

小肉包1年前 (2023-12-16)阅读数 7#综合百科



Hao: Good morningmadam. What can I get you? Hao: 早上好,您要点什么?

Jenny: I’d like a coffee please. Jenny: 我要一杯咖啡。

Hao: Certainly madam, what kind of coffee would you like?Hao: 您要哪一种?

Jenny: What have you got? Jenny: 你们都有什么?

Hao: Well we have espresso, cappuccino, latte, skinnylatte or americano.

Hao: 我们有义式浓缩咖啡,花式咖啡,拿铁咖啡,脱脂拿铁咖啡或美式咖啡。

Jenny: Goodness me! What a choice! I think I’ll have acappuccino please

Jenny: 这么多种类! 请给我一杯花式咖啡吧。

Hao: Here you are. You’ll find the sugar just over there.Hao: 给您,砂糖就在那边。

Ling: Would you like something to drink? Ling: 你想喝点什么?

Jenny: Yes please. Do you have any teas? Jenny: 好的,你们有茶吗?

Ling: Of course we have lots of teas?Ling: 当然,我们有很多。

Jenny: What do you recommend?Jenny: 你给推荐一种吧?

Ling: What about a green tea or perhaps a jasminetea? Ling: 你看绿茶或茉莉花茶,怎么样?

Jenny: What’s this one? Jenny: 这是什么?

Ling: That’s Oolong tea – it’s a Cantonesetea. Ling: 这是乌龙茶-是一种广东茶。

Jenny: Ok, I’ll try that. Jenny: 好吧,我想试试。

What can I get you? 你要点什么?

What have you got? 你们有什么?

What do you recommend? 你给推荐一下好吗?

I’ll try that. 我来试试那个。

问候语:早上/中午/下午好,**先生,****,**女士。 Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam.

先生/**,请问有预定吗? Have you made areservation, sir/madam?

Do you have reservations?

请问您需要一张几人台?/请问一共几个人? How many are there in your party?

请问您喜欢中餐还是西餐? What would you like, Chinese food orWestern food?


How would you like your dinner, buffet or a la carte?

We’ve got buffet and it costs 38 Yuan per person.

请坐! Please take yourseats.

请您稍候,我马上为您安排。 Please wait for a moment. I’ll arrangefor you at once.

请先看一下菜单。 Here is the menu.

请一直往前走。 Please walk along this road.

请在这里稍候,我为您查询一下。 Please wait here a moment. I’ll checkfor you.

请向左/右边转,您会看到*** Please turnleft/right and you will see ***

我带您过去,请跟我来。 I’ll lead you there. Step this way, please.

请乘坐电梯/自动扶梯。 Please take theelevator/escalator.


Thank you for coming. Welcome come again. See you./Goodbye. See you tomorrow.

1. 先生/女士/**,早上/中午/下午好。

Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam.


What kind of teas would you like? We have brown tea, green tea, puer tea,jasmine tea and oolong tea.

先生/**,请用茶,毛巾。 Here is yourtea/the towel, sir/madam.

我能为您点菜吗? May I take your order now?

请问,您用餐时需要些什么饮料? What kind of drink would you like withyour meal?

请问现在可以上菜了吗? May I serve your dishes now?

请问还需要些什么? What else would you like? / Is there anythingelse you need?

您的菜上齐了,请慢用! Enjoy your dinner.


Here is your drink/wine/beer, sir/madam. May I open it for you now?

对不起,打扰了,请原谅! Excuse me!

我可以撤掉这个盘子吗? Can I take this dish/plate away?

对不起,请再说一遍。 I’m sorry, could you say it again? / Pardon?

对不起,我没听清,请再重复一遍可以吗? Sorry, I haven’t got it. Could yousay it again?

对不起,让您久等了。 I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.

很抱歉,请原谅。 I’m sorry.

给您带来不便,请原谅。 Sorry to have troubled you.

请问先生/**,可以上果盘了吗? Excuse me, mayI serve the fruit now?

请用水果。 Enjoy the fruit.

先生,这是您的账单。 Here is your bill, sir.

谢谢!希望您吃得满意。 Thank you. I hope you enjoy your dinner.

感谢您的光临,欢迎您下次再来。 Thank you for your coming. Welcome comeagain.

谢谢,请慢走。欢迎您再次光临! Thank you. Welcome come again.


Thanks, but we can’t take the tip. Thank you very much.

这是我应该做的。 It’s my pleasure!

为您服务我很荣幸! It’s my honor to serve you.


自助餐:您喜欢几成熟的鸡蛋? How would you like the eggs done?


What would you like, salt, pepper or sugar, sir/Madam?


What would you like, cream or ketchup sir/Madam?

请问先生,我可以清理桌子吗? Can Iclean the table, sir?

您认为这个汤可口吗? Do you like this soup?


I’m sorry, sir. We haven’t got the coffee without sugar or milk.


Please wait for a moment. I’ll change another clean towel for you.


我们有各式批萨/汉堡/沙律。 We’ve got all kinds of pizza/hamburger and salad?

餐前您需要一些开胃酒吗?/开胃小吃吗? Would youlike appetizers before dinner?

圣诞节快乐/新年快乐/新年好! Merry Christmas/Happy New Year!

祝您生日快乐! Happy Birthday!

祝您愉快! Happiness is withyou!

Caffè Mocha 摩卡

Caramel Macchiato 焦糖玛奇朵

Caffè Americano 美式

Caffè Latte 拿铁

Cappuccino 卡布奇诺

espresso 特浓咖啡

Caramel Coffee Jelly 焦糖吉利

Vanilla Frappuccino香草星冰乐

coffee Frappuccino咖啡星冰乐

mocha Frappuccino 摩卡星冰乐

Frappuccino? Blended Tea 芒果茶星冰乐

Decaf 脱因咖啡

non-fat 脱脂牛奶


大果咖啡 Coffea liberica

中果咖啡 Coffea canephora

小果咖啡 Coffea arabica

高产咖啡 Coffea dewevrei


英文coffee 别名小粒种又称阿拉伯种,



常见的主要有2种:Arabica 和Robusta。





看吧!A piece of cake.(轻而易举)已经带你到咖啡店,剩下看你罗!


问候语: 你可以回答:


"How are you?"

"How's everything?"

"How are you doing?"

"Good morning( afternoon; evening)." "Fine. Thank you."

"Great. Thank you."

"Very well. Thanks."

"Fine, thank you, and you?"

应用初中所学的英文就可以轻松对答了,要记得保持微笑(Keep smiling)和礼貌(Be polite)

接着,侍者会问你有几位要用餐? 只须用简单的英文数字即可。

"For how many people?" "A table for one; two; three..........."


"Smoke or non-smoke?"吸烟区或非吸烟区。

至今你都表现的不错,当你舒服坐在椅子上,waiter (waitress)也给你一份菜单(menu),翻开它,成堆的英文只看得懂"coffee",算了,闭起眼睛随便点一个好了!(别这麽自暴自弃)其实只要说"coffee",你就可以喝到咖啡水(原谅我如此形容,不过味道真的淡如水。)


A.一般咖啡 : 单品(single estate)+综合(blend)

single estate:

blend: Hawaiian Kona 夏威夷科那 Colombian 哥伦比亚

Mocha 摩卡 Brazilian 巴西

Mendeling 曼特宁 Kenya AA 肯亚特极

Java 爪哇 Kilimonjaro 吉利马扎罗

Blue Mountain 蓝山

有各种不同口味,视店家作本日咖啡 everyday blend

B.花式咖啡 : 加入各种口味的糖浆(syrup);鲜奶油(whipped cream)少许酒

Irish coffee 爱尔兰咖啡

Vienna coffee 维也纳咖啡

Ice Coffee也算花式咖啡一种,但在国外较少见°

Frapuccino 法布奇诺

Caffé Frio 冰沙咖啡

C.意式咖啡 (Italian coffee) :

加入蒸牛奶(steamed milk) Caffé Latte 拿铁(奶量较多)

Cappuccino 卡布其诺

Mochaccino 摩卡其诺(加巧克力酱)

基本作底 Espresso 分为单份浓度(Single)和双份浓度(Double)

D.Decaf低咖啡因咖啡 :

嗯~~,选好咖啡之后,眼角瞄到玻璃柜中那些精致的糕饼,看起来真美味!(Look so delicious!)把Menu翻到甜点(Dessert)那页,节食(on a diet)?唉!回去再说吧!

蛋糕类(Cake) 巧克力口味比斯考提(Biscotti) 松糕类(Muffin)

Cheese Cake 起士蛋糕 ~~~ 咖啡店经典蛋糕

Sponge Cake 海绵蛋糕

Chiffon Cake 戚风蛋糕

Vanilla Cream Cake 香草奶油蛋糕

Marbled Chocolate

Cheese Cake 大理石蛋糕

Chocolate Cake 巧克力蛋糕

Black Forest Cake 黑森林蛋糕

Swiss Chocolate 瑞士巧克力蛋糕

White Chocolate Cake 白巧克力蛋糕


Hawaii Nut 夏威夷坚果口味


Banana 香蕉

Lemon 柠檬

Vanilla 香草

Strawberry 草莓

Chocolate 巧克力


Blueberry 蓝莓

Cranberry 蔓越莓Raspberry 覆盆莓

甜甜圈(Doughnut) 派类(Pie) 格子松饼(Waffle) 英式酥饼(Scone)

Plain Doughnut 原味甜甜圈

Jelly Doughnut 果酱甜甜圈

Chocolate Doughnut 巧克力甜甜圈

Powdered Sugar

Doughnut 糖粉甜甜圈

Apple Pie 苹果派

Lemon Pie 柠檬派

Pecan Pie 核桃派

Cherry Pie 樱桃派

Boston Pie 波士顿派

Cinnamon 肉桂

Pancake 是一种薄薄一片的煎饼,一份叁至四片,沾糖浆或奶油° 呈叁角型,烤后热热酥酥的很好吃!

Butter 奶油

Chocolate 巧克力

Cranberry 蔓越莓

卷类(Roll) 塔类(Tart) 贝果(Bagel) 其他

Miniature Danish

Roll 丹麦卷

Raisin Roll 葡萄乾卷

Maple Cinnamon

Roll 枫糖肉桂卷

Caramel 焦糖卷

Fruit Tart 水果塔

Strawberry Tart 草莓塔

Lemon Tart 柠檬塔国外常吃的圆形面包,切开涂抹酱料°

Plain 原味

Herb 药草

Garlic 大蒜

Wheat 全麦

Cranberry 蔓越莓

Blueberry 蓝莓 Rice Pudding


Custard Pudding 鸡蛋牛奶布丁

Cream Brulee 奶油松露一种法式甜点


你可以回答: May I take your order? Sorry, I am not ready yet. (实在太难抉择,还没决定好°)

Yes, I would like............

Yes, I will take...............

yes, I will have...............


当点餐时,尽量避免用"WANT"这个字,因为太强烈有些不礼貌的感觉。而一杯咖啡为 A cup of coffee ; 一片蛋糕为 A piece of cake.



接下来,就痴痴的等待餐点送来吗?Come on!别浪费时间,看看桌上的摆设,通常放有奶精和糖或是糖浆。

牛奶 Whole Milk(全脂); Low Fat Milk(低脂); Skim Milk(脱脂);Cream 鲜奶油

糖 White Sugar(白糖); Brown Sugar(黄糖); Sweetener(代糖)

糖浆 Syrup 有很多口味: Maple(枫糖);Almond(杏仁); Strawberry, Blueberry......



Check, please! 请买单! 对吗,要先付钱唷。


侍者会问:Credit card or Cash? 信用卡或现金?



(Instant Coffee), 然后再回来,好好学英文!

Relax and enjoy your coffee!!!

Ivy : This is romantic. How did you find this place?

Ted: I came here frequently when I was in college. This is a nice place to relax and to chat with friends.

Ivy : It's hard to find a quiet place like this downtown.

Ted: The service here is good, too.

lvy: And it's cheap.

Ted: Well. not so cheap, but not too expensive either.

lvy: They even have a band. What do they perform?

Ted: All kinds of music. Jazz, Rock & Roll, and anything you can think of during the night, they usually have a violinist.

Ivy : I can almost hear the violin. Soft and sweet.

Ted : When the sky is clear, you can see the moon shining and the stars twinkling. If you close your eyes, you can feel the breeze blowing gently. It's really an enjoyment.

lvy: Can we stay here till evening?

Ted: Some other time, Ivy. My parents want to meet you this afternoon.

lvy: Ted! Why didn't you tell me on the phone? I can't meet them like this I didn't wear any makeup and this dress is too casual. Above all, I'm not prepared to meet them.

Ted : You look just as lovely as usual. Don't worry. I like the way you are. They'll like you, too.

lvy : But.... well, I hope they won't think I'm sloppy.

Ted : They won't. Waiter! The bill, please....Let's go. They're waiting at home.

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