
mhash_count() - mhash库(加密)

百变鹏仔1年前 (2023-11-21)阅读数 23#技术干货


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

Gets the highest available hash ID


mhash_count(void): int

Gets the highest available hash ID.


mhash_count() - mhash库(加密)

Returns the highest available hash ID. Hashes are numbered from 0 to this hash ID.


Traversing all hashes

The MHash function mhash_count() returns the highest, evaluated, constant value representing a hashing algorithm available within the current MHash install. For example, 0 indicates CRC32, 1 indicates MD5, 2 indicates SHA1, etc., etc.. You can get the evaluated number for any of these algorithms by doing a print statement with any of the predefined, MHash constants, such as those available here : http://www.php.net/manual/en/mhash.constants.php .
The purpose of mhash_count() in MHash is similar to the purpose of hash_algos() in HASH Message Digest Framework. Instead of providing an array of available hashing algorithms, it simply provides the highest, evaluated, constant expression for the Algorithm Constants. The thinking, as indicated in the sample code, is that you will parse a list of mhash algorithms in a for loop using a condition of "$i 

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