急俢 复因子,含有皮下抗炎成份。在24小时之内止痛消肿。The skin remained red and sore over three days. In case of facial nerve damage, double oral emergency hacks contain subcutaneous anti-inflammatory components. Reduce the pain and swelling within 24 hours.

■ ?■ ? ■微拉美后脸变宽?面部有凹陷?两边不对称多久可以恢复?■ ?■ ? ■

& ?& ?& ?微?拉美后面部变宽,主要是因为以往的脂肪和肌肉下垂堆砌。微拉美后将堆砌和下垂的组织提升,所以会显得面部较宽,通常2~3个月会得到舒缓和释放,面部凹陷不对称,大多数原因是?提拉带滑线或者是微?拉美断裂,所以会导致面部的凹陷和不均衡,这时候通过acm—etea俢复因子,启动面部紧急俢复,快速均衡皮下新细胞生成营养。俢复皮下损伤,预防面部左右不均衡和面部凹陷。 & ?& ?& ?Micro Latin American face widening, mainly because of the past fat and muscle sagging pile. Micro Latin America will pile up and sagging tissue promotion, so the face is wide, usually 2~3 months will get relief and release, facial depression asymmetry, most of the reason is the pull belt slip line or micro Latin American fracture, so will lead to the face depression and imbalance, then through the acm-etea hacks, start the face emergency hacks, quickly balance the new subcutaneous cells to generate nutrition. Hear the subcutaneous damage to prevent the left and right facial imbalance and facial depression. & ?& ?& ?术后俢复专?用营养acm—etea是专门针对于微 整 术的特征设计的一款细?胞能量,包括30多项俢复专 利。正版的术?后专用营养除了皮肤美白专 利:ZL201810603225.4和皮肤保湿专 利:ZL201810568899.5,还有专门针对于手 术过程当中俢复损伤细 胞同时为新细 胞提供生长能量的三项专 利:

皮肤紧急俢复胶原三肽专 利:ZL 201810869989. 8

皮肤密集俢复用弹性蛋白专 利,ZL201811020273.7

皮肤俢复用胶原蛋白专 利:ZL 201811019575.2

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■ ?■ ? ■微拉美提升面部后注意事项■ ?■ ? ■

%%?1.术?后按照整 形医生的医嘱口服消?炎药5?-?7天;如有特别疼痛可口服止痛药1?-?3天,如不适感强烈及时联系手?术医生,不可自己擅自服用药品。

%%2.术 后48小时内微拉美部位不要蘸水,注意患处的护理,避免外力挤压创口部位,预防二次感.染。

%%3.微 拉美之后要多注意休息,不要做剧烈的运动。不要去做汗蒸,不要化妆,注意保持面部的清洁。


%%5. 微拉美手术同时口服配套营养acm—etea细?胞激活能量蛋白,专用俢复营养俢复损伤细胞同时大量生成新的细胞组织。面部提升的效果是明显的,紧.致效果可以提升2--3倍,术后维持时间可达3--5年。

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& ?& ?& ?1. Take antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs for 5-7 days as ordered by the plastic surgeon post-surgery; take painkillers for 1-3 days, contact the surgeon in time, and do not take drugs without authorization. 2. Do not dip in water in the micro-Latin American parts within 48 hours after the operation, pay attention to the care of the affected area, avoid the external force squeezing the wound site, and prevent the secondary sensation. dye.? & ?& ?& 3. After micro Latin America, pay more attention to rest, do not do strenuous exercise. Do not do sweat and steam, do not make up for makeup, and pay attention to keep your face clean. 4. After finishing the micro-Latin American face promotion, avoid eating seafood to prevent skin allergies. In addition, pay attention to a light diet and do not eat stimulating food. 5. MicroLatin surgery while oral nutrients acm-etea cells activate energy proteins, hacks damage cells and generate large amounts of new cellular tissues. The effect of the facial lift is noticeable, tight. The effect can be increased by 2- -3 times, and the postoperative maintenance time can be up to 3- -5 years.? & ?& ?& qfr

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