

泡在奶味里1年前 (2023-12-15)阅读数 8#综合百科

















Organizations are created to achieve a goal, mission or objective but they will only do so if they satisfy the needs, requirements and expectations of their stakeholders. Their customers, as one of the stakeholders, will be satisfied only if they provide products and services that meet their needs, requirements and expectations. Their other stakeholders (shareholders, employees, suppliers and society) will only be satisfied if the products and services provided to customers are produced and supplied in a manner that satisfies their needs, requirements and expectations.


We all have needs, wants, requirements and expectations. Needs are essential for life, to maintain certain standards, or essential for products and services, to fulfil the purpose for which they have been acquired. According to Maslow1 , man is a wanting being; there is always some need he wants to satisfy. Once this is accomplished, that particular need no longer motivates him and he turns to another, again seeking satisfaction. Everyone has basic physiological needs that are necessary to sustain life (food, water, clothing and shelter). Maslow’s research showed that once the physiological needs are fulfilled, the need for safety emerges. After safety come social needs followed by the need for esteem and finally the need for selfactualization or the need to realize one’s full potential. Satisfaction of physiological needs is usually associated with money – not money itself but what it can buy.


These needs are fulfilled by the individual purchasing, renting or leasing products or services. Corporate needs are not too dissimilar. The physiological needs of organizations are those necessary to sustain survival. Often profit comes first because no organization can sustain a loss for too long but functionality is paramount – the product or service must do the job for which it is intended regardless of it being obtained cheaply. Corporate safety comes next in terms of the safety of employees and the safety and security of assets followed by social needs in the form of a concern for the environment and the community as well as forming links with other organizations and developing contacts. Esteem is represented in the corporate context by organizations purchasing luxury cars, winning awards, superior offices and infrastructures and possessing those things that give it power in the market place and government. Selfactualization is represented by an organization’s preoccupation with growth, becoming bigger rather than better, seeking challenges and taking risks. However, it is not the specific product or service that is needed but the benefits that possession brings that is important. This concept of benefits is the most important and key to the achievement of quality. Unfortunately, ISO 9001 certification falls into the category of physiological needs simply because,for organizations in some supply chains, it has become a necessity for survival.


Requirements are what we request of others and may encompass our needs but often we don’t fully realize what we need until after we have made our request. For example, now that we own a mobile telephone we discover we really need handsfree operation when using the phone while driving a vehicle. Our requirements at the moment of sale may or may not therefore express all our needs. By focusing on benefits resulting from products and services, needs can be converted into wants such that a need for food may be converted into a want for a particular brand of chocolate. Sometimes the want is not essential but the higher up the hierarchy of needs we go, the more a want becomes essential to maintain our social standing, esteem or to realize our personal goals. Our requirements may therefore include such wants – what we would like to have but are not essential for survival.


In growing their business organizations create a demand for their products and services but far from the demand arising from a want that is essential to maintain our social standing, it is based on an image created for us by media advertising. We don’t need spring vegetables in the winter but because industry has created the organization to supply them, a demand is created that becomes an expectation. Spring vegetables have been available in the winter now for so long that we expect them to be available in the shops and will go elsewhere if they are not. But they are not essential to survival, to safety, to esteem or to realize our potential and their consumption may in fact harm our health because we are no longer absorbing the right chemicals to help us survive the cold winters. We might want it, even need it but it does us harm and there are plenty of organizations ready to supply us products that will harm us


Expectations are implied needs or requirements. They have not been requested because we take them for granted – we regard them to be understood within our particular society as the accepted norm. They may be things to which we are accustomed, based on fashion, style, trends or previous experience. One therefore expects sales staff to be polite and courteous, electronic products to be safe and reliable, policemen to be honest, coffee to be hot, etc. One would like politicians to be honest but in some countries we have come to expect them to be corruptible, dishonest or, at least, economical with the truth! As expectations are also born out of experience, some people might expect businessmen to be corruptible and selfish and it comes as no surprise to read about long drawn out court cases involving fraud and deceit. Likewise, after frequent poor service from a train operator, our expectations are that the next time we use that train operator, we will once again be disappointed.


摘自《ISO9000 Quanlity System handbook》

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