
touch是否为感官动词 知道的才说!!! 说明白的追加20分

梵高1年前 (2023-12-05)阅读数 9#综合百科

虽然看是一个普通的单词,它却有好多层次的意识。 你真会找。我来为你解释几个吧。

Touch 以动词的用法和意思。

verb [动词]

这里是简单的“用手接触碰到“的意思。[i touch her on her shoulder]

touch是否为感官动词 知道的才说!!! 说明白的追加20分

to put your hand or part of your body on someone or something.

这里是简单的“用手或脚按着“的意思。[i touch the wet floor with my foot.]

to press something in a light way with your finger or foot to make something work.

这里是简单的“抚摸型的触摸“的意思。[i touch and fondle her hair]

to put your hand on someone’s body in a sexual way.

这里是简单的“两种非人的手的物件的两面接触“的意思。[the 2 glass surfaces touch each other.]

if two things touch, or if something touches something else, there is no space between them

这里是你要找的“心被触到伤心事“的意思。[my heart is touched by her sad story.]

to affect your emotions, especially so that you feel sad or sympathetic

这里是你要找的“心被触至感动“的意思。[my heart is touched by his love and care.]

to feel grateful because someone has been very kind to you

to change or influence someone or something in a positive way

to change something in a way that is noticeable

if an expression, especially a smile, touches your lips or eyes, you have it for a short time

to use something

to work on something

to deal with a particular subject, situation, etc.

to deal with or accept someone

to reach a particular amount or level

to hit or kick a ball in a game.

to be as good as someone or something else

Touch 以名词的用法和意思。

noun [名词]

His touch send her fear [他的碰触令她害怕]

the action of putting your hand or part of your body on someone or something

A little touch of the magical spice [一小点点的特别香料]

a very small amount of a substance

the sense that tells you what something feels like, through your skin or when you put your fingers on it

a small feature that improves something

a particular quality that someone can add to a situation

your ability to do something well

the action of hitting or kicking a ball

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