The Differences between Chinese and western Culture Diet For one thing, Chinese and Westerners are different concepts in the diet. Chinese people are focus on the taste. They pursue all the Color, flavor and taste. But Western concept of rational diet. They pursue nutrition and they absorb Calorie and protein .Chinese people choice food very carefully. They only use fresh material in order to make delicious food. Western country like English or American, they don’t have fresh food because they buy their food from supermarket which only sells stored materials. Chinese have a lot of ideas and techniques for cooking. For example, We can cook a chicken in over ten ways and people can taste all them with relish. Western people do not have many skills for cooking, mostly they only boil, steam and bake the food.
首先,中国人和西方人在饮食上是不同的概念。中国人民正在关注的味道。他们追 求所有的色、香、味。但西方的概念合理饮食。他们追求提高和他们吸收热量和蛋 白质。中国人民非常小心地选择食物。他们只使用新鲜的材料来制造可口的食物。 西方国家像英国或美国,他们没有新鲜的食品,因为它们从超市买他们的食品,只出售 存储材料中国有很多的想法和技巧用于烹饪。 例如,我们可以煮鸡在超过十种方法,人们就可以品尝所有他们津津有味。西方的人 并没有很多技能用于烹饪,他们大多只煮、蒸、烤食品。
The atmosphere of Western-style food is particular about scenery. The good restaurant is generally built in the beautiful mountaintop, park or the revolving dining-room of the city center high building. So Western-style food is “Eat the scenery” but not “Eat taste”. 在西方,人们看重就餐的环境。一家好的餐馆最好建在风景如画的山顶、公园 或者城市中心的高楼上。所以西餐吃的不是味道,是环境。
The atmosphere of Chinese food is particular about taste and participation. Chinese food conquers the world with taste. There is a folk adage in China “If I want to conquer your heart, I will conquer your stomach first”. Everybody sits around table while eating Chinese food, everybody is eating the dish in the same plate, the hospitable host will also nip the dish into your bowl, it is so friendly. The friendship between person and person is deeper after a meal.
在中国,人们看重食物的味道与分享。中餐以美味征服世界。中国有句古话: 欲征服人心,先征服人胃。进餐时,大家一起围坐在餐桌旁,所有人共同分享 一个盘子中的食物,主人还会热情的为你夹菜。一顿饭后,人们之间的情谊会 加深。
What’s more ,Chinese and westerners are different ways and manners in the diet. As well as I’m concerned, there is also a huge difference between Chinese and Western people, I think. Chinese people use chopsticks and western people use fork and knife. Chinese just use chopstick to pick things and pass it into their mouse . But western people who use fork and knife will use fork to hold the meat and cut it by knife and use fork to help to get that piece of meat into mouse. Apart of this, Chinese people only have three meals during a day. But western people will have more, they have afternoon tea. Usually they would have fruits, homemade cake, tea and cheese.
更重要的是,中国人和西方人的饮食都是不同的方式和礼仪。以及我所关心的, 我想中国和西方的人们也有一个巨大区别。中国人使用筷子和西方人民使用刀 叉。中国只是用筷子把东西并将它送到他们的嘴巴。但是西方那些使用刀叉将 使用叉子来保存肉,使用刀和叉的以帮助来吃到这一块肉。除了这个,中国的人 们只有在一天三顿饭。但西方的人们将会有更多,他们喝下午茶。通常他们会有 水果、蛋糕、茶和奶酪。
The Differences between Chinese and western Culture Wedding
中 西 方 婚 礼 的 差 异
Chinese weddings ? Chinese wedding customs are still maintained traditional style. Chinese wedding wearing a red cheongsam. The Chinese regard the color red as the symbol of happiness, success, luck, faith and growth. They like red very much, which comes from worship of the Sun. In traditional Chinese weddings, there are double Xi characters in red, red scarves, red flowers and the bride wears a red coat. ?
中国的婚礼习俗仍保持着传统的风格。中国婚礼上新娘穿 一件红色旗袍。中国人将红色看做是幸福、成功、好运、 忠诚和繁荣的象征。他们很喜欢红色,其实是由于对太阳 的崇拜。在传统中国婚礼上,有红色的“囍”字、红色的 丝带、红花和新娘的红衣。 ?
The food the bride eats has cultural significance .In traditional weddings, the bride usually has red dates, peanuts, longans and melon seeds. The meaning is evident in the Chinese pronunciation of these four foods. When they are said together, it sounds like "Have a baby soon." ?
新娘吃的食物也是一种文化象征传统婚礼上,新 娘一般会吃红枣、花生、桂圆和瓜子。其中的象 征意义可以从这四种食物的读音中看出。当这四 种食物放在一起读时就是“早生贵子”。
Western wedding ? Western wedding customs is a romantic style, Married to western costume; The bride dressed in white, football, wearing a white garlands, but also cast a long white, carrying white flowers. ?
西方婚礼习俗是一种浪漫风格。西方人结婚要穿 西方婚礼习俗是一种浪漫风格。 礼服;新娘身着白衫、白裙、头戴白色花环, 礼服;新娘身着白衫、白裙、头戴白色花环,还 要罩上长长的白纱,手持白色花束。总之, 要罩上长长的白纱,手持白色花束。总之,西方 人崇尚白色,它象征爱情纯洁、吉祥如意。 人崇尚白色,它象征爱情纯洁、吉祥如意。 ?
Throwing the bouquet bouquet: It is the last but one item of a wedding, which also is the most popular one. It is said who is lucky enough to catch the bouquet, she will be the next bride. In some place, only girls has the access to take part in this exciting activity. ?
抛花束: ? 这是最后的但有一项婚礼,这也是最受欢迎的一个。 据说谁足够幸运接花束,她将成为下一个新娘。在 一些地方,只有女孩来参与这一令人振奋的活动。
The Differences between Chinese and western Culture Festival
Traditional Chinese festival culture featured by food and wine. ? Traditional western festival culture featured by entertainment. ? Traditional Chinese festival culture under the background of farming culture. ? Traditional western festival culture under the background of Christianity. ? Different background of traditional festival culture ? Different contents of festival culture ? Different value orientation ? Different national culture mentality Important traditional festivals Chinese ones ? Spring Festival ? Tomb sweeping Day ? Ghost Festival ? Dragon Boat Festival ? Qixi Lovers’ Day ? Mid-autumn Day ? New Year’s Day Western ones ? Christmas Day ? All Saints’ Day (Halloween) ? Easter ? Valentine’s Day ? Thanksgiving Day ? New Year’s Day
中国传统节日文化的特色食品和葡萄酒。 中国传统节日文化的特色食品和葡萄酒。 西方传统节日文化特色的娱乐 中国传统节日文化背景下的农耕文化。 中国传统节日文化背景下的农耕文化。 西方传统节日文化背景下的基督教。 西方传统节日文化背景下的基督教。 不同的背景, 不同的背景,传统节日文化 不同内容的节日文化 不同的价值取向 不同的民族文化心理 ?
Traditional Chinese festival culture featured by collectivism. Chinese traditional festivals attach more importance to group activity and the passing down of ethics and virtues. ? Traditional western festival culture featured by individualism. Western traditional festivals lay great emphasis on the expression of personal emotions and the individual psychological feelings.
中国传统节日文化的集体主义。 中国传统节日文化的集体主义。 中国传统节日注重群体活动和伦理道德的传承。 中国传统节日注重群体活动和伦理道德的传承。 西方传统节日文化的个人主义。 西方传统节日文化的个人主义。 西方传统节日特别注重表达个人情感和个人的心理感受。 西方传统节日特别注重表达个人情感和个人的心理感受。 ?
Comedy-oriented traditional Chinese Comedyfestival culture. Traditional Chinese festival culture pursuit the happy ending and harmony TragedyTragedy-oriented traditional western festival culture. tragicAncient Greek culture are tragic-conscious Christian culture are sin conscious The Differences between Chinese and western Culture Education Throughout England, politicians, parents and pundits worry that the industriousness and discipline of kids in the East are leaving relatively relaxed Westerners trailing behind. Though there is some debate surrounding the statistics, it is widely believed that North America is failing to produce sufficient graduates in sciences and engineering.
特殊形式文化传统的中国节日。 特殊形式文化传统的中国节日。 中国传统节日文化追求快乐的结局和和谐 朝拜是西方传统节日文化。 朝拜是西方传统节日文化。 古希腊文化是基督 基督教文化乃是罪意识 整个英格兰,政治家,家长和专家们担心, 整个英格兰,政治家,家长和专家们担心,孩子在 东方的勤劳和纪律, 东方的勤劳和纪律,离开相对宽松的西方人尾随其 虽然有一些争议的统计, 后。虽然有一些争议的统计,它被广泛认为北美未 能在科学和工程上产生足够的毕业生。 能在科学和工程上产生足够的毕业生。
Chinese students are taught that all questions have but one right answer and there is little room for debate.North American education needs to move away from an emphasis on fun, flexibility and individual learning styles.Instead, it has to shift towards a more strict, disciplined teaching environment that math and science, in particular, seem to demand.This shift can be discerned even in Canada, where there are no college entrance exams, and where, standardized testing, memorization and rote learning have long been frowned upon.
中国学生学习所有的问题只有一个正确的答案,很少有讨论的余地。北美 中国学生学习所有的问题只有一个正确的答案,很少有讨论的余地。 教育需要从强调乐趣,灵活性和个人的学习风格。相反, 教育需要从强调乐趣,灵活性和个人的学习风格。相反,它已转向更为严 纪律严明的教学环境,数学和自然科学,特别是,似乎需求。 格,纪律严明的教学环境,数学和自然科学,特别是,似乎需求。这种转 变可以看出,即使在加拿大,在那里没有大学入学考试,并在那里, 变可以看出,即使在加拿大,在那里没有大学入学考试,并在那里,对标 准化测试,记忆和背诵一直不满。 准化测试,记忆和背诵一直不满。
The Differences between Chinese and western Culture Greeting and Parting There are so many cultural differences on politeness between western and Chinese which can be found in many aspects of daily communication, including addressing, greeting and parting, compliments, apologies, thanks, and so on. In the following, we will mainly look at the Greeting and Parting.
在礼仪方面, 在礼仪方面,中西方文化同样 有着许多差异。 有着许多差异。 主要表现在日常交流的众多方 面, 包括称呼、打招呼与道别、 包括称呼、打招呼与道别、道 致歉和致谢等。 贺、致歉和致谢等。 接下来我们重点关注在打招呼 与道别上的中美文化差异。 与道别上的中美文化差异。
When people meet acquaintances or friends, people usually greet each other . The purpose of greeting is to establish or maintain social contact. So formulaic expressions are often used, but such formulaic expressions often causes conflict because of the great cultural differences between Chinese and native English speakers. In English, people often employ the following expressions to greet each other “Good morning/evening/afternoon. ”“Fine “ day, isn’t it? ”“How is everything going?” “Have you eaten yet?” “What are you going to do?” “Where have you been?”etc. Westerners treat them as real question. While in Chinese, we always say “Do you have a meal?”“Where are you ? going?”“ ?”“What are you going todo?”to show our consideration. ?
当人们见到熟人或朋友, 当人们见到熟人或朋友,人们通常会 互相问候。 互相问候。问候的目的是建立或维 持社交。 持社交。那么公式化的表达方式是 非常常用的, 非常常用的,但这样的公式化表达常 常会因为中西方的巨大文化差异而 引起误会。在英语中, 引起误会。在英语中,人们常常通过 以下语句来问候彼此“早上好/ 以下语句来问候彼此“早上好/下午 晚上好。”“晴朗的一天 晴朗的一天, 好/晚上好。”“晴朗的一天,不是 ?”“一切都好吗?”“你吃过了 一切都好吗?”“ 吗?”“一切都好吗?”“你吃过了 ?”“你有什么打算?”“你去哪 你有什么打算?”“ 吗?”“你有什么打算?”“你去哪 儿了?” ?”等 儿了?”等。西方人把他们视为真正 的问题。而在中国,我们总是说“ 的问题。而在中国,我们总是说“你 吃饭吗?”“你要去哪儿?”“ ?”“你要去哪儿?”“你会 吃饭吗?”“你要去哪儿?”“你会 干些什么?”来显示我们的问候。 ?”来显示我们的问候 干些什么?”来显示我们的问候。
了解完它们的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别吧?( )?
①Burger can be traced back to Germany. 汉堡可以追溯到德国。
②Hamburger is developed in the United States, drawing its name from the German city of hamburg. 汉堡包在美国发展起来,其名字源自德国的汉堡城。
burger的词汇范围较广,可以包括各种类型的汉堡组成的食物,例如chicken burger(鸡肉汉堡)、veggie burger(素食汉堡)等。hamburger一般指的是以牛肉饼为主要配料的汉堡。
①I love eating a chicken burger. 我喜欢吃鸡肉汉堡。
②I just ordered a hamburger.我刚刚点了一个牛肉汉堡。
①Would you like a veggie burger? 你想要一个素食汉堡吗?
②A hamburger is a sandwich that consists of one or more cooked patties of ground meat. 汉堡包是一种由一个或多个煮熟的肉饼组成的三明治。
①In some places, burger is specifically used to refer to hamburger. 在一些地方,汉堡被专门用来指代牛肉汉堡。
②In other places, a burger can refer to any type of patty. 在其他地方,汉堡可以指代任何类型的肉饼。
①The nutritional value of a burger varies depending on the type of patty. 汉堡的营养价值会根据肉饼的类型而变化。
②A hamburger often contains more saturated fats and calories. 牛肉汉堡通常含有更多的饱和脂肪和热量。
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