

泡在奶味里1年前 (2023-12-15)阅读数 5#综合百科

Differential reinforcement is a broader term covering several approaches to adjusting maladaptive behaviors.


DRI (differential reinforcement of incompatible behaviors) attempts to replace a problem target behavior with an adaptive behavior that cannot be performed at the same time.

DRA (differential reinforcement of alternative behaviors) rewards choosing alternative behaviors over a maladaptive behavior, although both could be performed at the same time.

DRO (differential reinforcement of other behavior) rewards the absence of the maladaptive behavior.

DRL (differential reinforcement of low rates of behavior) rewards lowered rates of maladaptive behaviors rather than seeking to extinguish the target behavior altogether.

The 4 Types of Differential Reinforcement


There are four basic types of differential reinforcement .


1. Differential reinforcement of incompatible behaviors (DRI): ?This approach to reinforcement uses a behavior that is “incompatible” with the targeted problem behavior. By causing a client to perform the incompatible behavior, they are unable to perform the problem behavior. Over time, this lowers the rates of that incompatible behavior. For example, if a child is drawing, they cannot also be chewing their fingernails.

1.不兼容行为的区别强化(DRI) : 这种强化方法使用与目标问题行为“不兼容”的行为。通过使客户端执行不兼容的行为,它们就无法执行问题行为。随着时间的推移,这会降低这种不兼容行为的发生率。例如,如果一个孩子在画画,他们就不能同时咀嚼他们的指甲。

2. Differential reinforcement of alternative behaviors (DRA): ?This method involves removing a problem behavior by reinforcing the adaptive, alternative behavior. However, the adaptive behavior probably will not be incompatible with the targeted behavior, so theoretically, a child with autism could perform both behaviors at the same time. Ideally, the reward for the alternative behavior is high enough that the targeted behavior becomes less desirable or reinforced.

2.区别强化可选择行为(DRA) : 这种方法包括通过强化适应性的可选择行为来消除问题行为。然而,这种适应行为可能与目标行为并不矛盾,因此,理论上,自闭症儿童可以同时表现出这两种行为。理想情况下,替代行为的回报足够高,目标行为变得不那么可取或强化。

For example, a parent may request that their child pick up their toys in the living room instead of watching television. Theoretically, the child could still pay some attention to the television while picking up toys, but cleaning up their toys is the alternative behavior to just watching TV.


3. Differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO): ?This approach? rewards the child when they are not performing targeted behaviors ?rather than choosing alternatives to distract from the targeted behavior. For example, if a child bites their fingernails, their ABA therapist may reward them for every 10-second interval that they do not engage in this behavior. By doing this, the child may associate the lack of this targeted behavior with feeling good rather than the stimulation of the targeted behavior feeling good.

3.区别强化其他行为(DRO) : 这种方法奖励孩子,当他们没有执行目标行为,而不是选择替代品,以分散目标行为。例如,如果一个孩子的问题行为时咬指甲, ABA 治疗师可能会奖励他们每10秒的间隔,如果他们没有出现咬指甲这个行为。通过这样做,孩子可能会把不要指甲这种有针对性的行为与感觉良好联系起来,而不是把咬指甲这种针对性的行为与感觉良好联系起来。

There are two subtypes of DRO. These are:

DRO 有两个亚型,分别为:

a.? Interval , when reinforcement is given only after a specific amount of time passes.


b.? Momentary , when reinforcement is given at a specific moment in time if the targeted behavior is not performed.


4. Differential reinforcement of low rates of behavior (DRL): ?Like DRO, DRL involves a reward when a behavior does not occur, although DRL focuses on lower rates of targeted behaviors. Ultimately, by rewarding less frequent occurrences of the behavior, or less severe instances of the behavior, the ABA therapist hopes to keep target behaviors minimal enough that they are not disruptive to the person’s life and perhaps extinguish the behavior if possible.

4.区别强化低行为率(DRL) : 与 DRO 一样,DRL 在行为没有发生时也包含奖励,尽管 DRL 侧重于较低的目标行为率。最终,通过奖励较少频繁发生的行为,或者不那么严重的行为,ABA 治疗师希望将目标行为保持在最低限度,这样它们就不会破坏个人的生活,如果可能的话,也许还能消除这种行为。

There are three types of DRL.

有三种类型的 DRL。


a.? Full session: ?Reinforcement is provided to the child only if the behavior was displayed at a rate deemed appropriate by the ABA therapist, for the entire therapy session.

整个疗程: 在整个疗程中,只有当孩子的行为表现出 ABA 治疗师认为合适的频率时,才会对孩子进行强化。

b.? Interval:? As in DRO, reinforcement is provided if the behavior was displayed at or below appropriate levels for a specific amount of time.

B. 间隔时间: 与DRO一样,如果行为在特定时间内显示在适当水平或低于适当水平,则提供增援。

c.? Spaced responding: ?Reinforcement is given only after the behavior is displayed after a set amount of time has passed between the previous instance and the current instance of the behavior.

间隔响应: 只有在前一个实例和行为的当前实例之间经过一定时间后,行为才会显示出来,才会给出强化。

An example of DRL occurs when a child gets up and walks away from homework several times. The parent helping the child with their homework wants the child to feel like they can take breaks when necessary but needs to provide boundaries around what “necessary” means.

有关DRL 的一个例子,一个小朋友在做家庭作业的时候会站起来并且离开几次。帮助孩子完成家庭作业的父母希望孩子觉得他们可以在必要的时候休息一下,但是他们需要在“必要”这个问题上划清界限。

With guidance from an ABA therapist, the parent may tell the child that they can get up five times while they complete their homework. After that, they are not allowed to get up again.

在 ABA 治疗师的指导下,父母可能会告诉孩子,在他完成作业的时候,他们可以站起来五次。在那之后,他们不允许再站起来。

Research Supports Differential Reinforcement?研究支持差异强化

Each of these four types of differential reinforcement focuses on reducing or eliminating a target behavior, which is typically a maladaptive behavior. ABA therapists can use each of these types of differential reinforcement together in a treatment plan, but some types overlap more readily than others.

这四种类型的区别强化都侧重于减少或消除目标行为,这通常是一种不适应的行为。ABA 治疗师可以在治疗计划中同时使用这些类型中的每一种差异强化,但是有些类型比其他类型更容易重叠。

With DRA and DRI , targeted maladaptive behaviors decrease because there is reinforcement of adaptive behaviors and withholding of any type of reinforcement, including negative reinforcement, for the maladaptive behavior. This can be tricky and may require some analysis on the part of the ABA therapist to understand how the client interacts with teachers, parents, siblings, or caregivers.

使用 DRA 和 DRI,目标不适应行为减少,因为有适应行为的强化和抑制任何类型的强化,包括负强化,对不适应行为。这可能很棘手,可能需要 ABA 治疗师进行一些分析,以了解客户如何与老师、父母、兄弟姐妹或照顾者互动。

For example, if a parent yells at a child to stop chewing on their fingernails, this may accidentally reinforce the maladaptive behavior through high emotional intensity, attention from the parent, or other factors. Instead, gently removing the hand from the child’s mouth can be the only attention paid to this activity. Then, the child may be distracted into using their hands for something else, which is a DRI technique, or rewarded for choosing a healthier alternative than chewing their fingernails, which is a DRA technique.

例如,如果父母对孩子大喊停止咀嚼他们的指甲,这可能意外地通过高度的情绪强度、来自父母的关注或其他因素加强了不适应行为。相反,轻轻地把手从孩子的嘴上移开,可能是对这个活动的唯一关注。然后,孩子可能会分心,使用他们的手做其他事情,这是一种 DRI 技术,或奖励选择一个更健康的替代品,而不是咀嚼他们的指甲,这是一种 DRA 技术。

Scientific research shows that differential reinforcement tactics are evidence-based and do work to adjust behaviors to more adaptive actions.? A study published in 2010 ?involving seven children with developmental disorders used DRA specifically, without an extinction component. The researchers adjusted the duration of the alternative behavior, the quality of the alternative behavior, the delay, and a combination of all three.

科学研究表明,差异强化策略是以证据为基础的,可以调整行为以适应更多的适应行动。2010年发表的一项研究涉及7名患有发育障碍的儿童,该研究专门使用了 DRA,没有涉及削弱的内容。研究人员调整了选择行为的持续时间,选择行为的质量,延迟,以及三者的组合。

Behavior was often sensitive to manipulations, but the most important part of the study showed that several approaches to reinforcing the appropriate behavior helped to reduce the rate of the target behavior more often than one approach alone.


ABA Therapists Often Use Differential Reinforcement

ABA 治疗师经常使用差异强化

Differential reinforcement is an important tool for ABA therapists. Using these techniques can help them monitor rates of behavioral change over time in an objective way. By dividing target behaviors up into timed or monitored instances, the ABA therapist can see if one or more of these interventions work to reduce maladaptive behaviors. Then, based on that information, they can understand if they must adjust their treatment plan.

区别强化是 ABA 治疗师的重要工具。使用这些技术可以帮助他们以一种客观的方式监测随着时间的推移行为变化的速度。通过将目标行为划分为定时的或监控的实例,ABA 治疗师可以看到这些干预措施中的一个或多个是否起到了减少不适应行为的作用。然后,根据这些信息,他们可以理解是否必须调整他们的治疗计划。

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