

桃子1年前 (2023-12-05)阅读数 18#综合百科


1. 释义区别:



- The teacher's assessment of the students' performance considered their individual progress over the semester.


- The evaluation of the new company strategy revealed some weaknesses that needed to be addressed.


2. 用法区别:



- The assessment of the employee's skills involved a series of tests and interviews.


- The evaluation of the project's success was based on key performance indicators and stakeholder feedback.


3. 使用环境区别:



- The teacher conducted an assessment of the students' reading abilities.


- The company hired a consultant to conduct an evaluation of its marketing strategies.


4. 影响范围区别:



- The assessment of a student's paper took into account the content, structure, and grammar.


- The evaluation of a company's performance involved analyzing financial data, market trends, and competitor strategies.


5. 形象区别:



- The assessment of the patient's condition involved measuring vital signs and conducting laboratory tests.



- The evaluation of the team's performance required the manager to assess both quantitative and qualitative factors.


关于fellowship 和 scholarship 的差别不是很容易说清楚。 目前国内网上的解释大多是误导性的。

1. 对本科生而言,fellowship 和 scholarship 区别不大,不同的学校有不同的意思解释, 同样性质的一笔钱(给学生的)有的学校用 scholarship 有的学校用 fellowship。 从美国英语的角度,scholarship 包含fellowship。 在英国fellowship又有不一样的意思。 总体来说,在美国fellowship 只是对学生优异表现的奖励,钱可多可少;而 scholarship可以是对学生表现的奖励, 也可以是基于家庭经济需要,也可以是基于某种特殊技能, 也可以是对少数民族学生的优惠。 象美国**选美也是一个scholarship program。 scholarship的钱也是可多可少, 要看每一个具体奖学金项目的规定。对本科生来说,不管fellowship 还是 scholarship, 很少有全奖, 大多是一年几百到几千美金而已。只有非常出色的学生才可能拿到全奖。

不想冒犯楼上几位, 不管对研究生还是本科生, fellowship会比scholarship多一点的说法是不确切的!!!

2. 对于外国研究生来讲, 大概有4类资金可用:


有很多类, 政府的,私人机构的,或学校的。政府的Fellowship钱会多一些,但名额少。如Fulbright 和 Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowships。 系科和学校一般来说在学生入学或学习一年后根据学术表现颁发研究员奖学金。此奖学金也许只支付学费和杂费;也许只支付生活费;也许是全额资助(学费,杂费和生活费)。 通常如果没有生活费(Stipend)或学费(Tuition), 导师会帮你再找其他的机会。

2b.助教助学金 (TA)

助教助学金是研究生学习最常见的资助形式。助教助学金要求学生提供教学辅导工作,工作量通常为每星期20 个小时左右。有时助学金还附带减免学杂费。但TA并不自动包括减免学杂费。

2c.研究助学金 (RA)

研究助学金要求学生提供研究工作, 一般是从指导教授的研究项目中出(生活费)。 学费由学校免掉(美国大学的一贯做法)。 所以, RA才一定是全额资助(学费,杂费和生活费)。RA比某些Fellowships少,比另外一些Fellowships多。

2d. 行政助理助学金 (GA)

通常要求学生在学校的行政办公室如国际学生办公室或图书馆或机房等每星期工作10 到20 个小时。学校不一定免掉学费。


注: 我现在在美国,带过博士和博士后,对美国大学事务略知一二。我以上的讲法也未必全面。 花了这么多时间,只是不希望给申请美国的中国学生有误导的资讯。想申请奖学金的同学一定要看清楚每一个具体奖学金的描述, 不是说申请到Fellowships就全免费了。 不同的Fellowships钱相差太多啦!!!研究生拿到了TA或GA, 也要看一下是否免学费。

同时附上美国官方介绍(英文的)以供参考:美国人比我们多了Grants 和 Loans 机会。

Types of Financial Aid for Graduates:


Grants are gifts that you do not need to repay. There are several different types of grants available to students. Students may receive grants from the government or through private sources of funding. Usually government grants are given to students with need, such as having a low household income. However, government grants require students to maintain a specific GPA throughout their academic career in order to continue to receive aid. Private grants usually come in the form of scholarships and have their own guidelines. The amount being offered varies for each individual based on different criteria. In graduate school, grants can be used towards, travel, research, experiments, or projects.


Scholarships are awards given to students based on academic excellence and/or talent. Additionally, students may receive scholarships based on other factors, such as ethnic background, field of study, or financial need. Scholarships vary in their amounts and the number of years given aid. For example, they can be awarded a one time payment or receive aid annually for a certain number of years (Ex/ $1000 scholarship vs. $5000 per year for four years). Like a grant, students do not need to payback the money awarded in a scholarship.

Scholarships can be awarded through your school or through private sources. Institutions offer various scholarships based on merit, talent, and/or need. Contact your school for a list of scholarships being offered to students. Private scholarships are offered through organizations or companies. Some organizations make students compete for awards through performance or essay writing, whereas some look for students that fit specific requirements and standards. You can search for private scholarships on the internet, through online scholarship search engines (e.g. FastWeb), scholarship books, or by contacting your school.


Fellowships are granted to graduate and post-grad students. They are like scholarships and, similarly, do not require repayment. Fellowships are awarded by private organizations, institutions, or through the government. Fellowships vary in the amount being awarded and can be used either towards research or education. Students can be given a 1- to 4-year stipend with or without a tuition waiver. The type of fellowship awarded is based on merit, need, and the institution's/faculty's grant. Some schools allow you to directly apply for fellowships offered through the schools. However, some schools only award fellowships to students who have been recommended by a faculty member.


Assistantships are similar to internships or work-study programs awarded during your undergraduate years. However, assistantships require students to usually work as assistant teachers (TA), research assistants (RA), assistants to professors, or perform other duties on campus. The amount awarded through assistantships varies based on faculty/institution grants or state or federal aid. Research positions are paid through grants and teaching positions are paid through the institution. The research and teaching positions acquired are in your field of study or department. TA's usually teach introductory-level courses and RA's assist faculty in conducting laboratory work. Every school and department has their own regulations and requirements for TA's and RA's. Contact your department for more information.


A loan is money that is awarded to a student based on need. Unlike a grant or scholarship, loans must be repaid to the institution that it is received from (government, school, bank, or private organization). There are several types of loans that are available. The different loans vary in the amount you can borrow, in their requirements, interest rates, and repayment plans. Individuals who are not eligible for government loans may receive loans through private organizations. Private companies have their own qualifications, interest rates, and repayment plans. Many banks offer private student loans specifically for college students. However, private companies are believed to have higher interest rates and stricter guidelines.

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