

是丫丫呀1年前 (2023-12-05)阅读数 10#综合百科

1. 我不是一个有抱负的人。

I am not an ambitious people.

2. 每个人都有自己的理想抱负,这是我们的共性和特点。

Everyone has their own ideals and aspirations, and this is our common and characteristics.

3. 我没有意识到你有政治上的抱负。

I didn't realize you had political aspirations.

4. 要有抱负,你的人生才会成功。

You need ambition to get ahead in life.

5. 人们都知道他是一个有抱负的青年。

He is known to be a young man with lofty ideals.

6. 它是专为有抱负的年轻人的现代商业领域。

It is designed for young people aspiring to the modern commercial field.

7. 是不是因为他们是在该点的成功说,有抱负的人希望成为在吗?

Is it because they are at the point of success that the aspiring person wishes to be at?


8. 根据商业专家克莱顿-克里斯滕森的分析,个性化教育很可能始于正规学校之外,一方面可能始于公司团体的结合,另一方面可能始于有抱负的学生及其家长。

According to the analysis of business expert Clayton Christensen, personalized education is likely to begin outside formal school through a combination of entrepreneurial vendors on the one hand and ambitious students and parents on the other.

9. 听起来是一个不错的理想蓝图并且让我们感受到了你是一个有抱负、渴望成功的人。

It sounds a good bluebook and signify that you have great asperation and you want to be a succeful person.

10. 任何有能力有抱负的青年都应当时刻准备着证明自己的能力,证明自己的价值,证明自己是值得肩负更大的使命的。

If a weighing clerk, he may save for the firm by doubting the adjustment of the scales and having them corrected, even if this be the province of the master mechanic.

11. 作为一个有抱负的记者,您必须解决的神秘先生被谋杀·博迪。

As an aspiring journalist, you must solve the mysterious murder of Mr. Boddy.

12. 以下论述题是为了让我们对您的学术水平,工作能力,事业目标及抱负等有进一步的了解,也是录取工作的重要环节,请对每个问题做认真考虑后回答。

This section is very important as it helps us evaluate your academic and professional credentials, goals and aspirations etc.

13. 赵武灵王是一个有远大抱负的君主,他奋发图强,除旧布新,决心改变赵国的落后面貌。

Word Reductions: It is very common in English to reduce the length of a word or words for convenience in speaking.

14. 目前社会的一个时尚是,有抱负的年轻人都喜欢选择所谓的金领职业。

One of the trends nowadays is that ambitious youngsters are likely to pursue the so-called gold-collared careers.

15. 王:音乐一直是我心灵深处的抱负,但是音乐,特别是我在纽约罗却斯特长大,这边有 Eastman 音乐学院,附近总有相当多的专业音乐家,我知道做音乐前景是很艰困的,对任何音乐人来说,生活都很辛苦的。

WL: It was always my ambition deep in my heart. But music, especially I grew up in Rochester, New York, which is where the Eastman School of Music is in and at was always surrounded by professional musicians, and I always knew the outlook was bleak. You know, for any musician. LH: It's tough.

16. 说好听一点,可以说他有抱负,用最糟糕的话来说,他是一个没有良心或没有资格的权利追求者。

At best he's ambitious, and at worst a power-seeker wothout conscience or qualifications.

17. 作为一个有抱负的刑事检察官,公开演讲将发挥关键作用,我的日常生活。

As an aspiring criminal prosecutor, public speaking will play a critical role in my everyday life.

18. 东证期货抱负的首席风险官黄海生表示,宏观经济不景气必然会导致一定的损失的客户数量,但长远来看,金融危机可能对期货业更是有机会维持和提高这些谁设法逃脱,泡沫破灭了企业,将导致更多的企业进入期货市场。

Topix futures aspiring Yellow Chief Risk Officer of Health said that the macro-economic downturn will inevitably lead to a certain the number of customers lost, but the long term, the financial crisis may be more for the futures industry is the opportunity to preserve and increase in those who managed to escape, the bubble has burst enterprises, will lead to more enterprises to enter the futures market.

19. 张家铭:就互联网公司,人才是非常重要的原因,而且不但是人才是个团队,我觉得爱情公寓能做出一番成绩,光靠我一个人是无法做到的,都是依靠大家一起打拼最后达成目标,大家都是一群有理想有抱负的愤青,优秀的人才加入公司把产品和市场做出来,公司传到一个。

Zhang Jiaming: With respect to Internet company, the talent is very main reason, and not only it is a talent it is a group, I feel love apartment can make success one time, light relies on my person cannot be accomplished, it is to rely on everybody to be hit together spell final telesis, everybody is a flock of rational think aspiring anger is green, outstanding talent joins a company to make product and market, the company passes.

20. 过桥 台灯下依然夕照蛋**的光圈在陪我慢慢熬熬夜还是熬药其实都不重要关键得走过冲过挤过独木桥哦说到过桥蒙自县羡慕杨秀才米线鸡汤冷静底下藏着滚烫依靠我没爱人帮田螺的姑娘只是偶尔翻翻心灵鸡汤然后默默关灯睡着浓浓的眼圈陪我备考台灯盼破晓无奈尚早寒意继续吹放肆骄傲我只能把春天忘掉蒙自湖心亭一别泪框雨中油伞你莫要思乡走进大理城门秀才仰望何时举人揭榜荣归故里彩结灯张我不知晓去赶考考得好不好只愿一日为官能够照顾一家老小母亲家中盼盼儿早日还撑来大红船再娶回姑娘放在桥底那碗温暖浓浓的烈酒陪我赶考淡淡的温暖在枕边绕身后百花香不再妖娆唯独故乡的风景俏半夜醒来世界还在左右大脑能不能付你钟点做做做题三班倒干脆梦里的时间也拿来备考天天楼道中阿姨们的说教中国小孩聪明当科学家出名发展很有前景将来做做白领权威受人尊敬红河州第七名入榜辅佐县令辗转进入官场终将**请来门中拜堂桥已过贤妻嫁入家中桌上飘香我不知晓衙府道走得好不好只愿一日为官胸中抱负得以起草我早去晚归百姓担子背无奈物是人非迂腐度日如年愤愤不平心灰浓浓的烈酒陪我思考淡淡的炊烟在心头绕吹奏的牧笛一半惆怅惹迷途的人愁未展邻居开始和面对门东风转南风南风转北风把西风搓成龙卷风隔壁家庭关系很差放歌准是吵架摔东西有节奏时不时来段rap 小吵邓丽君外遇放那英闹离婚通常会选择发烧版vienna金色大厅楼下大叔继续慢摇请别到外婆桥嘘!

Bridge Still under the setting sun lamp Aperture in the yellow egg with me Man Manao In fact, Aoyao stay up late or not important The key may come his way through a single-plank bridge Oh Ji Guo Mengzi County, said the bridge envy scholar Yang Vermicelli soup hidden under the hot calm to rely on I did not love the girl's escargot help Only occasionally read Jack Lights are turned off and then fall asleep silently The thick eye socket with me Note I hope that lamp is too early dawn helpless Cold wind continues to unbridled pride I can only forget to spring Hu Xinting Mengzi Yibieleikuang Oil umbrella in the rain you must not homesick Dali scholar looking into the Shing Mun When it returns home Jurenjiebang Caijiedengzhang I do not know well to examination Kao Dehao Only official day to take care of whole family Mother's home in Hunters also children at an early date Red boat up to marry the girl back to the bridge on the warm Nawan Heavy examination of spirits with me In a touch of warmth around the Pillow Behind a hundred flowers no longer enchanting Hometown of scenery only Qiao Wake up around the middle of the night is still the world's brain Can you pay to do do some part-time title in three shifts Simply dream of the time used Note Aunt corridor every day in their preaching China smart kids When the well-known scientists The development of promising Do some white-collar workers in the future Respected the authority of the Red River seventh State of the list Assistant county magistrate way into officialdom Miss eventually invited in the door Baitang Xianqijiaru bridge over the table at home fragrance Ya know, I do not go well Road House Only a good idea of aspiring to be an official day of drafting I had the burden back to the people Wangui Wushirenfei no choice but do so anyway days wearing on like years Xinhui The strong spirits with me thinking In a touch of smoke around my heart Mudi half of the play's melancholy Lost Jalan people did not worry Show In the face of the door and the neighbors started to turn east southerly Southerly turn to the north west Cuocheng tornado Next to very poor family quarrel is quasi-Fang Ge Shuai Dongxi rhythm section from time to time to rap Small noisy affair Teng Fang Na Ying Usually choose to make divorce fever vienna version of the Golden Hall Uncle downstairs to continue to slow Please do not shake the maternal grandmother Bridge Hush!

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