
legend react 2是耐克哪一系?

小肉包1年前 (2023-12-05)阅读数 11#综合百科


在同系列里属于中端吧,整个耐克跑鞋阵营中算中偏下,它上面还有一款Epic React Flyknit,就是飞线编织鞋面,鞋底配置一样。


优点价钱便宜,耐磨 react的缓震性不错 适合各种跑道。

缺点颜值低 ,织物鞋面,没有采用飞线编织鞋面,透气性一般,防滑性能差,湿滑路面需谨慎。


8).What is wrong with Tiny Tim? Why will he not survive in the future? 9).What important lessons does the third ghost teach Scrooge? 10).How does Scrooge react when he sees his name on the gravestone? Why? 请大家帮帮忙...因为这份报告是非常重要!! 十万火急..唔该~thanks...


11).Name at least 5 things scrooge does which show that he has changed and bee a better person. 12).Money does not have more value than people and love. ( Give 2 examples of this from the book ) 13).Money cannot buy happiness. ( Give 2 examples of this from the book )


14).Christmas is a time for loving and sharing. ( How is this shown in the book ? ) 15).Think about one situation in the book when you feel sorry for scrooge. 16). Write a summary of the story.


17).Write about the character's you like in the story. 请大家帮帮忙...因为这份报告是非常重要!! 十万火急..唔该~thanks...


17).Write about the character's you like in the story. 请大家帮帮忙...因为这份报告是非常重要!! 十万火急..唔该~thanks...

1).Why does Marley's ghost e to Scrooge? It is because Marley's ghost wanted to tell Scrooge to repent. 2).Why does Marley's ghost wer a heavy chain? It is because Marley's ghost didn't love anyone when he was alive. 3).What important lessons does the first ghost teach scrooge? He teach Scrooge to remember his time. 4).Why do people like Mr Fezziwing? It is because Mr Fezziwing is a cheerful and kind person. 5).Why does Belle leave scrooge? It is because Belle knew that Scrooge only love money. 6).What important lessons does the second ghost teach scrooge? To be kind and happy. 7).How do you know that Fred's family does not like Scrooge? It is because the guessing game. 8).What is wrong with Tiny Tim? Why will he not survive in the future? He can't walk by hisself. It is because no one can help him. 9).What important lessons does the third ghost teach Scrooge? It tought not to be selfish. 10).How does Scrooge react when he sees his name on the gravestone? Why? Afraid. It is because he knew that he would probably die. 11).Name at least 5 things scrooge does which show that he has changed and bee a better person. rude to kind selfish to generous 12).Money does not have more value than people and love. ( Give 2 examples of this from the book ) money cannot buy love and people money cannot change anything 13).Money cannot buy happiness. ( Give 2 examples of this from the book ) scrooge is lonely Although Tiny Tim's famaliy is not rich

but they are happy 14).Christmas is a time for loving and sharing. ( How is this shown in the book ? ) The children running in the streets happily Belle's famaliy shares the dinner with the poor children 15).Think about one situation in the book when you feel sorry for scrooge. When he saw his child time. 16). Write a summary of the story. I think this story teach us many thing

such as not to be selfish and rude and to love others. Money cannot buy people

love and happiness. 17).Write about the character's you like in the story. I like Fred because he is kind and have a possitive attitude towards life.

参考: Hoped that I can help you.^^

A Christmas carol (also called a no?l) is a carol (song or hymn) whose lyrics are on the theme of Christmas

or the winter season in general. They are traditionally sung in the period before and during Christmas. The tradition of Christmas carols hails back as far as the thirteenth century

although carols were originally munal songs sung during celebrations like harvest tide as well as Christmas. It was only later that carols began to be sung in church

and to be specifically associated with Christmas. A popular urban legend was that they were named after a little girl named Carol Poles who disappeared in 1888 in the Whitechapel district of London. According to the legend

the little girl was reported missing around Christmas and many people went searching for her at night. Due to fears concerning Jack the Ripper

the group would sing Christmas carols upon knocking in order to declare their good intentions. Traditional carols have a strong tune and consist of a verse and/or chorus for group singing. They are often based on medieval chord patterns

and it is this that gives them their uniquely characteristic musical sound. Some carols like 'Personent hodie' and 'Angels from the Realms of Glory' can be traced directly back to the Middle Ages

and are amongst the oldest musical positions still regularly sung. Carols suffered a decline in popularity after the Reformation in the countries where Reformation settled

but survived in their rural munities until the revival of interest in Carols in the 19th century. Composers like Arthur Sullivan helped to repopularise the carol

and it is this period that gave rise to such favorites as "Good King Wenceslas" and "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear." Today carols are regularly sung at religious services. Some positions have words which are clearly not of a religious theme

but are often still referred to as carols. Secular songs such as "White Christmas" and "Blue Christmas" are not true Christmas carols

though they are also popular in the period before Christmas

and should therefore be considered to be Christmas songs. Carols can be sung by individual singers

but are also often sung by larger groups

including professionally trained choirs. Most churches have special services at which carols are sung

generally bined with readings from scripture about the birth of Christ

often this is based on the famous Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols at King's College

Cambridge. Some of these services also include other music written for Christmas

such as Benjamin Britten's "Ceremony of Carols" (for choir and harp)

or excerpts from Handel's "Messiah.&a mp;quot; There is also a tradition of performances of serious music relating to Christmas in the period around Christmas

including Handel's "Messiah

&a mp;quot; the "Christmas Oratorio" by J. S. Bach

legend react 2是耐克哪一系?

"Messe de Minuit pour No?l" by Charpentier

and "L' Enfance du Christ" by Berlioz. In England

and some other countries (i.e. Poland (kol?dowanie) and Bulgaria (koledari))

there is a tradition of Christmas carolling (earlier known as wassailing)

in which groups of singers travel from house to house

singing carols

for which they are often rewarded with money

mince pies

or a glass of an appropriate drink. Money collected in this way is normally given to charity.

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