
a lawyer; a barrister , a counsel , an attorney 有什么区别?

一语惊醒梦中人1年前 (2023-12-15)阅读数 7#综合百科


These nouns denote persons who practice law.


1、Lawyer is the general and most comprehensive termfor one authorized to give legal advice to clients and to plead cases in a court of law:

Lawyer 是最普通和广泛的术语,用来指授权给委托人提供法律咨询并在法庭上为其辩护的人:

called her lawyer after the automobile accident.


2、Attorney is often used interchangeably withlawyer, but in a narrower senseit denotes a legal agent for a client in the transaction of business:

Attorney 通常可与lawyer 互换, 但从更狭的意义上说,它指在商业事务中代表委托人的法律代理:

Corporate attorneys negotiated the new contract.


3、Counselor and counsel are terms for persons who give legal advice and serve as trial lawyers;

Counselor 和counsel 两词指的是提供法律咨询并担任出庭律师的人。

counsel also applies to a team of lawyers employed in conducting a case:

counsel 还指被雇佣参与案件审理的一群律师:

Ms. Barnes is counselor for the defense.


A table has been reserved for the defense counsel during the trial.


a lawyer; a barrister , a counsel , an attorney 有什么区别?

4、Barrister refers principally to a British trial lawyer:

Barrister 主要用来指英国的出庭律师:

The defense is represented by a barrister from Leeds. In England asolicitor is a lawyer whose practice is devoted largely to serving as a legal agent, representing clients in lower courts,and preparing cases for barristers to try in superior courts;in the United States the term denotes the chief law officer of a city, town, or governmental department:

被告由一位来自利兹的律师代理。 在英格兰,Solicitor 是指其业务主要为充当法律代理的律师, 在低级法院中代表委托人,在高级法院审理中作为出庭律师准备案卷。在美国,这个词指代城市、城镇或政府部门中的总法务官:

5、Solicitors for the squire handled the sale of his extensive lands.


The case will be presented by the Solicitor General.


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