

小肉包1年前 (2023-12-16)阅读数 9#综合百科

What is the difference and relation between culture and civilization?

“文化”的英文是culture ,“文明”的英文是civilization ,两者既有区别又有联系。


"Culture" English is culture, "civilization" English is civilization, both of them have differences and connections.


On the relationship between civilization and culture, the academic circles mainly has the following 3 kinds of opinions:

其一,文化和文明没有多大差别,甚至可以说,两者是同义的。 不少人类学家和民族学家持这种意见,尤其在19世纪,英法两国把“文化”与“文明”视为同义词,认为两者的意义几乎等同,如英国人类学之父泰勒在1871年出版的《原始文化》一书把文化与文明连在一起,他说:“就广义的民族学意义来说,文化或文明,是一个复合的丛体,它包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风俗,以及作为社会成员的一分子所获得的全部能力和习惯。”

First, there is not much difference between culture and civilization, and even can be said that, the two are synonymous. Many anthropologists and ethnographers hold such views, especially in nineteenth Century, Britain and France to "culture" and "civilization" as synonyms, think the meaning of both is almost equal, such as a Book of the father of Anthropology of Taylor in the 1871 edition of "primitive culture" the culture and civilization together, he said: "the sense of Ethnology in broad sense, culture or civilization, is a composite of plexus body, which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and full capacity as a member of society members have received and habits."


Second, the cultural civilization, namely the concept of culture contains more widely than civilization.

不少学者认为,文明是文化的最高形式或高等形式。文明是在文字出现、城市形成和社会分工之后形成的。尤其在历史学和考古学界,普遍认为文明是较高的文化发展阶段。如英国考古学家柴尔德(Vere Gordon Childe)的《社会进化》(Social Evolution,1951)和克拉克(G. Clark)的《从野蛮到文明》(From Savagery to Civilization,1946)均持这一观点。

Many scholars think, civilization is the highest form of culture or a higher form of. After the formation of civilization is to appear in the text, the formation of the city and the social division of labor. Especially in the history and archaeology, is generally believed that civilization is the higher stage of cultural development. As the British archaeologist Child (Vere Gordon Childe) of "social evolution" (Social Evolution, 1951) and Clark (G. Clark) of "from barbarism to civilization" (From Savagery to Civilization, 1946) are holding this view.


In recent decades, in France and the two countries -- Britain more than France, have to 'cultural' instead of 'civilization' tendency." Civilization "seems to refer to a more advanced, more developed form of culture, or a special means of city culture." In Britain and France and other countries, like to use the word "culture", although they also have used the word "culture".

其三,文化和文明是属性不同的两个部分。 有些学者认为,文明是物质文化,文化是精神文化和社会文化。在20世纪之前,德国传统的看法普遍认为,文化包括人的价值、信仰、道德、理想、艺术等因素;而文明仅包括技术、技巧和物质的因素。如德国文化社会学家艾尔夫雷德.韦伯(Alfred Weber,1868—1958)认为:“文化与文明的分别,便是文明是‘发明’出来的,而文化是‘创造’出来的。发明的东西可以传授,可以从一个民族传授到另一个民族,而不失其特性;可以从这一代传到那一代,而依然保存其用途。凡自然科学及物质的工具等等,都可目为文明。”“文化既是创造的,所以它是一个地方一个时代的民族性的表现,只有在一定时间与空间内,能保存其原有的意义,别个地方的人,如抄袭过去,总会把原意失去的。凡宗教、哲学、艺术等,都是属于文化一类的。”他所说的文明即是科学技术及其发明物,而文化则是伦理、道德和艺术等。 日本一些学者也持这一观点。如伊东俊太郎认为,文明是物质的,文化是精神的。两者应结合起来,物质丰富与精神充实的人才是真正的人。文明具有扩散的性质,文化具有凝聚的性质。

Third, culture and civilization are two different partial attribute. Some scholars think, civilization is the material culture, culture is the spirit of culture and social culture. Before twentieth Century, the German tradition view thinks generally, culture consists of value, belief, ideal, morality, art and other factors of human civilization; and only includes the factors of technology, techniques and materials. Such as the German Cultural sociologists Alfred Webb (Alfred Weber, 1868 - 1958): "that were culture and civilization, is the civilization is the 'invention' out, and culture is the 'create' out. The invention of things can teach, can teach from a nation to another nation, without losing their characteristics; can from this generation to the generation, but still retains its use. All natural science and physical tools and so on, can be as a civilization." "Culture is created, it is a place where an era of national performance, only in a certain time and space, can keep its original meaning, not local people, such as copying the past, always put the original intent of the lost. All religion, philosophy, art and so on, all belong to a class of." He said the civilization that is science and technology and inventions, and the culture is ethical, moral and art etc.. Some Japanese scholars also hold this view. As Ito Juntaro thought, civilization is the material, culture is the spirit of the. The two should be combined, rich material and spiritual enrichment of talents is the real man. With diffusion properties of civilization, culture has condensed nature.


The above three viewpoints, second more in line with the facts, namely the generalized concept of culture including culture, the difference between the two is mainly manifested in the following aspects:


(1) culture usually should be relative and natural, and the civilization and savage corresponding.

(2)从时间上来看,文化的产生早于文明的产生,可以说,文明是文化发展到一定阶段中形成的。在原始时代,只有文化,而没有文明,一般称原始时代的文化为 “原始文化”,而不说“原始文明”。因此,学术界往往把文明看作是文化的最高形式或高等形式。

(2) from the time point of view, culture produced early in the creation of the civilization, can say, civilization is the cultural development to a certain stage in the formation of. In primitive times, only the culture, but no civilization, commonly known as "primitive culture and primitive culture", instead of "primitive civilization". Therefore, the academic circles tend to civilization is considered as the highest form of culture or a higher form of.


(3) from space, there is no clear boundary of civilization, it is a cross national, cross border; and broad culture refers to the culture of all human beings, relative concept of culture refers to a nation or community culture.


(4) from the morphological point of view, cultural emphasis on spirit and norms, and emphasis on the material and technological civilization. Civilization is easy to compare and measure, is easy to distinguish between high and low, such as ancient Egypt, Pyramid, Chinese the Great Wall of Qin Dynasty Terracotta Army, so civilization in archaeology, the most widely used; and it is difficult to compare the culture, because the values of different nationalities, and the value is relative. As the material and cultural civilization is the accumulation and diffusion, such as traffic tools, different times has invented the carriage, car, train, plane etc. until now still existed. Moreover, an invention once made, it will quickly spread to all over the world; and as the spiritual culture (norms, values and other patterns of behavior and thinking mode) is a non cumulative and condensation.

(5) from the point of view of the person who bearing, bearing culture is a national or ethnic, national or ethnic groups each have their own culture. The civilization is different, the load bearing is a region, a civilized region may contain several ethnic groups or countries, such as the Western civilization, including many Christian countries. We can say "Chinese civilization", but don't say "Han civilization", and said "the Han culture". It also shows that the "civilization" with the national or regional, "culture" has the national characteristic. In addition, a country can also contain a plurality of civilization. For example Chinese, and there's not a Confucian civilization, but there are three major civilization: the Confucian civilization, Islamic civilization and Tibetan Buddhism civilization.


(6) from the perspective of history, the formation and the state of a civilization is closely related to the formation of general history, is to establish national only then has the possibility to create their own civilization, but not established national usually only culture, failed to form their own independent civilization.


(7) dynamic civilization is obvious, with the development of history and the development progress, such as the material civilization, the biggest change; and the performance is not necessarily in the norms, ethics, moral aspects of culture, changes slowly.


(8) from the semantic perspective, "culture" is neutral, the use of a very wide scope; and civilization is the praise of, use of narrow range. For example, it can be said that the wine culture, food culture, clothing culture, but don't say "wine culture", "food culture" and "civilized fashion".


According to, civilization is a broad cultural category, "civilization" and "culture" are some differences in meaning, in some conditions can be replaced, in some conditions can not replace.

童鞋,根据我的理解,这两个概念不是完全可以分开的,而是有交集的。主要区别在于co-culture的定义可能更加严格。co-culture暗示了人为的设计和控制。而mixed culture单纯地指culture之中并不是单一的细胞群,至于为何如此可能是多种原因。

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