[ i ] 在英音和美音里有什么区别?
1. 标准英音和美音
标准美音:GA:General American
标准英音:RP:Received Pronunciation
2. 英音与美音的元音区别
2.1 元音区别A:卷舌音
当字母 r 出现在单词的元音字母组合中时,英音 r 不发音,美音会出现独特的卷舌音。
[ɑr] car charge far large smart
[?r ] her earn bird turn learn word first(基准卷舌音)
[?r] dear near
[?r ] air dare pear their where
[?r] sure tour poor
[?r] for more door floor pour before
[j?r ] fewer sure poor tour cure
[ɑ?r] fire liar buyer tired higher
[ɑ?r] hour flower tower power shower
[r ] employer destroyer
2.2 元音区别B:[ɑ:] – [?]
英语中的元音[ɑ:]在用于[f] [θ] [s]或鼻音前时,美语发为[?],但在字母组合lm前发音不变仍为[ɑ]。
英音 美音
(1) half /hɑ:f/ /h ? f/
(2) bath /bɑ: θ/ /b ?θ/
(3) pass /pɑ:s/ /p ? s/
(4) ask /ɑ:sk/ / ? sk/
(5) calm /kɑ:m/ /kɑm/
(6) palm /pɑ:m/ /pɑm/
Read the dialogue
At a Party
Margaret: Where’s your glass, Barbara?
Barbara: It’s on the bar.
Martin: Barbara, Margaret! Come into the garden! Martha and Charles are dancing on the grass!
Margaret: In the garden? What a laugh!
Barbara: So they are!
Margaret: They are dancing under the stars!
Martin: And Arnold’s playing his guitar.
Barbara: Doesn’t Martha look smart?
Margaret: Look at Charles! What a marvelous dancer!
Barbara: Ah! Let’s take a photograph of Martha and Charles.
Martin: We can’t. It’s too dark.
2.3 元音区别C:
英语[?: ]变为美语[?]或[ɑ](其实美语发音介于两者之间,区分并不大,建议读作[ɑ])。
英音 美音
(1) bought /b?:t/ /b?t/或/bɑt/
(2) talk /t?:k/ /t?k/或/tɑk/
(3) ball /b?:l/ /b?l/或/bɑl/
(4) caught /k?:t/ /k?t/或/kɑt/
(5) law /l?:/ /l?/或/lɑ/
(5) saw /s?:/ /s?/或/sɑ/
Read the following words, paying attention to the pronunciation of [?].
coffee water caught law
bought boss tall talk
lawyer fought walk ball
cause draw daughter August
saw ought flaw paw
2.4 元音区别D:[?] – [ɑ]
英音 美音
(1) hot /h?t/ /hɑt/
(2) cot /k?t/ /kɑt/
(3) clock /kl?k/ /klɑk/
(4) shop /p/ /?ɑp/
(5) box /b?x/ /bɑx/
(6) not /n?t/ /nɑt/
Read the following words, while paying attention to the different pronunciation of [ɑ].
what want wash watch
bottle promise shop job
hot top college pot
2.5 元音区别E:[?] [?] – [?]
英音 美音
(1) above /?’b?v/ /?’b?v/
(2) but /b?t/ /b?t/
(3) touch /t?t?/ /t?t?/
(4) love /l?v/ /l?v/
(5) blood /bl?d/ /bl?d/
Now practice the sound in words. Listen and repeat each word twice.
(1) up /?p/ up
(2) love /l?v/ love
(3) cut /k?t/ cut
(4) another /?’n?r/ another
(5) above /?’b?v/ above
(6) bus /b?s/ bus
(7) nut /n?t/ nut
(8) sun /s?n/ sun
(9) bun /b?n/ bun
(10) cup /k?p/ cup
2.6 元音区别F:[e] [?]
英音 美音
(1) bed /bed/ /b?d/
(2) head /hed/ /h?d/
Now practice the sound in words.
(1) egg /?g/ egg
(2) guess /g?s/ guess
(3) neck /n?k/ neck
(4) red /r?d/ red
(5) let /l?t/ let
3. 英音与美音的辅音区别
3.1 辅音区别A:字母t的发音
字母 t 可出现在单词的词首、词中和词尾三个部位。其中在词首与词尾时的发音技巧美式与英式相同,发[t],例如 tight /tɑ?t/。而在词中时,英式读法和词首、词尾一致,美式却有两种读法。
better city letter little bottle
better noted city little citizen patio putting
Read the words, while paying attention to the pronunciation of [t] ( =[d] ).
city forty butter
water dirty matter
writer better Betty
/t/ /d/
Italian Italy
attack attic
atomic atom
photography photograph
鼻腔爆破(Nasal Plosive):由舌前端在上齿根部闭气,软颚放低,发出鼻辅音/n/的瞬间,气流突然从鼻腔冲出,形成鼻腔爆破。
button cotton√ thirteen×
button written curtain eaten important Latin
Now practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each word twice.
(1) mutton /’m?tn/ mutton
(2) written /’ritin/ /’r?tn/ written
(3) curtain /’k?:tin/ /’k?rtn/ curtain
(4) certain /’s?:tin/ /’s?rtn/ certain
(5) eaten /’itin/ /’?tn/ eaten
(6) button /’b?t?n/ /’b?tn/ button
3.2 辅音区别B:字母l的发音
Clear L
light let lip local lake lamp
Phrases and single sentences
a lovely girl All is well.
Let her alone.
to tell a lie
ate at night
Did he leave?
little by little
to live well
to talk loud
Is Della telling us a lie?
Laura left a little after eleven.
All love letters belong to loose Louise.
Would you like to look at the lake
where Larry Lotter was eaten for lunch?
Where shall we meet for lunch?
A little boy just fell into the lake.
Dark L
ball talkfail feelill wolf
Now practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each word twice.
(1) kill / kill/ kill
(2) school /skul/ school
(3) soul /s?ul/ soul
(4) pail /pɑil/ pail
(5) boil /b?il/ boil
(6) tool /tul/ tool
1) 词首: 字母L单独或以辅音连缀的形式出现在单词的词首时,都发Clear L。如 fly play blame climb
2) 词中:字母L单独或以双写形式出现在单词的词中时
——英式:只发一个Clear L。
——美式:先发一个Dark L,再发一个Clear L。如 telephone elephant a million
3) 词尾:字母L单独或以辅音连缀的形式出现在单词词尾时,都发Dark L。如:feel bell felt belt。
Practice the sound /l/ as in “like” in several different positions. Listen and repeat these words.
(1) look (4) lunch (7) laugh (10) loud
(2) labor (5) legal (8) lecture (11) lover
(3) license (6) lawyer (9) leader (12) literature
(1) alive (4) alarm (7) believe (10) dollar
(2) college (5) family (8) polite (11) toilet
(3) realize (6) island (9) popular (12) intelligent
(1) all (4) pool (7) small (10) well
(2) heel (5) dial (8) female (11) April
(3) annual (6) install (9) control (12) schedule
3. 字母r在词首时的正确发音
顺口溜:Robert Rally rolled a round roll around the round road.
Now practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each word twice.
(1) red /r?d/ red (2) write /wrɑit/ write
(3) arrive /?’rɑiv/ arrive (4) borrow /’b?r?u/ borrow
(5) car /kɑr/ car (6) far /fɑr/ far
4. [ɑ?]的发音困难
soundroundounce how
6. [?]的发音困难
[n] 前鼻音 发音时嘴不张开 舌尖抬起贴上齿齿龈
[?] 后鼻音 发音时嘴张开 舌后部抬起贴硬腭 kingsing
Now practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each word twice.
(1) ink /ink/ ink
(2) thank /θk/ thank
(3) single /’si?gl/ single
(4) singer /’sir/ singer
(5) sing /si?/ sing
(6) king /ki?/ king
7. [l] [n]的混淆问题
[n] nightnice
[l] light
Practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each word twice.
(1)no /n?u/ no
(2)not /nɑt/ not
(3)dinner /din?r/ dinner
(4)funny /f?ni/ funny
(5)brain /bren/ brain
(6)low /l?u/ low
(7)lot /lɑt/ lot
(8)dealer /dil?r/ dealer
(9)fully /f?li/ fully
(10) blame /blem/ blame
三段论是人们进行数学证明、办案、科学研究等思维时,能够得到正确结论,的科学性思维方法之一。是演绎推理中的一种正确思维的形式 。
第一, 省略大前提:被省略的大前提,它的内容往往是人类已经获得的普遍默认、承认的真理。(例如太阳从来东风升起;动物总是要死亡的)。
第二, 省略小前提:省略的小前提往往是‘不言而喻的事实’。(坚实的证据)
第三, 省略结论:省略的结论,(如果结论显而易见,不容易误解,有人认为不说出结论往往比说出结论‘更有力’。但是科学研究不允许含含糊糊。
三段论是人们进行数学证明、办案、科学研究等思维时,能够得到正确结论,的科学性思维方法之一。是演绎推理中的一种正确思维的形式 。
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