RAFAEL TEIXEIRA·2021年4月21日周三
意大利广播电台11.11对凯史先生的采访摘录 2021年04月14日
K- 你可以用不同的方式来看待它,而不是我们看待它的方式。我从科学的角度看它。首先你要明白,我不是一个宗教的人,因为当你深入了解创造的知识时,宗教就成为科学的一部分。当你理解了这些知识,你就可以用科学来解释宗教。但在宗教的世界里,他们只谈论精神、灵魂、天堂和地狱,以及造物主(期望你相信他们所说的)这都是好的,但是当你不明白这些真正的意思时,那么他们就可以用这些辞藻践踏你(滥用)。
在科学的世界里,我们解释说必须有一个源头,我们把这个源头称为 "原则",或者一个创造者,也有人称它为上帝,当源头从它本身到一个点,我们称之为 "过渡",当它到达某个地方的某一点时,然后在与另一个环境和其他场的相互作用中,它将自己表现为某种东西,当它变得明显时我们称之为 "物质",我们可以看到、感觉到和探测到的物质。
K- 现在你明白了灵魂和精神之间的区别。这就是为什么神职人员或牧师永远无法回答我们的,现在我们通过科学知道了答案,在科学的方式上我们可以解释。
新的科学的美妙之处在于,我们再也不可能造假了,我们不能被神职人员再告知那些谎言,因为他们中的许多人甚至从未读过Book of God-神之书,他们只是编造他们所喜欢的事物,那么现在你明白了什么是灵魂,什么是精神。现在我们有了这些知识那我们就可以与他们来互动,我们可以在他们的强度上去创造出场去提升他们。
English Transcription:
Difference between Soul and Spirit -
Q: Antonia asked again some detail about the soul … what for you, how do see, how do you interpret soul and spirit? Q: Instead of spirit you can speak about consciousness.
K- There are different ways, then the way we look at it, or the way I look at it, from the scientific point of view. You got to understand, (1:02). I am not a man of religion, because when you go to the depth of the knowledge of creation, religion becomes part of the science. You understand what you call religion as part of the science, because then you can explain it. In the world of religion, they speak about the spirit, soul, heaven and hell, and they speak about the Creator. This is all good. Because when you don't understand it, they can abuse you with these words. But when you reach the cycle of understanding the process of creation, and you see the same process repeats itself in the same pattern, then you understand creation has a pattern. Cannot be any different, because the creation is created out of interaction of rivers of what we call, fields. If they be rivers of water, rivers of wind, but in reality the creation is from interaction of different M fields, and depends how strong they are, and depends how much of it, then it gives you different effects. It gives you different manifestations. But in different essence, all of them the process is the same. So in the world of science we explain, there has to be a source, we call it, a Principle, we call it a Creator, we call it a God. When this source travels from its source to a point, which is in transition, (1:04). and then at a certain point somewhere, in interaction with another environment, another fields, manifest's itself as something. So it becomes manifested, we call it, matter. We see it, we can detect it, we can feel it. So we have the sun, the rays of the sun as a source, travel the span of the solar system, in interaction with other things becomes pieces, becomes matter, matters come together creates planet earth, planet earth on condition of itself, creates life. And our life is another process for gathering some fields, then it manifests itself as a physicality of the man. So the process is always the same. The solar system has a sun, and then when it slows down, it appears as moon, earth, whatever.
So they cannot be any different for the body of the man. The body of the man has to have a sun, has to have a source, that the interaction of the field of this source with its environment, which is the earth's atmospheric condition, the womb of the mother, manifests itself as a physicality of the man. So if we have a solar system, which has got a sun in the center that it can manifest itself as a solar system, so the Soul of the Man (STM) has to be inside the body of the man. So whatever the priest, whatever religious people have been telling us, because they never understood by themselves, they were explained by the prophets, so the STM is inside the man, very powerful, it's a sun, and its interaction with the M field of the earth creates the physicality of the man. Sun has a soul of itself, and so the physicality of the earth has a soul of itself, so physicality of the man has a soul of itself. (1:06). The Soul of the Physicality (STP) we call it spirit. The STM inside the sun, is the soul. So we, the solar system has a sun, which has its own heartbeat, its own characteristics, travels the span of this solar system, cools down in the U, creates it shell, what we call the solar system, and in that slowing down creates earth, moon, whatever, and then moon, earth, sun, have their own soul, because they have their own existence, their own physicality.
So now you try to explain to me what is the soul and what is the spirit. The spirit of the man is the Soul of his (Physicality), is what runs our physicality, and the STM is in the center of the brain of the man. Now scientifically we can explain it, and because we know sun has a strength which makes the sun. Earth has a strength which makes the earth. We know the STM has a strength too. We can add to it, we can take from it, we can support it, and with that we support the STP of the man you call it the spirit. So it had to be explained. Now I leave it to you, and I go for a cup of tea by the time you finish.
Q: Wow!
K- Now you understand the difference between the soul and the spirit. This is why the priest, the clergy, could never answer us. Now we know the answer through science. Scientifically we can do it. That's why I can give a Gans that it elevates the soul of your physicality, (1:08). with it you interact with the STM, which you call the interaction of the two, the emotion. I can interact with your emotions, I can copy your emotions and elevate it. This is the beauty of the new science, we can't fake it anymore, we can't be told lies by clergy, whatever they want, because they themselves cannot even read the Book of God, they just made whatever they like. So now you understand what a soul is and what a spirit is. Now we have the knowledge, we can interact with them, we can create the fields which is their strength, to elevate them. So now you go and explain this to the Pope and see if he still stays a Pope, or he puts his hat down and says, yes, man has found his truth about himself.
Q: That would be nice..
K- If you go there, and see if your head is on your neck by the time you walk out.
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