
mdecrypt_generic() - mcrypt库(加密)

乐乐1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 25#技术干货


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.2, PHP 5, PHP 7 = 1.0.0)



This function has beenDEPRECATEDas of PHP 7.1.0. Relying on this functionis highly discouraged.


mdecrypt_generic(resource $td,string $data): string










mdecrypt_generic() - mcrypt库(加密)



  • mcrypt_generic()加密数据
  • mcrypt_generic_init()初始化加密所需的缓冲区
  • mcrypt_generic_deinit()对加密模块进行清理工作
For all those of you which are "surprised" by the padding (even though it is mentioned in the description of the method) please do not just "strip away everything which I do not understand".
The approach with rtrim, rtrim "\0", removing all charcodes 
We found that sometimes the resulting padding is not null characters "\0" but rather one of several control characters.
If you know your data is not supposed to have any trailing control characters "as we did" you can strip them like so. 
Whenever you need to decrypt files encrypted with dot.net (and others?) you can use the following settings:
Encryption: 'rijndael-256'
Mode: 'cbc'
Padding-Mode: Zeros
iv: "yes"
encode the data with base64 to send them to your php script
I have noticed that sometimes when the binary ciphertext is longer than the plaintext, the decrypted plaintext can have some little boxes/squares next to it as 'padding'. I also noticed that you can't cut and paste them to be able to edit them out, but i did find a solution.
Just call rtrim() around the string and it removes them.
It is generally not recommended to just use rtrim to remove the padding.
Use rtrim($str, "\0") for strings that do not end in "\0" or store the data length during encryption. 
(Although data containing "\0" sometimes gets corrupted during encryption so these types of data actually should be packed.)
For example: 
Just confirming the .DLL issues. With 4.3.4 you need the older .DLL. I'm guessing any version of PHP4 needs the older .DLL. With PHP5 you need the newer one.
On Win32 systems with PHP 5, you must use the newer libmcrypt.dll file, otherwise mdecrypt_generic will not work.
Here's a bit of encrypt/decrypt code.
If you're using this on the win32 platform, BEWARE! The latest DLL (19-Jan-2004) contains a bug that keeps mdecrypt_generic from functioning. Nearly drove me over the edge... The 30-Dec-2002 version seems to work with no trouble.

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