双方对大学教育功能的定位不一样。就如其名字Liberal arts education所表达的一样,美国大学本科教育是一个自由人最基本的教育,它帮助一个体成长为一个具有理性思辨能力和批判精神的健全人。而中国的大学教育,由于历史和经济发展水平等诸多原因,还被定位成培养某方面专业人才的专才教育。
中国和美国的课堂有什么不一样 We hear about the informality in an American class from time to time. For instance, American professors do not dress up and they generally call students by their first names. Students can speak out in class, where they do not even need to raise their hands. In addition, in many schools, students can drink coffee, tea or juice during classes. American students sometimes argue with their teachers in class, give teachers suggestions on things that need changing, or even criticize their ideas. 中国学生和美国学生学习方法之比较U.S. schools and Chinese schools in educational theory and teaching methods study of the United States point of view of students and different learning habits of our students, to discuss why our students learning more passivity, while the American students appear proactive, willing to use a variety of conditions in to explore learning by doing. Through such discussion, it would be to find our shortcomings, learn from the successful experience of education in order to improvement of our teaching, to the education reform being implemented in China to contribute.
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