
mcrypt_cbc() - mcrypt库(加密)

百变鹏仔1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 31#技术干货


(PHP 4, PHP 5)

mcrypt_cbc() - mcrypt库(加密)

以 CBC 模式加解密数据


This function wasDEPRECATEDin PHP 5.5.0, andREMOVEDin PHP 7.0.0.

Alternatives to this function include:

  • mcrypt_decrypt()
  • mcrypt_encrypt()


mcrypt_cbc(int $cipher,string $key,string $data,int $mode[,string $iv]): stringmcrypt_cbc(string $cipher,string $key,string $data,int $mode[,string $iv]): string

第一个原型是针对 libmcrypt 2.2.x 的,第二个原型是针对 libmcrypt 2.4.x 及更高版本的。$mode可选值为:MCRYPT_ENCRYPTMCRYPT_DECRYPT

The PERL libraries have changed a little bit and getting PHP and PERL to mcrypt together can be confusing, so here is a current example;

$encryptedString = '7DjnpOXG+FrUaOuc8x6vyrkk3atSiAf425ly5KpG7lOYgwouw2UATw==';
$iv = '12345678';
$passphrase = '8chrsLng';
$string = &decryptPhpEncrypted $encryptedString, $passphrase, $iv;
# Expect: Some Secret thing I want to encrypt
sub decryptPhpEncrypted() {
 my ($encryptedString, $passphrase, $iv) = @_;
 my $keysize = length($passphrase);
 use Crypt::CBC;
 $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new( {'key' => $encryptedString,
               'cipher'=> 'Blowfish',
               'iv' => $iv,
               'keysize' => $keysize,
               'regenerate_key' => 0,
               'padding' => 'null',
               'prepend_iv' => 0});
 return $cipher->decrypt($encryptedString);
if you use blowfish and somehow when you compare strings before and after it was (usually when it's shorter than 8 or 16 bytes) you might notice the difference, it comes out that this function does not remove padding, as a result you get a bunch of nulls at the end.
$decrypted = rtrim($decrypted,"\0"); 
to fix it
The following code is to 

Notes on the result 
-o running the script from the command line 1 time 
  php script.php works correct
-o if i ran the script in a loop i.e.
for x in `seq 100` 
    echo $x
    php script.php >> LOG.text 
    sleep 1
it gets slower after the 10th time
+ inconsistent output 
sometimes correct some with encrypted characters at the end of the decrypted string 
-o Firefox on Linux it decrypts to the original string but appends 
  some encryption at the end of the decrypted sting
-o running the script on the browser from windows on Firefox, 
  Google Chrome, IE7 works fine for just few times 
  "refresh every few seconds" 
  if refresh fast it doesn't work correctly, 
  some times returns the decrypted as encrypted!
  some times returns mix of encrypted & decrypted
I thought if sharing that test for those functions might be 
useful for some body

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